Feeling pretty bummed

I thought I'd come here and try for some support. I get loads from my husband, but I feel like I need more. It's been a tough year, and I was hoping it was my year this year. I've been trying to lose weight since like 2009. I lost 70 lbs, but then got really stressed and learned I can't lose weight when I'm stressed. I then got pregnant again, and lost a bit more weight afterwards, Then I had a miscarriage and got pregnant with my third. He was born in January, and have been trying to lose weight since then. I'm feeling mad today because of how it's not working this time. I'm getting over a third miscarriage in July. Most people don't know about my third miscarriage, so I don't talk to anyone about it. Anyways, my son called me fat today. Not out malice, he was just being an honest 6 year old, but still. I guess I don't know what I'm expecting here. Maybe just to talk to someone cause I don't have anyone but my husband, and he's heard it all over and over again, Bless his heart. Anyways, thanks for reading. I'm sure I'll feel better soon.



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I am sorry about your miscarriages. Are you getting enough sleep? Do you have help around the house?
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    Are you nursing? For me it was almost impossible to lose while I was nursing. When I stopped I was able to lose at a reasonable rate.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    We all have up and down days. Today is your down day. Tomorrow will be better, just hang in there.

    I am sorry to hear of your miscarriages, but am glad you have 3 healthy children. Just remember that HE will not give you more than you can handle.

    You are in the right place, you are working your way to being healthy. It's a long road for all of us who are trying to loose weight, but I know it will be worth the trip!

    Take a few moments, I know they are far and few between with little ones, maybe do some stretching to relieve the frustration and tension you are feeling. Or, just sit quietly and think of nothing--absolutely nothing. Take some long deep breaths, holding it in for just a few seconds and then exhale. Let everything leave your mind and just let it ALL go. You will be amazed at how much better you feel just taking that little bit of time for yourself. Repeat as necessary! :happy:

    I saw this quote from another MFP member - "If you are sick of starting over, stop giving up!". I really liked that quote and thought it might inspire you.

    I hope this helps.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Are you nursing? For me it was almost impossible to lose while I was nursing. When I stopped I was able to lose at a reasonable rate.

    It was the opposite for me. I nursed three children, the first two were 16 mo apart and then the last one was 2 years apart. The weight seemed to fall off while I was nursing. Of course that was many, many moons ago!
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    No, I'm not nursing. He weaned himself at around 4 or 5 months old. (He's 7 months old now) I have help for the next month. My husband has been home since he was born, but is going back to work in October barring some sort of miracle.

    No, I don't sleep well, but it doesn't have anything to do with my kids. I've struggled with sleep for years. Plus, now I'm writing a novel, and have been up late hours.

    I know HE won't give me more than I can handle. But I would just like to feel good for a while. It's been a long time that I haven't felt good, what with the miscarriage, then tough pregnancy and now another miscarriage. I don't think my last one has really hit me yet. I was in denial about it for a while, and now I guess it would feel stupid to mourn something that happened so long ago, if that makes any sense.

    I know I'll feel better soon. Thank you guys for talking with me.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    No, it is absolutely not stupid to mourn something that happened just a few months ago. If you haven't mourned, you haven't mourned. You have been through the mourning process before, but each time is different because you are in a different place in your life, different things going on. You have three little ones to look after and that's a lot so no wonder you haven't had time for it to sink in. There is never a wrong time to mourn, or a time limit for that matter! You feel what you feel and do what you need to do.

    Have you seen a doctor for the sleep issues? Sleep Apnea can cause sleeping problems, as well as a multitude of other things. I know you have three little ones, but can you nap when they nap? Not every time they nap, because I know there are things you want to do while they nap, but somethings gotta give. You need sleep, lack of sleep fuels a lot of things that can make you not feel well. I know I am not telling you anything you don't already know but maybe hearing it from someone on the outside that you don't know may some how help? Don't even know if that makes sense.

    I'm sorry I could not be of more help.
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    I think that I'm hesitant to really mourn because the miscarriage wasn't confirmed by a doctor. But having had two in the past, I'm so sure that it's what happened. I think part of me feels stupid in a way. Anyways, I'm not usually this negative. I'm a pretty positive person, but I've had the weepies because of that time of the month.

    My sleep issues aren't to do with sleep apnea. I've struggled with sleep for years. As soon as my kids go to bed, I get a burst of energy that lasts for hours. Ugh! I've even tried to go to bed before them. Didn't work. I'm fine. I do get to nap :) Some days I don't, but I definitely do when I can!!

    Just chatting with me is helping. Thanks so much!
  • barbaradetz
    barbaradetz Posts: 23 Member
    Try to keep on a regular sleep schedule and don't eat anything for at least three hours before you go to bed. This allows your heart to actually get rested while you sleep and you will have more energy during the day. Keeping a regular schedule is very important. Also, shut off all electronics in the room where you sleep. Those little standby lights keep your mind from truly resting. I know it seems like a small thing, but you will rest better in the complete darkness.
  • LoveHealth7
    Hey there!

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. :-) I get pretty down sometimes too and it can go one of four ways: Either I want to be alone, or I want to talk to someone face to face, or on the phone, or online. Usually I go for the in person or phone thing. Sometimes though I can't talk to my friends or family and the one thing that helps me is I call a helpline. I don't know where you live or else I could do a quick google search for helplines in that area, but they have national ones (I'm pretty sure). The one I call is a local one. (OH! They have them online as well, just chatting.)

    It's not bad once you get over the fact it is a stranger, someone that doesn't know you, and at first I feel a bit weird. But then I start talking and it's like they are there to listen and help you, and it gets much better.

    Most are confidential too.

    Take Care.
  • 21million
    21million Posts: 113 Member
    Maybe the baby needs glasses because all I am seeing here is a beautiful, strong woman with a heart of gold! Last thing I'd think is "fat."

    God bless.