fist day p90x

Hey guys. I tried to do the lean p90x about a year ago and it kicked my butt and i only did it for a week. Well know that i have excercise equipment i'm going to do the full thing, just did day 1 and i had to do most of the pushups on my knees. Is that normal to start on my knees?? I thought i was better at pushups cause i'm not in that terrible of shape but damn if i didn't face plant a few times. I was really struggling in the end to do the last part on my knees too, doing sets of like 10 maybe.

I'm going to keep it up of course but i might just conisder this a warmup week and push the other phases back a week


  • Devasation
    Devasation Posts: 145 Member
    Hey Buddy:

    First, yes, it's absolutely normal and expected that you hit your knees. I'm guessing you started a round of P90X classic, and Chest and Back just rocked your world.

    Don't worry. You will get better. It won't be easy, but barring injury, keep pushing play every day and progress will come. Before you know it, you'll be doing 20 to 30 push ups for each set.

    As for considering the first week a warm up week, I'd suggest against it. Just follow the program as it's laid out. You will progress, slowly but surely. Be patient.

    Now, the most important part: Nutrition. If you haven't counted calories before, and this is your first attempt at a healthier diet, then the P90X guidelines are a decent way to start. Your results are 80% diet.
  • buddyblakester
    hey thanks for the response.

    Yea after i'm letting it settle i'm sore but in a good way i guess. I've dabled in counting calories a few times but got a meal plan and heading to the store later today actually to prepare for the week. After reading some stuff and your post it looks like I really just need to make sure i keep pressing play haha, thanks!
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    Hi I'm planning on doing P90X once I've finished with insanity which is kicking my butt right now, I guess I'll be starting around mid October. Like the advice given just keep pressing play, somedays you won't want to but it is worth it, soreness is expected my legs have been obliterated lol

    Good luck and keep us posted on how you're getting on.
  • covens04
    covens04 Posts: 76 Member
    I agree. P90x can be tough to start with, but it gets better. I did p90x3 and lost about 15 pounds. Now I'm doing T25 and I'm down another 10 or so at least. What are you doing for nutrition? Logging all your calories? What's your calorie goal? I would shoot for around 2000 calories a day. Make sure you get your macros (proteins, carbs, and fats) in a good place as well! If you need anything else just keep asking questions!
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    I was insanely out of shape when I started p90x 3 months ago. I could barely do 10 push ups on my knees. I had a hard time just hanging on the pull up bar, nevermind actually lifting myself up. I kept with it, though, and after 3 months I've come a long way. I still have a lot more to accomplish, but I can do chin ups without a chair now and I can do about 10 real push ups before I have to resort to my knees.

    So basically, just stick with it! Even if you're really out of shape/can barely do the exercises, if you just stick with it improvement happens... and pretty fast too!
  • buddyblakester
    well you all made me feel better about my soreness haha. Especially cause i just got done doing plyometrics which kicked my butt but i feel good about completing it. I know i'll be hobbling around sore tomorrow for it though. They also talk about using their recovery drinks but from what i've read people say chocolate milk + a banana or something can sometimes do the trick as well.

    Other than that I was logging calories about a month back and have some staple foods i've been using when i was trying to do low calorie diet but i'm just adding more protein to it since according to their booklet they recommend a ton of it. tunafish lettuce wraps with tomatoes and hardboiled eggs, stirfrys with lots of chicken, chicken salads with tomatoes & green peppers & onions, egg salad sandwiches (might make it a lettuce wrap) and usually eggs and toast for breakfast. I'm only an intern right now where i work so my pay is pretty low so food on a budget is tough but i've done a little homework on it (i think)
  • covens04
    covens04 Posts: 76 Member
    How is p90x going? Still doing it? Hitting your goals? Keep me updated!