Lacking the drive

So I began my transition about a month ago. I went from being extremely sedentary and eating TONS of junk food to working out 5 days a week and eating a healthy, balanced diet. This lasted 3 weeks... Labor day weekend, my husband and I went camping - and that was it. I stopped working out, I continued to eat healthy - but I dropped from 5 meals a day to 1 (maybe 2).

When I was eating healthy and working out I felt GREAT!! I had tons of energy, I was very clear minded and I even enjoyed my workouts. Over the last week (of doing nothing and not eating properly) I have felt really meh, tired, cranky etc...

So I sit here, after just completing the groceries (full of healthy foods) gearing myself up to start all over again tomorrow. I'm having a real hard time getting motivated. I have literally gone from one extreme to the next... all in a matter of days!

What do you do to help keep yourself motivated, and not let things like camping trip up your routine?


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I stopped looking at it as "starting over" and just living life. There are times that we do things like camping trips, vacations, celebrations, or just a dang weekend where the fast food tastes too good. No big deal. Just don't let it set up a new pattern. Keep going with the healthy eating most of the time and enjoy the times that you don't without worrying.
  • frank6666
    frank6666 Posts: 48 Member
    I believe it's important to allow yourself one bad day from time to time (maybe once a week). I try to do good for 6 days and allow myself a cheat day on day #7. You can use that cheat day as a motivation to stay on track the other days. And with time, you can try to modify that "cheat day" into a "cheat meal" once a week.

    I think the idea is to be able to live with yourself if you are having a bad day (or a camping trip... :wink: ) and try not to focus too much on the negative side. It's not falling off the wagon it's just life.
    EATINGTOLIVE77 Posts: 50 Member
    You have made the best step just by writing this post.

    It sounds like you have already brought you food for this week. If you would prepare your dishes today and have them ready through out your busy week then you will be more likely to eat healthy and clean. Then also schedule your work outs early in the AM before your day begins and get it out of the way. This is what works for me, and just a couple of suggestions for you to consider. Good Luck and stick with one small step at a time.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    You're feeling defeated. Understand that emotion and put a period on it. Starting right now, you're back on your plan.

    People who struggle with alcohol have to do this with sobriety. Some have to do it many times. While it's not the same thing as nutrition and fitness, we can learn from their example: every day, every hour, every minute is a new moment. They decide -- absolutely decide -- that the moment will be free of alcohol. They will stick to their plan. And this works -- usually. When it does fail, they do it again. Sobriety, for alcoholics, is a string of decisions not to drink.

    Someone said to prepare your meals for the next week. Great idea! Another would be to fill out your diary for the rest of the day and tomorrow. Decide now what those days are going to be like.