Emotiona eater (Junk food!) Need help

hi Everyone,

I am trying to lose 20 lbs and I am really trying but I am having such a hard time in the junk food area. I don't deal with stress well and job/money are stressful. Plus my hubby just had brain surgery a month ago (he's doing great!!) and I lost my nannie in that same month. So it's been tough. I ALWAYS turn to junk food. I want help but no one will help me :( Asked doctor, dietician, tried to go see therapist about stress management, junk food problem, etc. Nothing. No one will help :( I dont' know what to do! It's SOOOO hard to NOT eat junk food. Pls help?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    If necessary, for awhile, stop buying it. I don't believe in giving up any food, I believe in moderation, but until you can get a fix on the stress you may have to take drastic measures.
  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    Think about other ways you might be able to deal with the stressful situations. Walk, bath, yoga, anything that calms you down and makes you feel better.
    Also- does eating junk food make you feel any better? really? You need to find some reasons to stop and look after yourself by eating better and making better choices.

    I used to be a massive emotional eater. I also suffer from stress very badly because of work. I do yoga when I get home, or go for a walk at lunchtime. I've just told myself that eating junk food makes me feel awful in other ways and I am just not going to do it anymore.

    Its been tough, but I'm 101 days binge free. It takes strength, determination and self belief but a world without being dependent on junk food is a whole lot better than one with.

    Good luck- you can do this.
  • erinknurse1
    When I need to stop eating junk food, moderation will not do it. I have to just purge my system. I recently was out of control with the office snacks, etc... I knew I had to do a purge, so I did a juice fast. After three days I had no cravings and by day five I felt amazing. After the cleanse I have remained gluten free because I know it is the snacks like crackers, chips, etc.. that usually start my downward spiral. You might examine something like that. With my busy schedule I actually enjoyed not having to cook, the juice smoothies are so easy to make. When I had issues with picking at my skin on my hands(a form of self hate I guess), my Therapist suggested I get manicures. Care for myself vs. hurt myself. Perhaps find a way to do some self care as a trade off for the junk food. Good luck and I wish your family the best!
  • Mariabellantoni
    Mariabellantoni Posts: 26 Member
    Glad to hear your husband is doing great! I had brain surgery in 2005 and am doing great. I am an emotional eater as well. I always find that if I talk to someone who will help me get through that wanting to eat everything in my path it helps me to stop and think about it. Feel free to add me :)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Go to the library to get books by Geneen Roth. She writes about our relationship with food.
    She is also on FB and youtube.
  • erinknurse1
    Her books are amazing, I have them on my nook:smile:
  • DeliVibes
    DeliVibes Posts: 67 Member
    I suffer from binge eating also so I understand how hard it is to resisist indulging into a feast of food until you feel so physically full. The simplest thing you can do is to stop buying any foods you binge on so they are not there to tempt you. If you ever feel an epsidode of binging coming on just try distract yourself. Ask your husband/friend to do something with you. I find when I'm alone is when I'm most likely to binge.

    You are dealing with a lot of stress right now so try find a healthier alternative such as yoga, meditation or herbal remedies.

    Best wishes to you and your husband.
  • NatJ522
    NatJ522 Posts: 16 Member
    thanks for all the responses everyone. I appreciate it :)