First Time Tough Mudder This Sunday!



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    what's are the weather conditions for your run?

    It's in Drumheller, Alberta. Right now the forecast is saying sunny and 24 degrees C (which is about 75 F). So I am just praying it stays that way!

    then wear quick drying, summer weight, DriFit type tech material. Besides sweat, you get get wet a lot. consider something for sun coverage, because you'll likely be out in the direct sun for 4-5 hours while exerting yourself. there will be some crawling and you'll get little nicks and scrapes so something with sleeves might be better than a tank, depending on how sensitive your skin is.
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Anyone have any last-minute advice? I'm wondering if I should be eating any differently/more for the next few days, or change my exercise routine at all leading up to it.

    My plan (my team's plan as well) is to really go at our own pace, we are not superstar athletes and just want to finish it together! Any advice on the mental game/approach would be more than welcome as well! I'm a bit terrified of what I've signed up for but looking forward to it :)

    Tough Mudder #4 coming up on the 27th. My advice to you is... Just enjoy it. It's not a race. Don't psych yourself out about any of the obstacles - don't think about the millions of ice pieces in Arctic Enema, just jump in, hold your breath, dive under, and get the F out. Don't eat anything you haven't trained with already - would hate to have a stomach issue with those icky port-a-potty things. Don't wear cotton. Don't do it. Don't wear shoes you haven't been training in.

    Bring a loofa.. YeS I said bring a loofa. You'll thank me when you have to stand in the freezing cold hose water at the end to rinse off, bring body wash also. You're welcome. Comfy shoes/sandals/slippers for after TM, a trash bag to keep all your wet crap at the end from destroying your car, a towel to dry yourself. Bring some money! You're going to want to buy food and swag!

    Good luck!
  • jpapp13
    jpapp13 Posts: 73 Member
    First of all , it's not THAT bad. There are parts that you will dislike more than others but overall I've found it to be a great experience.
    I just finished my 2nd one 2 weeks ago up in Maine, keep in mind every course is laid out a little different but the Arctic enema was placed towards the end of the course before you got to the Funky Monkey, etc.

    Also keep in mind you are able to SKIP ANY obstacle if you feel that you will have issues with it (ie: being electrocuted, not a strong swimmer, don't like tight spaces) Since this was my 2nd time I had the option of skipping the last obstacle because I did it once and honestly that was enough for me, I got zapped and face planted into the mud and army crawled underneath the rest of the wires to the finish ..

    Just take your time and have fun. It's not timed as it's not a race, it's more of an adventure!
  • maddiequinlan
    maddiequinlan Posts: 46 Member
    Well I did it!

    It was the greatest thing I have ever physically accomplished, and I will be back again and again! Managed every obstacle (including Arctic Enema, which was definitely my LEAST favourite ;)) and had such an amazing time.

    Thank you for all the advice! I was prepared with a change of clothes and towel.

    This is me and my friend afterwards.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Congrats! I love the TM.

    How many times did you black out?
  • maddiequinlan
    maddiequinlan Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats! I love the TM.

    How many times did you black out?

    Not even once ;)

    The sorest part of me during the event was my cheeks from smiling :)
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    bump to mentally prepare for mine next year! Great job OP :)