How do you handle your workouts.... for those in adult world

Good Evening Everyone:

During football season, im maintaining upwards of 12.5 hour days. After November, things will calm down until late April. However i have made a bet with my wife that i can get my weight back down by Christmas for our family Xmas card. I know that these next several weeks (during season) are going to make or break that deal. How do you all work your exercise/workouts? Do you get up much earlier to hit the gym or open road? My gym membership is local and within 5 minutes of my home (Golds gym) and i have my football complex that i could lift at if needed. We do not have any cardio machines however.

I have been diligently researching another topic that maybe some of you can answer. I would love to lift weights... however I have a huge mind block if I do not see that scale move. I know that i can take measurements, pictures etc... but I want to get my weight down from 247 (was 326 3 years ago), and got down to 225 prior to my mother passing at the end of 2012. I have access to insanity, t25, and the gyms i mentioned... What is my best plan of attack to get my weight back down to 220 or so? Do i keep my deficit at 1000 per day and hit the road in the morning for a 2 mile run? Do i keep my deficit and put in a 2 mile run in the morning and lift after practice before coming home? I guess im needing some advice from someone that is in or has been in a similar situation. I hope everyone is having a great night..


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You kinda buried the question, but it seems you're asking *when* you should work out? If that's the question, the answer is to get it in whenever you can fit it in. Choose whatever lifting and cardio scheduling that fits your life as the timing won't matter for your weight loss results.

    So your best plan of attack is to make sure you get your calorie deficit in check...and then do whatever else you choose to do, in whatever manner you choose to do it.
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    I am pretty sure the ladies that work in the adult world get their workouts in doing the pole routines. The guys...I dunno how they do it.
  • OleBallcoach35
    OleBallcoach35 Posts: 6 Member
    haha, touche NyActor.... I didnt mean to hide my question, but you are absolutely right, i did. I wanted to know when the best time to hit the workout is... whether i should do it in the morning prior to my busy day, or combo it in the front and back end.....

    Also, what should i do about the scale not moving... should i hit cardio for a few weeks so that the scale starts to move, etc. Sorry for the confusion.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    sorry misread your Q
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    haha, touche NyActor.... I didnt mean to hide my question, but you are absolutely right, i did. I wanted to know when the best time to hit the workout is... whether i should do it in the morning prior to my busy day, or combo it in the front and back end.....

    Also, what should i do about the scale not moving... should i hit cardio for a few weeks so that the scale starts to move, etc. Sorry for the confusion.

    As long as you get your exercise in for the day it shouldn't matter when it is or if it's broken up throughout the day.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    I generally work out, before my work day begins. Once the day starts, it's too easy for family and work issues to interfere with my plan. Also, I notice I'm much more likely to do a 2nd workout later in the day, if my first one was early in the morning. I also find I'm generally more productive, when I work out in the morning. That being said, if you're not a morning person, this may not work for you.

    If I were you, I'd focus the most on how you're going to maintain a healthy diet at your calorie goal, while working so many hours. That's going to take some planning, which also takes time.

    It really helps me to plan out my meals and workouts a week in advance. I may choose to deviate from the plan, if something comes up, but it makes being a grown up and losing weight a lot easier.