Trying this for the 100th time, need motivation :(

I've been on MFP a long time now, and it honestly feels like I'm starting this weight loss attempt for the 100th time.I have tried so many times to lose weight, and failed every time. I need to lose around 30 lbs, i am getting married in March and i would love to hit that goal.The most i have lost is 15 lbs, after around 2 months of healthy eating, before i quickly resorted back to my old bad habits of eating everything in sight. I become so un-motivated, and i now weigh more than I ever have before. A car accident last year which caused me extensive neck and back injuries, left me unable to walk, let alone even dream of exercising. I'm still in the stages of recovery, so can't commit to any intense exercise at present which i feel is really going to slow down any progress. I can walk, but that is about all i can do at present in terms of exercise.

I am literally on my last attempt at this. I feel so worthless and i am disgusted with myself that i have gotten to be so big. I weight 170 lbs and i am only 5ft 2. At 25 years old, and with no kids, i should be in the best shape of my life, but instead i can't even look at myself in a mirror. Please help me stay motivated, im keen to hear how you all have been getting on with your weight loss journey, and if you have any tips or advice they will all be greatly appreciated. Thank you x


  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    You said on your best go you stuck with it for 2 months and then derailed. Do you have any idea what happened prior to resuming your old habits? Were you dieting too hard and felt deprived? Stressed out? If you can get a sense of where things came apart, you can maybe plan a different strategy for this time around.

    I've only been here a couple of months, but I find pre-planning and logging my food along with weighing and measuring it helps immensely. I am just no good at doing things on the fly. I also have a fitbit that helps me feel motivated to move. When my eating goes a little out of whack and my numbers turn red, my fitbit helps me turn them green again by getting me up walking/dancing/whatever. Hopefully when you are feeling up to it, it's something you might consider. *hugs*

    More than anything, try to let go of the disgust. I have felt that way too, and honestly all it ever did was drive me to eat even more.
  • amberly09
    I feel as if we are having the same problems! Near the same weight and age, and I feel like I keep failing as well:/ I can't exercise much either, i have a lung disease so getting overheated is a problem for me! I am not getting married but I would LOVE to actually stick to a diet or as I like to call it "lifestyle change" :) The best advice I can give anyone is LOW CARB all the way. Maintain between about 75-100 carbs a day. Best weight loss method, in my opinion, by far. Basically, stay away from processed whites and sugar. they have lots of sugar free alternates, and low carb alternates. Treat yourself, of course. Proportions are EVERYTHING! I stick to it (most of the time) but i have a bad day at least once a week and all the work i did all week goes unnoticed :/ good luck with everything!!!!! stay positive. stay hydrated!!!
  • lisam191
    I have no idea what de-railed me. I used to think to myself "oh one chocolate bar won't hurt" and before i knew it i'd eaten the whole packet. I find it very hard to eliminate sweet sugary foods from my diet, i have a severe sweet tooth!
    I'm hoping that by keeping track of what i eat and staying active on this forum might hopefully keep me motivated. Can i ask what your main method of dieting has been?
  • lisam191
    I feel as if we are having the same problems! Near the same weight and age, and I feel like I keep failing as well:/ I can't exercise much either, i have a lung disease so getting overheated is a problem for me! I am not getting married but I would LOVE to actually stick to a diet or as I like to call it "lifestyle change" :) The best advice I can give anyone is LOW CARB all the way. Maintain between about 75-100 carbs a day. Best weight loss method, in my opinion, by far. Basically, stay away from processed whites and sugar. they have lots of sugar free alternates, and low carb alternates. Treat yourself, of course. Proportions are EVERYTHING! I stick to it (most of the time) but i have a bad day at least once a week and all the work i did all week goes unnoticed :/ good luck with everything!!!!! stay positive. stay hydrated!!!

    Lifestyle change is a good description :). I'm really going to try this time, i am so sick of being 'the big girl' out of all my super skinny friends!
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Add me if you want. I'm great at motivation and I've been a binge eater too -- it's tough. You can do this! ~ Ellie
  • lisam191
    Add me if you want. I'm great at motivation and I've been a binge eater too -- it's tough. You can do this! ~ Ellie

    Added you, i really need to stay motivated!
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm on daily trying to lose my last 28 pounds
  • lisam191
    Feel free to add me I'm on daily trying to lose my last 28 pounds

    What sort of methods are you using to lose the weight?
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    The biggest way to guarantee success is to start thinking long-term. Success is about consistency in the very long run, not only weeks or months. Re-frame this in your mind. You're not "trying for the 100th time". You've been inconsistent for a few months again and am re-focusing on the permanent changes you need to make to lose the weight and keep it off.

    Here are some things to consider to help you stay on track.

    1. Understand why you drop back into old habits. Stress? Depression? Boredom? Being too strict with your diet? Really think about what happens when you get off track. Understand what drives you so you can overcome it.

    2. Stop feeling guilty or any other negative feeling UNLESS it helps you stay on track. If feeling guilty means you're more likely to overeat, then don't dwell on guilt. Everyone gets offtrack from time to time. You're human. Getting off track is normal. The key is to get back to positive habits.

    3. Find the lifestyle changes that work for you. You may need to focus on portion control only. Eat everything you love, just less of it. Try IIFYM - If It Fits Your Macros. Get your nutrition in, then eat what you enjoy as long as you're in the proper deficit. There are many ways to change your eating habits to accomplish your goal. Find what works for you.

    4. Make sure your calorie deficit is the right amount. Don't try to lose 2 pounds a week with an overall goal of 30 pounds. That's too strict. Try aiming for a pound a week. When you get closer to your goal, drop it to .5 pounds a week.

    5. Try the MFP method of tracking first. If that doesn't work, there are great threads to be found using the TDEE method instead.

    6. Remind yourself that time is going to pass one way or another. As long as you continue working towards weight loss, you will get there eventually.

    7. This is a journey, not just weight loss. As you have success and failure, you'll learn a lot about yourself and what works and doesn't work. Embrace it all.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have no idea what de-railed me. I used to think to myself "oh one chocolate bar won't hurt" and before i knew it i'd eaten the whole packet. I find it very hard to eliminate sweet sugary foods from my diet, i have a severe sweet tooth!
    I'm hoping that by keeping track of what i eat and staying active on this forum might hopefully keep me motivated. Can i ask what your main method of dieting has been?

    Oh, yes. I know all about the siren call of, "Just one more."

    I haven't done much with my eating except portion control at this point. I haven't ruled out having any foods, but I have ruled out keeping certain things in the house. Some days I can have one of something and be fine, and others (like tonight after a muffin) I just want more and more. So if I want an ice cream bar, I can have one. I just have to buy a single one at the store and not a box of them.