looking for a few friends who are doing Atkins

Hi there, I have lost 37 pounds and feel that I am not dropping the pounds like I did when I first started. I have been counting calories and exercising and have also had a few months of only trying to drop weight part time. I have been back on track for about a month now and nothing is coming off.

I thought I would try Atkins so I am looking for tips and motivation and even some recipes if you have them. I start phase 1 on Sunday.



  • hey I'm starting atkins today... we should do it together!
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Pick me :) I love new low carb supportive friends :)
  • M_Garner
    M_Garner Posts: 23 Member
    How is it going soo far ladies? I am actually starting Monday but would love to be in contact since I have not done this since 13 years ago and MANY things have changed.
  • Hi, I am a newbie and began Atkins Induction phase today. This morning news finally reported that studies show lo carb to be healthier than lo fat eating. I know this personally, because no matter how much i try to eat healthy and include healthy grains or carbs - i gain weight. I am excited and determined to get this weight off of me. hope to see you all online :)
  • mari0605
    mari0605 Posts: 65 Member
    This is my 2nd week on Phase 1. I lost 5 lbs my first week. I thought the holiday weekend was going to be hard but I made it! Only 20-25 Net Carbs are allowed in Phase 1. Today I noticed that I'm not craving sweets nor bread. I'm trying to stay motivated and stick with Atkins because this diet really makes sense especially since my dad died from diabetes. The new book is interesting.

    Anyone on the Atkins diet please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Diet: Atkins
    CW: 162
    Goal: 115
    4' 11"
  • Hey feel free to add me, I've done Atkins for years and is my low carb diet of choice. Ignorance is your enemy here so don't do a perverted version of it. I love helping others in this way of eating.
  • stephiejean37
    stephiejean37 Posts: 75 Member
    I believe I am going to start up next week. I have lost 50 pounds, but feel like Atkins would totally kick my weight loss into overdrive. What do your meals look like for those already doing it?
  • Hi people I joined this forum today and I have been on atkins diet for 22days all i lost was 4kg during the first week.
    I started exercising 3 days ago. I have tested my ketosis and Im in full ketosis.
    I'm so demotivated and planning to stop the atkins diet
    I hardly finish 20carbs a day however I don't eat a lot of green stuff I'm still in phase one but I have introduced seeds.

    Does anyone have an idea why my weight loss has stopped from the first week?

  • twinkleboobee
    twinkleboobee Posts: 33 Member
    Today I'm in my second week of Atkins, after losing about a stone (14lbs) on Dukan 2 yrs ago but not enjoying it being so restrictive and low fat which in itself seemed unhealthy, I swapped a week or so ago.

    I've not weighed myself (have just moved so scaled packed away!) but I know I've lost something this week as my fitted
    tight non-stretchy cropped jeans are now comfy and even a little loose! So very pleased.

    Done low carb for a few years now to maintain, but wanted to get off remainder 7-12lbs, however much calorie counting
    I do or low carb, doesn't seem to be working now. The new Atkins (compared to what I remember 10 yrs ago, although
    most got it wrong as I did, its not all bacon and fried eggs!) seems to be all about natural eating but low carb...not removing fat
    from mayo and meat etc means you're eating it in it's purest form, and I don't think you can do better than that.
    With all the greens every day plus the dairy, I think you are getting on all the nutrients required. Finding Atkins much easier than Dukan
    as now I can eat lamb and duck and not worry about fat and I'm much fuller on probably the same calories or less (and cheese/nuts), yum!!! I still count cals but not obsessively, and not panicking if I go
    over a few hundred.

    Anyway good luck everyone! Think would be fun to keep updating this post for inspiration.
  • Hello my name is EL AMRANI when I was 18 my weight was 75 kg but now I had the sporte 60 kg
    Is it possible to be friends?
  • I'm starting phase 1 today as well. Please share recipes or tips that you have found!
  • harmar21
    harmar21 Posts: 215 Member
    I just started last week. Don't know what I weigh as I don't own a scale (getting one today or tomorrow) but I ballpark I started at about 370-375.

    I am doing original atkin for induction (1 week), then after first week I am going to use the new atkins for induction, and plan on staying on induction for a long time. Feel free to add me.
  • Would love for you to add me :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Would love for you to add me. I have been eating low carb.. It would be great to be with like minded people :)

    Also to answer your question, Ive read that if you're actually in full ketosis, that means your body is burning fat. You may be gaining (or not losing) in muscle mass. Do your clothes fit better? Can you see your body changing?
  • kimdallmeier
    kimdallmeier Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also doing (mostly) Atkins - eating low carb. Would love to have more friends to share ideas:)
  • Hi all,

    I started Atkins on Monday, so far in 3 days I have lost 1.4kg which I realise is mostly water weight but hey a loss is a loss!

    I have been spending time on the net searching for recipes to do in Phase 1.

    Here is a link it is from the Atkins website.


    Good luck
  • mahaa123
    mahaa123 Posts: 2 Member
    i started atkins 4 days back.
    already lost 3 kg.
    i am looking for friends who are doing atkins.
    pls add me. my id is mahaa123
  • hcampbell2013
    hcampbell2013 Posts: 2 Member
    I am planning on starting Atkins next week. I did it many years ago and it worked then so I'm excited to see if it will work now. I've done Weight Watchers and have tried counting calories but it doesn't work.

    I read in one of the post that they would start with the old Atkins and then move to the new approach. I'm wondering if this would be of benefit to me?
  • caberneigh
    caberneigh Posts: 1 Member
    I lost about 40 lbs several years ago and put most back on but when the ex left I tried it agai and lost over 30. I was never thin but was feeling pretty good and only gained 10 lbs over the last year and ate everything and even went on 2 cruises. Im back on to drop that 10 and 50 more. I eat way healthier on atkins, feel better, am more regular. I had done it a few times with no success but ate nuts and watermelon and peanut butter and celery as snacks. I cut those out, joined this website and am down 12 lbs in 2 weeks. Good luck, I would love to help and need motivation too.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    If you have dropped 37 pounds, you may be getting closer to your goal weight, and it comes off much slower the closer you get. It's just in the math of losing weight. A person that was accustomed to eating 4 to 7 thousand calories a day that cuts back to less than 1500 is going to melt off pounds quickly, then it slows down as they get closer to goal.

    I learned to be happy with a 1/2 pound then a 1/4 pound loss in a week, simply because I am so close to goal weight. Since you've already lost 37 pounds I wouldn't screw up what you're doing, with a diet that is well known for cutting out carbs while loading up on protein. Our bodies have a way of taking something it needs and craves and turning what you're eating into stored fat, which results (when you start eating normal again) of gaining back all the weight you lost, plus some, and twice as fast as you lost it.

    So my advice is to stick with what is working and be patient. Remember a calorie is a calorie regardless if it comes from protein, fat or carbs, all something that our bodies need to function properly. Weight loss is simply calories in, versus calories out, simply meaning eat less, move more. It's "Mother Nature" and we all know you don't mess with "Mother Nature."