Starting Focus T25

I finally started day 1 of Focus T25.

I've been putting this off for about a week, with the "diet starts Monday" mantra.

I nearly put things off some more. I read some reviews that said the program was really hard, and it was getting late, and it's been really hot out lately, and I thought to myself, "hey, I'll just go for a run, and call it a day."

I didn't. Instead I hit play on the cardio video. It really wasn't that bad. The seconds seemed to take minutes to pass, but then I was surprised how fast it was over. I was sweating, and had to pause it halfway through to turn the fan on and gulp some water, but otherwise I made it through, without any modifications. I really like how quickly he switches exercises. You're doing one, and thinking "when does it end," and then, 20 seconds later, it's over and on to the next.

Speed 1.0 is up tomorrow. The title scares me a bit, but I'll make it.

I'm following his nutrition guide too. I've been lacking inspiration in the kitchen, so the simple recipes work for me right now. To be honest, it kind of tastes like "diet food" - nothing I'd serve when trying to impress someone with my culinary skills.

Weight 154.2
Chest 36"
Waist 29.5"
Arm 11.5"
Thigh 22.5"

I picked the program because of the short length (my million-hours-day high-stress desk job is my waistline's nemesis). I was down to 145 earlier this year, but somehow got busy, got lazy, and I'm feeling a little bit "fluffy." A short, do at home program seems like a manageable way to get myself motivated again.

Is anyone else doing the program? How are you finding it?


  • gutsnglory6
    gutsnglory6 Posts: 76 Member
    Alright. Day 2.

    I wasn't sore this morning, which was nice. As much as I know that stiffness means my body's pushing itself to something new, it's also nice to bike into work, and then be able to walk.

    Today also brought in outside temptation on the meal front. I had my meals (anally) planned out, and then my coworker offered me a fresh peach from his garden. If it were a doughnut, I would have said no, but saying no to fresh fruit (in small quantities) is a bit too extreme for me. Then family showed up in town, and we ended up going out for dinner. I kept with it - I ordered a smaller-sized meal, and even declined to split a dessert (I was genuinely full from the meal).

    When I finally made it home, I procrastinated the work out. Hard. I finally hit play at around 11 p.m., and you know what, it wasn't so bad. Speed 1.0 was actually a bit easier than Cardio, with stretching between the exercises, although the "Burnout" phase is longer, and definitely got me sweating hard. I didn't hit pause once.

    The rest of the week gets really busy after work, and I work too early to get up and go before my shift, so I'm going to keep checking in here to keep myself accountable.
  • jetortola
    jetortola Posts: 198 Member
    Hi there --- I just wanted to comment to say that I've just started T25 today --- I did my workout this morning, and I feel so good having that behind me, ha!

    I am happy to ready that Speed 1.0 is not as scary as I thought it would be.

    How did you do the rest of the week?
  • midnight007
    Today is my day2. I like Speed 1 better then Cadio.
  • Elimi88
    Elimi88 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! Are you girls still doing this? I just started this and combining it with JM's 30 day Shred! How's it going for you with Focus T25?
  • chrisylove
    chrisylove Posts: 2 Member
    I am on day3 and so far it is going good. I also just ordered Shakeology to help with the my eating.
  • My2AGirls
    My2AGirls Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I'm on week 7 day 3 or Week 2 day 3 of Beta. I'm really enjoying this Beta phase. While I didn't lose as much as I wanted to in Alpha, I still got a decent result. I'm looking forward to what this phase does for my body.