Could it be any easier!



  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member

    I now walk through the grocery store in awe of how people load their carts up with what I call "instant death". When my friends buy fast food the sight of the menu makes me cringe. I now understand the harm we do to our bodies on a daily basis all just for convenience. Our society has become lazy. It is far to easy to pop a tv dinner in the microwave then it is to stand in the kitchen and cook for thirty mins. It is time for us to motivate one another to take care of our bodies and take back control of our will power to eat what we need to eat and not what society has drugged our bodies to feel we must eat.

    One week in and already a Judgey McJudgerson.
    I bet your friends won't stick around long with your attitude.
    I know I wouldn't.
    There is nothing wrong with fast food (or anything other food) in moderation. Maybe they aren't practicing moderation but unless you're with them 24/7, you dont know that they aren't.

    Motivation comes from within.

    Nor you I want yoy and your tin foil hat preaching at me to not use my microwave.
    That's fine for you if you don't want to use it. But for some, that's the only way they know how to cook. To them, a Lean Cuisine or whatever is their definition of healthy (its different for everyone FYI).
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    And just so we can be on the same page . some one tell me how im not using it right? I follow it to a t and log my foods...... It says im in a healthy range...........

    You aren't eating what it's telling you that you should. Eating at an extreme deficit is not healthy, and not sustainable. Now luckily it does look like your logging could use some assistance and you are probably eating more than you think. Which is why I said to read the how to log properly link.

    But read all the links I gave to you. You want to be in this for the long haul not a quick fix. We aren't ganging up on you, but trying to help
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    Good for you finding your way here! The tools are indeed amazingly helpful and I'm confident you are going to continue to learn and have great success. I think others are misunderstanding your reply earlier. To me it looks like you're saying you have 120 pounds to loose (to go from your current weight of 290 to your goal weight of 170) rather than that you currently weigh 120 pounds, is that right?
  • 2dopedesigns
    of course and thank you
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    Good for you finding your way here! The tools are indeed amazingly helpful and I'm confident you are going to continue to learn and have great success. I think others are misunderstanding your reply earlier. To me it looks like you're saying you have 120 pounds to loose (to go from your current weight of 290 to your goal weight of 170) rather than that you currently weigh 120 pounds, is that right?

    Even if he has 500lbs to lose, he still needs to eat more.
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    Although there is lots to learn, you'll figure it out along the way, congratulations on starting on your journey.

    Best of luck to you! :drinker:
  • 2dopedesigns
    Well like I said this has been drug out of context. I hear everything you guys are saying, I never said anything against microwaves. I said people depend on fast food and tv dinners for convience and it is that dependency that leads people to bad health. Obviously if you only eat out once a week or two your not depending on it; But at the same time it would be in the best interest for the overall health of a indiviual to learn how to cook also. There are alot of things that arent in home cooked foods that are used in frozen meals that arent good for you. I assure you that.

    And also to assert that someone doesnt know how to cook but they are on myfitnesspal here is a piece of advice, Go to youtube you can learn to cook almost anything. It feels good to learn how to cook.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Well like I said this has been drug out of context. I hear everything you guys are saying, I never said anything against microwaves. I said people depend on fast food and tv dinners for convience and it is that dependency that leads people to bad health. Obviously if you only eat out once a week or two your not depending on it; But at the same time it would be in the best interest for the overall health of a indiviual to learn how to cook also. There are alot of things that arent in home cooked foods that are used in frozen meals that arent good for you. I assure you that.

    Peer reviewed studies backing up your argument.
    Articlss from Men's Health, Shape, HuffPost don't count.

    Currently you're stating opinions.
  • 2dopedesigns
    Im done..........
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    Im done..........

    And that's what happens when your high horse burns itself out at the beginning of the race.

    Weightloss is a marathon not a sprint, If you are not going to eat 1200 cals/ day for the rest of your life then don't start now.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I think he just sounds a little excited. Find a diet that suits you and you can stick with. Dont worry about other people.

    I started off a few days on 1200, but when I talked to my nutritionist he warned it was too little and it was raised to 1550. I track fibre, protein and carbs, as whithed does. I worry less about salt and sugar but I do look to see how much I go over.

    Just log and track accurately what you are eating and see how it goes. 1500 would probably be more manageable over a longer term. Didnt see whether you are exercising?

    Is there some confusion between 120lbs and 120 kg?

    This is a forum so if you express opinions then dont be surprised if people come back at you. Good luck am sure you will learn some new things, be happy on some views and change others.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member

    And also to assert that someone doesnt know how to cook but they are on myfitnesspal here is a piece of advice, Go to youtube you can learn to cook almost anything. It feels good to learn how to cook.

    Again, in your opinion.

    There are people who can't cook, dont want to learn to cook, or are living in a situation where they cant cook so they rely on convience foods and there is nothing wrog wth that. You can still lose weight that way
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Good for you finding your way here! The tools are indeed amazingly helpful and I'm confident you are going to continue to learn and have great success. I think others are misunderstanding your reply earlier. To me it looks like you're saying you have 120 pounds to loose (to go from your current weight of 290 to your goal weight of 170) rather than that you currently weigh 120 pounds, is that right?

    That makes more sense. Sorry, I misunderstood the 120 lb part.

    OP where you are going wrong is trying to eat 1200 calories - you need to aim for 1870.
    Of course, you also need to weigh, measure, log, accurately to be sure your logged 1870 really is close to 1870.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member

    And also to assert that someone doesnt know how to cook but they are on myfitnesspal here is a piece of advice, Go to youtube you can learn to cook almost anything. It feels good to learn how to cook.

    Again, in your opinion.

    There are people who can't cook, dont want to learn to cook, or are living in a situation where they cant cook so they rely on convience foods and there is nothing wrog wth that. You can still lose weight that way

    And there are people who don't have time to cook or, like me, can cook but sometimes just don't want to.

    Best not to make big generalisations like calling people lazy, OP - as you have found out, that doesn't go down too well.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Im done..........

    Instead of getting upset or frustrated, maybe take a moment and really read what is being said. You've gotten great advice, from people that have done what you are trying to do.

    I cook lots, bake lots, but also eat fast food, frozen meals, whatever because I have learned that this can all be part of an overall well balanced diet.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member

    Best not to make big generalisations like calling people lazy, OP - as you have found out, that doesn't go down too well.

    We are not a mean community, infact the forum can be one of your best resources, However, We do not like know-it-all's, We do not like people that ask for advice but don't take it and we do not like people who think their desicions are better than everyone elses.

    Make of that what you will OP.

    ETA: Also I cook everything from scratch, always have, I very rarely eat out and eat fast food even less. I was also vegetarian for 12 years and it didn't stop me getting fat. I also cook alot of things in the microwave because it's quite often just me and I can't afford to turn the oven on for just one meal.
    Maybe stop demonizing things that aren't actually bad for you.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    We are not a mean community, infact the forum can be one of your best resources, However, We do not like know-it-all's, We do not like people that ask for advice but don't take it and we do not like people who think their desicions are better than everyone elses.

    *holds up mirror*
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your first loss. I can understand wanting to eat under your calories, I think it's something many(myself included) have done in the beginning. That said, I'm barely 5 feet tall and 55, yeah, I know,right? Really old! lol Anyway, I found that even at 1200, let alone under, I was not able to sustain my energy levels over time. I'm extremely active and realized I needed more. It was hard at first, felt like I was "cheating", but I work hard for these muscles and didn't want to lose them. In fact I want more bulk, more of that rock hard goodness that keeps me flying up those mountains. Try what works for you in the beginning, but be open to changing, is all I'm saying. I'd hate for you to be one of the folks that give up too soon. You're a big guy, your body will let you know if it needs more, you just have to listen. Good luck to you my friend, you can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    Im done..........

    If you're still following the thread, OP, don't get discouraged because not everyone jumped onto the cheerleading squad with you. We're still here with you for support, I promise. :flowerforyou:

    1. Good for you for going to a doctor and getting help taking charge of your health. Not everyone is strong enough to do that.

    2. It's fantastic that you're working on eating healthier food and learning how to fuel your body better.

    That being said, it's difficult to jump into weight loss and know everything. Be open to learning new things. Read, read, read all the links and highlighted posts in these forums. Use the search function to find answers to your questions.

    Take people's advice with an open mind. Where are they coming from? Do they have a point? Be willing to hear what people say before you get defensive -- remember the internet is a print medium, so vocal inflections can be lost and it's easy to assume people are being harsh when they're not.

    It takes time to figure out what makes up your ideal diet, and it's not the same for everyone. For example, I eat quite a bit of the stuff you'd likely call "death," but it works for me, and my health is better than ever.

    Keep going. One pound down. You can do this. (but seriously, eat more food!) :smile:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    That's the second rage quit ive seen in 24 hours. Sometimes the forum is a litle aggressive imo.

    Agree with what greengoddess said.

    OP if you are still lurking take it all with a pinch of salt (metaphorical). Its just a forum. If you post and express strong opinions then expect to be challenged. People are very passionate about their views on dieting and nutrition so it pribabky not the best stragey to start your first post as though you know it all and make wide sweeping statements.

    People just think your calories are too low, which will have two possible risks becayse your body is not getting enough nutrution.
    1. It will be unhealthy/ dangerous.
    2. It will be unsustainable and you will quit.

    Unsurprisingly the advice on the forum is to lose weight at healthy and sustainable levels.