Nerds Unite! Round 2!



  • Himejii
    My oldest had decided she wants to be the "Are you my Mummy" kid from Doctor Who for Halloween.

    Awesomest. Kid. Ever.

    Name: Himejii or Sabariel
    Class: Physics
    Rank: PhD Candidate
    Goal: To invent a way to automatically log calories without all the... you know... logging. Oral mass-spec? Gastric calorimeter? I'll let you know when I crack that nut, I'll be retired on a beach somewhere warm but not too hot or humid.
  • JamesGeiger4
    *peeks in* yo how is it going?
  • TanyaLafley
    TanyaLafley Posts: 62 Member
    Also love HP discussions, love Star Wars, Supernatural, Buffy and several more.

    SUPERNATURAL. I found my people lol
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Hulk and the Agents of Smash, love that show!!! And avengers assemble, although The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes was alot better....Can't wait for Oct 7 Star Wars the Rebels premiere:bigsmile:

    I wish I had the funds to afford an Xbox One, currently only have a 360... Fav is BF3 ( I know it's old as ****, but I can play with my friends), and GTA V, love that game....

    And ofcourse Clash of Clans, very addicting, glad I don't have good coverage at work, would never get anything

    I do like playing CPU games, like old one, LOTR's, and ROME, etc......

    I am 40 an have star wars sheets, cool as ****:bigsmile:

    I want to start collecting Star Wars the Clone Wars and Hulk and the Agents of Smash action figures... I will have to invest in a shelf
  • BoyishGirl
    BoyishGirl Posts: 12 Member
    I need some PC gamers here! I'm lacking decent friends to play DayZ and all with! I'm on Steam for sure and a few other sites. Tera Rising, Tumblr, know all the great social/anti-social places.

    I'm all for Doctor Who, Marvel, Hannibal, Batman (Joker x Harley), Comics, X-men...I'm trying to drive out the big stuff to hook some people here! Once Upon A Time, Sherlock, Orange is the New Black!

    Still waiting on GTA V to appear on PC, along with Arkham Knight!

    I'm AJ, 22! I play Dance Dance Revolution! I'm as much of a gamer as I can be!

    You can also look me up on Steam. Just look up 'Hidden-Character' I'm the one with the Umbrella Corp Icon!
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    GTA V is the ****, especially online.... I played the demo of Arkham Knight on xbox 360, i will have to get it now.....
  • tashabarker1
    tashabarker1 Posts: 11 Member
    Agree completely, I love all the Zooniverse stuff, have taken part in many of the projects myself, I love the Galaxy Zoo one but the Planet Hunters is my fave, I love everything about exoplanets.

    Yes I'm a science geek too (you have to be if you do a degree in Physics with Planetary and Space Physics)

    Also Add to my list of stuff I love:
    Charmed, Buffy, Firefly, Lost, Criminal Minds, CSI, Big Bang Theory, Merlin
    Harry Potter

    I totally have a complete base set and a complete jungle set (Pokemon cards) Kudos to anyone who knows what that means :D
  • Teamkamfitness
    Teamkamfitness Posts: 99 Member
    Hi there all. I'm Ken.
    I've lost >100lbs.
    I love most vidya. But my time is mostly taken by the gym wow And towerfall ascension currently.
    I'm a fan of sci-fi/fantasy/action movies (for when I need to bro out with non nerd friends) ????

    My favorite books are the age of misrule series. And I have a cat who thinks he is a people. His name is Illie (yes after Illidan -_-)
  • glenmchale
    glenmchale Posts: 1,307 Member
    ok so reading through the posts there is a lot of flexing of the nerd muscles so i reckon we could get a card game going with everyones strengths and weaknesses along with their nerd quota, like watching buffy gives you one nerd point but reading the Angel comics which shows what happened after the series end gives you 5 nerd points, and your total gives you your strength.... or something like that (im spitballing here)

    just seems like people have a lot of info that they have shared which would lend itself to a card game to see who the ultimate nerd is......
  • narwhalpr
    narwhalpr Posts: 65 Member
    My name is Tania, I am just a silly narwhal who is trying to lose the weight gained while doing a bachelor & a master degree. I was raised with a Nintendo, Super Nintendo & PlayStation playing the Mario games (Mario RPG, wuuuut), Zombie Ate My Neightbors (wuut, lol), Zelda: Link to the Past, Final Fantasy, and a bunch of RPGs. I don't consider myself a hardcore gamer, but rather a casual one who doesn't mind finishing or playing as many video games as possible. However, I think because I am a very casual gamer, I found a passion for MMORPG starting with Ragnarok Online and a terrible addiction to World of Warcraft. lol I play WoW every now and then -- as I try to balance it with life. I do like sci-fi, anime and comic book stuffs. Overall, I am a very casual nerd/geeky lady with a good imagination. :)
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member
    I'm not a nerd.

    Just here to see if anyone is on FitRPG. Will Wheaton approved. I just downloaded it last night and I'm looking for friends for my leaderboard and to battle with - need motivation. If you haven't heard of it - it turns your fitbit into a game - an RPG where you can level up, do quests, battle friends, earn gold, purchase weapons/armor/potions. My username is "Badger". Apparently they don't require usernames to be unique, so there are other Badgers. My profile pic is of me doing overhead press - grey t-shirt & pony tail.

    I'm not a nerd.

    I see some people with common interests - Hi! :drinker:
    Since we're listing those.... I played (lived) FFXI for a while, loved it! Did WoW for a few more years...didn't love it quite as much as FFXI, but still enjoyed it. We have a weekly gamenight - MTG, cards, board games...we were playing games reviewed on Will Wheaton's Tabletop show for a while, but we started playing D&D about 3 months ago and put boardgames aside for a bit. We're playing Pathfinder now - the Ravenloft module. Haven't stopped completely with boardgames - just went to a gaming convention last weekend and tried out several new ones we hadn't played yet. Settlers of Cataan, Get lucky, Chez Geek, Build an Elder God, Axe Cop Munchkin. Had a good time, but missed the Star Wars themed LARP they had on Sunday...maybe next year.

    Also see some Sci-Fi enthusiasts! Hello! I love Sci-fi. Firefly, BSG, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Star Trek, Stargate...even love the terrible ones like Terra Nova (I don't think it was terrible, but everyone else seems to) and...well, jury is still out as to whether it's terrible or not, but enjoyed Defiance...couldn't really get into the game though.

    I also enjoy some Anime. Loved Samurai Champloo...that was probably my favorite one. Also enjoyed Afro Samurai, a bit of Bleach, HunterxHunter, Princess Mononoke & Spirited Away, Highschool of the Dead....

    ...not a nerd though.
  • TheTruthAtAnyCost
    Heros of Might and Magic anyone?

    I like all your usual nerd books and TV shows, but HP will always hold a special place in my heart.

    Feel free to add me, or just chat. I'd love to make some nerdy friends. :)
  • P90XBowler
    P90XBowler Posts: 152 Member
    Big Nintendo nerd and bowling nerd, on a Zelda kick lately, plan on finishing every game 100%, just beat Minish Cap yesterday, now working on Link between worlds and Wind Waker HD.

  • AmyOwl73
    AmyOwl73 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! Nerd mom here! Mom of nerds AND nerd myself - verified and attested to by multiple, unrelated parties, LOL!

    I'm a programmer, Linux sysadmin, Whovian, Trekkie, CON goer, RPG player, former LARPer.. Would love to cosplay, but I think I might be too old for that (nah?)..
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    Hello, I'm Jennifer and a proud nerd :laugh:

    Currently reading A Song of Ice and Fire, part 2 of book 3.
    Have read Harry Potter several times, LOTR, Anne Rice...

    Obsessed with the Harry potter & LOTR movies, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica. Another all time favorite movie is the Princess Bride!

    I love gaming but don't have much time for it anymore. In recent years I've made the rounds of the various MMORPG's. I spent the most time on WoW, SWTOR, GW2, Rift and tried out TESO but didn't like it all that much. Oh yes, and I've also spent a fair bit of time roaming Skyrim...

    Then there's oldies like Civilization III and the Sims 2 which stole much of my life.

    I'm getting ready to start a new study year with the Open University (going for a Maths degree) so I won't have much time for my geeking habits but always love hearing and talking about feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    Oh my goodness, forgot to add my other TV show obsessions. True Blood, Game of thrones, Rome, big bang theory, the simpsons...I've fallen behind on a few of them. Need some serious couch time to catch up...
  • my5favmendbsk
    my5favmendbsk Posts: 3 Member
    Nerd,geek, dork....I'm all of those things! I love anime (tenchi muyo, trigun, his/hers, inuyasha, etc) , reading (used to work at a library), Star Trek, KPOP (that's right I'm a fan girl), I love supernatural, smallville, x-men , Superman (my favorite hero), LOTR, have read all the harry potter books and so much more....I use movies quotes a little too much in everyday life! I would love to go to comic-con one day!
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member

    Anyone on FitRPG? It's essentially the rough draft phone app that is the answer to all my nerd dreams. I spent HOURS on Kengo: Master of Bushido training my character...HOURS...maybe days, and that was for no tangible real world gain. With FitRPG, you link your fitbit to the app, create a character, and level up by doing "quests" (i.e., take 5,000 steps today, earn xx gold and xx experience points), fighting bosses - you can purchase weapons and armor and potions. It's free now and definitely in a beta stage. The three people involved in creating the app are trying to get funds to create more game content and expand the game. It's glitchy and light on content right now, but it's free and it's new, so that's to be expected. I find it motivating enough as it is. If they ever expand and add more content - this could be mind blowing. Will Wheaton uses it and approves, so...I's got to be awesome, right???
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member

    Anyone on FitRPG? It's essentially the rough draft phone app that is the answer to all my nerd dreams. I spent HOURS on Kengo: Master of Bushido training my character...HOURS...maybe days, and that was for no tangible real world gain. With FitRPG, you link your fitbit to the app, create a character, and level up by doing "quests" (i.e., take 5,000 steps today, earn xx gold and xx experience points), fighting bosses - you can purchase weapons and armor and potions. It's free now and definitely in a beta stage. The three people involved in creating the app are trying to get funds to create more game content and expand the game. It's glitchy and light on content right now, but it's free and it's new, so that's to be expected. I find it motivating enough as it is. If they ever expand and add more content - this could be mind blowing. Will Wheaton uses it and approves, so...I's got to be awesome, right???

    I don't have a fitbit but this makes me want one :love:
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Feel Free to add me, i'm 36

    Comic book nerd here, pretty much everything except batman, deadpool, superman and the xmen titles.

    I play diablo 3 and japanese RPG's Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and Persona 4 Golden are my favorites.

    I'm also playing Pokemon X on my 3DS.

    I want to play FitRPG but I don't have a smart phone, gave it up over a year ago.

    I'm not so much into Doctor Who, totally geeks for Star Wars Rebels, about to buy the "A New Dawn" novel before I watch the show.

    And have you seen the new GI Joe action figures? omg, i want some

    I'm a huge tabletop game nerd, my roleplaying games include Savage Worlds: Deadlands, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Cthulu

    My Board Games include Small World, King of Tokyo

    My Card games include DC Deck Builder, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pokemon, Magic, and Legend of the 5 Rings.