Looking for friends that also have Type 1 diabetes

Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
My name is Elif and I've been a Type 1 diabetic for 18 years. I'm looking for friends who also have diabetes for motivation and understand the struggles of maintaining blood sugars. I've been some what maintaining my weight loss (with fluctuations of 15 lbs) and my food choices have improved greatly, but I still struggle with emotional and binge eating. I will provide motivation and encouragement as well :-)


  • cam8724
    cam8724 Posts: 7
    Hi! I too am a Type 1 Diabetic and would love to help encourage and support you! I know the struggles of maintaining weight and keeping healthy blood sugar levels!
  • deepakanabar06
    deepakanabar06 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm also a type 1 diabetic and haven't met many people on here who are type 1. Would be great to have encouraging friends!
  • strangeone25
    strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi, I have had Type 1 diabetes for the last 15 years or so. Adding you all :)
  • snjohnston
    snjohnston Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I have been a type 1 diabetic for 27 years. Mother, wife, and pump user. My weight has been up and down for the 13ish years I have been on the pump and I'm finally in the mindset to not let insulin keep me fat! I have been following a lower carb, lower calorie way of living for the last 4-5 months, along with moderate exercise, and it's been amazing! Feel free to add me!! And best of luck to everyone in this daily battle of diabetes and weight loss/maintenance!!

    *I am also on metformin xr, to increase my insulin sensitivity, and so far so good!
  • SpencerGJackson
    SpencerGJackson Posts: 40 Member
    I've also had type 1 fir 17 years.
    I have been struggling with binge eating as will.

    However after a second DKA hospitalization in the same year I've finally taken it upon myself to get healthy.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I've had type 1 for over 25 years. I've never let it stop me from living my life and doing the things I want to do. I still struggle every day!

    Anyone feel free to add me too if you want.
  • jacoband1983
    jacoband1983 Posts: 1 Member
    Type 1 diabetic here. Just trying to get back into eating right and working out again. Recently got a new insulin pump and a dexcom g4. Hopefully I can also get better control of my blood sugars too! Need motivation to stay on track. :D
  • kareeta
    kareeta Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm Type 1 (16yrs) and battle blood sugar swings daily. I find great results while low carbing but haven't been able to sustain that way of eating successfully to date. Restarting today, wish me luck! Will add you all now

  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    Hello there! I am not a type 1 diabetic but my husband is one. About 5 months ago he landed in the hospital with an infection and DKA. Since then, we have both been making better choices (admittedly, there have been some bad ones). Though I am not diabetic myself, I know how hard it is from watching him. Feel free to add me. I'll offer whatever support I can!
  • chelseamc2013
    chelseamc2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Yay! My people!

    I'm a type 1 and the Sugar Struggle is strong in this one for sure. I've only been diabetic for 3 years - and after eating like crap for 20 years, I'm still having a hard time counting carbs and checking my blood sugar. 3 years and I still forget! But it's such a weird thing to do for me in my head - I dunno maybe I'm still in denial. But having some T1 friends would be so amazing...
  • J_Bell84

    New type 1....only diagnosed whilst rushed into hospital at the weekend - YIKES! Whilst struggling to lose the weight previously to this (hypothyroidism), I'm worried I'll gain most of my weight back that I lost with doing the 5:2 diet...14 pounds or so. I'm now at sixes and sevens with myself and just need a little help/support in how to keep it off!
  • Aleesh231
    I am also T1 Diabetic for over 25 years. I was diagnosed when I was 5 and I'm now 32. I am looking to talk with others that are T1 Diabetic and trying to be healthy and lose weight. It has been a struggle and I hope to find a way to get the LBS off! Anyone please add me as a friend if you are looking for the same thing or can give and tips to help this challenge out. Thanks!!
  • kanikavishvesh
    kanikavishvesh Posts: 30 Member
    I have had diabetes since my daughter was born. Really struggling but totally motivated to lose weight and get the control back. Do add me.
  • maragorthebold
    maragorthebold Posts: 1 Member
    I am a newbie to MFP so I don't even really understand what having friends on MFP means, but as a T1 diabetic, I'm curious to see/hear how others eat/manage.
  • Michifan
    Michifan Posts: 95 Member
    I don't have diabetes, but I am on a diabetic diet because it works for me. I don't eat more than 10-15g of sugar - nothing with sugar added, only the natural sugars that are part of the whole foods I eat.

    My wife is a dietician, and we worked out my diet based on my bias. It happens to be the kind of diet she'd recommend to a diabetic, so while I don't share your condition, I think my diet would be consistent with your goals.
  • smontgomery55
    I am type 1 for 14 years now! Feel free to add me, it's always nice having people on here that know the struggle of blood sugars!