MFP forums = free therapy (and an apology)


I'm still new (I've been here about a week now is all). Every time I'm wanting to stuff my face (for no other reason than the fact that my tastebuds won't shut up), I high-tail it to the forums with a big glass of water...and read. After pouring over posts, my tastebuds chillax, and my resolve returns.

I came to MFP because the calorie counter looked easy to use and easy to manage (which it is) but...

...I found a whole lot more than that and I just wanted to say, thank you.

Most importantly I want to say thank you to those who have sent me some very "to the point"...messages.

Not only am I learning more about my body than my nutritionist ever taught me...but I've also learned (through those "to the point" messages) that I'm a control freak about the way other people talk, but lack the ability to control my own judgmental self...which makes me a hypocrite (the very thing I abhor).

I truly apologize for my "thou shalt be sweet at all times and sugar coat everything for everyone as not to hurt their feelings" attitude...and how it was negatively received (and rightly so).

It's "too little too late" to take back some of my "shame on you for being a meanieface" posts...but it's not too late for me to say I'm sorry...discovering you're a hypocrite is a very daunting revelation...not sure I like it too much.

...I'm a work in progress..and I'm working on it.

Thank yous to everyone here, because I always find inspiration, several times a day, reading all your posts and relating to many of them.

I need to find a big massive hunk of humble pie and scarf it down. I'm (fairly) sure that's 0 calories per serving.

Edited to Add: MFP forums=free therapy part of the title is because that's how y'all effect me when I read posts...when I want food for no reason (body isn't hungry), I get "food for thought" here, and that kinda food is the best kind!


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Good on you for posting this.

    Oh and fortunately there are a LOT of calories in humble pie - it leads to great gains ;)
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    Oh and fortunately there are a LOT of calories in humble pie - it leads to great gains ;)

    Do you mind if steal this part for my October ticker quote? ....this is awesome sauce! (I'll credit you at the bottom)
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    I don't recall any of your "meanie" posts, but thanks for sharing. I, too, really love this place. It's been so helpful to get on here and read. Good luck to you on your journey, see ya around.:flowerforyou:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Oh and fortunately there are a LOT of calories in humble pie - it leads to great gains ;)

    Do you mind if steal this part for my October ticker quote? ....this is awesome sauce! (I'll credit you at the bottom)

    Go for it :)
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    I know that couldn't have been easy to put out there. I, too, missed your 'big bad meanie' posts but it sounds like MFP chewed you up and spit you out a more introspective self. :flowerforyou:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    MFP isn't just about losing weight, it's definately a whole lifestyle change inside and out.

    This is really positive and well written, it's good to see.

    Especially as today in particular seems to have a few holier-than-thou Judgey Judgersons 'why are you being meeeaaan to me' posts.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member