In desperate need of help....

So I've been at this for 64 days now. I don't cheat my diet, I work really really freakin hard. I've been using my old scales since I started, but this morning I realised my scales were broken and I went out and bought some new ones. I got them home and weighed myself and it turns out I'm actually a pound heavier that I thought I was when I started this thing. I'm absolutely gutted, I feel like I've worked my *kitten* off for 2 months for absolutely nothing. I feel like there must be something wrong me. I feel like I eat a bare minimum for no gain whatsoever. I'm also conflicted by the horror of how bad things must have been when I started. I feel like I've lost the motivation to hit the gym, cuz in my head it's took 2 months to lose a stone I haven't even actually lost. I feel like my confidence is completely all gone and instead of being happy I just want to hide in bed under the blankets and sob. I don't want to eat again ever :0(


  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    So I've been at this for 64 days now. I don't cheat my diet, I work really really freakin hard. I've been using my old scales since I started, but this morning I realised my scales were broken and I went out and bought some new ones. I got them home and weighed myself and it turns out I'm actually a pound heavier that I thought I was when I started this thing. I'm absolutely gutted, I feel like I've worked my *kitten* off for 2 months for absolutely nothing. I feel like there must be something wrong me. I feel like I eat a bare minimum for no gain whatsoever. I'm also conflicted by the horror of how bad things must have been when I started. I feel like I've lost the motivation to hit the gym, cuz in my head it's took 2 months to lose a stone I haven't even actually lost. I feel like my confidence is completely all gone and instead of being happy I just want to hide in bed under the blankets and sob. I don't want to eat again ever :0(

    could you have been heavier than you thought you were and you actually lost 10 lbs?

    Have you been doing measurements? How are your clothes? has your body changed at all?
  • katdabomb85
    katdabomb85 Posts: 20 Member
    All my work colleagues keep telling me I've lost weight and so do my friends, but I've got it into my warped mind that they're just saying that because it's polite to tell a woman she's lost weight, my clothes feel a bit looser but I just tell myself they've stretched. I've not done any measurements or anything, I wish I had now, I just went by weight. I just feel like now I have no definitive proof I've actually done anything
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    All my work colleagues keep telling me I've lost weight and so do my friends, but I've got it into my warped mind that they're just saying that because it's polite to tell a woman she's lost weight, my clothes feel a bit looser but I just tell myself they've stretched. I've not done any measurements or anything, I wish I had now, I just went by weight. I just feel like now I have no definitive proof I've actually done anything

    OMG. you sound like my husband ! I just posted a thread where he is feeling exactly like you!
    You are NOT ALONE!!

    If people are telling you they see it, they see it! If your clothes are looser, they didn't magically stretch.

    get that tape out! that was advice I just got and will be implementing it. Measure yourself. Forget the scale!
  • Took a look at your're not going to want to hear this but you're really not eating enough.
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    I can see how that would be amazingly frustrating, I'm so sorry. Try to keep in mind that just because the new scale says you're the same as when you started doesn't mean you didn't lose the weight. You just may have started off higher than you thought with the old, broken scale not being accurate. You are still doing an amazing job no matter what the numbers say. :flowerforyou:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Forgetting about the scale...looking back on the last 60 days, would you be proud of yourself if you'd just been sitting around eating junk all the time? Would you say, "man, even if I didn't lose weight, I still wish I'd been active and eaten healthy"?
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    You're gutted about one (1) extra pound on a different scale?
  • katdabomb85
    katdabomb85 Posts: 20 Member
    You're gutted about one (1) extra pound on a different scale?

    Lol no, a 1lb heavier than when I started, I thought I'd lost 13lb but I'm actually 14lb than I thought I was when I woke up this morning
  • Forgetting about the scale...looking back on the last 60 days, would you be proud of yourself if you'd just been sitting around eating junk all the time? Would you say, "man, even if I didn't lose weight, I still wish I'd been active and eaten healthy"?

    I love what sofaking says here. Measurements are such a great way of keeping track of your progress. And besides, a scale just measures the numerical value of your gravitational pull. You are worth more than the numbers on a scale. <3
  • katdabomb85
    katdabomb85 Posts: 20 Member
    Forgetting about the scale...looking back on the last 60 days, would you be proud of yourself if you'd just been sitting around eating junk all the time? Would you say, "man, even if I didn't lose weight, I still wish I'd been active and eaten healthy"?

    I guess so, I mean I've loved going to the gym and hiking at the weekend, and I wouldn't change that and I'm still gonna go, I guess I'll just have to hit it harder to get back to where I thought I was.
  • katdabomb85
    katdabomb85 Posts: 20 Member
    Forgetting about the scale...looking back on the last 60 days, would you be proud of yourself if you'd just been sitting around eating junk all the time? Would you say, "man, even if I didn't lose weight, I still wish I'd been active and eaten healthy"?

    I love what sofaking says here. Measurements are such a great way of keeping track of your progress. And besides, a scale just measures the numerical value of your gravitational pull. You are worth more than the numbers on a scale. <3

    Thank you :0)
  • I know what you're feeling! Best advice that always works for most.... You're raising your blood sugar too high by having skim milk with your coffee, (black is best or add a little cream)your snacks should be veggies and a dip like hummus, salsa, or guacamole, the chocolate bars and hot chocolate are raising your sugars too high, even if it's low calorie. Stay away from processed foods. Clean eating for sure! Cut out anything that is flour based... It raises your blood sugar. More fresh fruit at every meal and raw veggies. Dark chocolate if need chocolate. I forgot to add, your doing great! I agree with the others your doing great! Eat more calories that are healthier, forget the scale, and go by measurements.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Took a look at your're not going to want to hear this but you're really not eating enough.

    Yep, this is what I was going to say.
  • sophiek1964
    sophiek1964 Posts: 79 Member
    You were 14 pounds heavier in the beginning. You still lost 14 pounds. That is a huge accomplishment. You should be very, very proud of yourself.
  • katdabomb85
    katdabomb85 Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah I try my best with clean eating, in December last year I was completely obsessed with it, those choc bars in my snacks aren't proper choc bars, they're made from mashed dates and cocoa powder. Been thinkin about cutting the bread out for a while now but I always have brown bread and not really sure what else would be nice with soup....
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    listen , you know you lost weight if scale A says you lost 10 lbs you probably did , most scales are not calibrated correct and will not show exact numbers , so scale A shows you lost 10 lbs it shouldn't matter how much scale B says you weigh. if you lost 10 lbs.
    be proud of it no matter what. if you thought you weighed lets say 110 lbs in the past , you are relying on a number which may or may not be true as well. I always say stick with the same scale so you know the difference and let the mirror and how you feel be your guide . also the use of a tape measure is great as well.. be proud you did lose something and you look and feel better :)
  • katdabomb85
    katdabomb85 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't feel like I'm not eating enough, I mean I don't really get hungry very often and if I do feel hungry then I grab something extra. But I have a quite sedentary job, as a lorry driver so I'm not very active at work. I put on weight very easily and ( up till this morning) felt as though I'd finally found a balance that works
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Even if your old scale was weighing you lighter, it still said you'd lost weight from when you originally started tracking your weight. So you were heavier, but you've still lost the same amount of weight. That's progress!
  • katdabomb85
    katdabomb85 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for everything guys, I feel a lot more positive now. Sod the scales. At least I know now. The initial horror has subsided a bit now. I just got to remember fit not thin. It's so easy to lose sight as to why we do this and it's so easy to get obsessed with what the scales say, but I just have to remember I'm faster, stronger, and have more endurance that I did 8 weeks ago, and that's what really counts.
  • I just got to remember fit not thin.

    If you always remember that, everything else will fall into place. :)