Hello from rural Leicestershire

Hello there! Since this is a page called 'Introduce yourself' I figured I would! I'm a regular WW'er, but have decided that enough is enough. I can tell you how many points are in a meal, but not which of the two same point meals is better for me - so now I'm focusing on the essentials in life - getting fit (not merely thin) and eating healthily. At least, that's the plan!
A little about me: I'm a wife to Mr T, and have been adopted by Smartie the wonder hound. We live just off Junction 24 of the M1, and we run with a group of likeminded individuals, who also tend to through themselves and us in dark cold lakes. That is, we're also scuba divers (apart from Smartie that is - he is a wonder dog but he doesn't like getting out of his depth bless him!). I've just started the Insanity Program and am already stiff from the first work out! Lord only knows what I'll be like at the end of week one!
Oh, and speaking of the Lord, I'm a Priest in the Church of England - but please don't hold that against me! I'm perfectly normal really ;-)
Thanks for reading and good luck with all your fitness goals. If anyone wants to befriend me, that would be ace!


  • lessofLisain13
    lessofLisain13 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome Gill!! This is an awesome group of people...well most of the time. I am from Norfolk (yes i know turkey country!!), but now live in the US. I have been over here for nearly 20 years, but honestly long to get back home. Maybe one day!! Good luck on your journey and i sent you a FR!!
  • trixibelle_
    Hello! Seeing Leicestershire in the forum made me click straight away haha; my dad and his wife live in Countesthorpe :) I will add you if that's okay :)
  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    Ah shucks! Thanks guys! I feel really welcome now... that is one of the reasons I dropped WW's - they were all so cliquey... :-(
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    One of my neighbors swears by WW, but, I am an MPF girl all the way. She tells me I can eat unlimited quantities of veggies and fruits and not measure them... and I frown at her and write down the little details - like the half a tomato with salt, or cut up red pepper... one may not think that there's many calories in veggies, but I sure do see how my 500+ calorie salads add up with just a little bit of this and that...