Tell us crazy diets that you or someone you know fell for

For me I guess it could be the food pyramid


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I had a coworker who drank clay (yup, soil) mixed with water for 7 days. Like an earthworm!
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    I had a coworker who drank clay (yup, soil) mixed with water for 7 days. Like an earthworm!
    Is that digestable? I ate raw bread dough and had a stomach ache
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    CLAYY ??? that's crazy as hell. Well mine doesn't come close to that when I first started my weight loss journey I wasn't very knowledgeable and I fell for not a low carb diet but a ZERO carb diet where I ate zero carbs for about a solid week I looked like **** and felt like **** =P

    edit: as soon as I put "Looked like **** and felt like ****" I immediately thought god I wonder how bad that clay guy must have felt XD gah still blows my mind
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Nothing quite as goofy as eating dirt.........

    The Dolly Parton Diet (now called fat burning soup)....blech

    The grapefruit diet...this was your basic low fat.....very old school.

    The Special K Diet (also known as....I'm hungry all the time diet!)

    Also did the rotation diet (now called zig-zagging). This is actually decent.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I had a coworker who drank clay (yup, soil) mixed with water for 7 days. Like an earthworm!

    I think this is one of the most bizarre fad diets I have ever heard of.. WOW.. JUST WOW
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    The Idea Protein diet STILL blows my mind. My friend is doing it - has been on it for over half a year - has lost well over 100 lbs and I'm happy for her but not once could I bring my self to think that it was healthy! Her breath is gross, her periods are messed up, her hair is super thin compared to how it used to be, her coach will only let her work out so much a day because if she does much she loses pretty much everything she ate, she can't eat healthy fruits ... or healthy veggies... or healthy meats... it's crazy. AND SO MUCH SOY!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I had a coworker who drank clay (yup, soil) mixed with water for 7 days. Like an earthworm!

    I think this is one of the most bizarre fad diets I have ever heard of.. WOW.. JUST WOW

    I know! She bought it in a health food store - it was a weird cleanse. I mean, cleanses can be pretty weird, but CLAY? Shampoo can be made of clay, sure... but... food? And she was just like "It's good for you!". It's weird because I knew it was my "fault"... she wanted to lose weight because I had been losing weight... except I was using Weight Watchers at the time.. not clay.
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    My grandma did this one... can't remember the name... where she got to eat one "normal" meal of a lean protein with vegetables once a day, and pre-packaged astronaut food the rest of the time. It was extremely low carb and low calorie. She lost more than 100 lbs and re-gained 150 after she went off the diet. While she was having so much success, she became a coach and talked several other friends and family members into trying it. They have all gained the weight back too, after likely spending hundreds on the prepared food.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    For me I guess it could be the food pyramid
    That was a good one!:laugh:

    I recall a diet when I was around 20 years old called the "Apple diet", or "Apple a day diet". Basically it said that you could eat as many apples as you wanted so long as you ate at least one a day when you first woke up and you would lose weight. I actually did lose weight as I recall, but it all came back once I got tired of all the apples. It's not like I was doing anything ELSE to try and lose weight!::blushing:

    Personally, I hesitate to say this one because I do believe there can be some merit to it, but going 100% Raw Vegan for the better part of a year didn't really do the best for me long term. I think that really getting a bunch of raw fruits, veggies and such is awesome, but I do believe that what got me in the end was perhaps an imbalance between carbs and proteins. When I simply started allowing cooked beans into the diet (only beans) I instantly started gaining weight again, and fell completely off the wagon soon after (I was craving beans non-stop and meats like you wouldn't believe). It was HARD being 100% raw vegan!

    I'm very happy with what I'm doing now. Please don't hate me all you raw vegans out there.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think that clay cleanse wins!! haha

    Looking back, I realize that I seriously tuned out 99% of my past coworkers and acquaintances who tried extreme and/or fad diets. I just did not even care to hear about it. Most of what I did hear involved eating lots of bacon, eggs, and steak while talking about how EVIL most other foods were.

    My mom used to go on the Mayo Clinic diet once or twice a year when I was a kid. I mainly remember grapefruit and boiled eggs were consumed and I was happy about that because I liked both...with my Cheerios of course...or a honey bun.

    I do remember a couple of friends (maybe 8-10 years back) believed that Trim Spa MUST work if Anna Nicole Smith lost weight on it...they bought some...didn't see a change. lol
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    The 7 day cabbage soup diet. God, horrible diet.
    Of course basically starving myself by denying everything considered "bad" and just eating salads.
    And then always gaining back my weight plus more.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I have a distant family member who is convinced that you cannot eat certain combinations of foods together. I believe she never combines carbohydrate with fat, but she can eat P+C or P+F, just not F+C.

  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    ViSalus .. tastes awful. Never again.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    The hot dog and tuna fish diet...I can't even remember what was on it, other than two of the meals for the first three weeks included a hot dog and one meal included tuna fish...

    The vegetable, juice and tuna fish diet. No fruits, no milks etc.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    *backs away slowly*
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    My aunt tried the "eating for your blood type diet". She kept telling me to stop eating hummus because it was bad for my blood type....
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    My borther had this crazy idea that, according to some "calculators" he found online, his TDEE is over 3000 calories/day, and that he would be best off eating half that to lose weight. Then he didn't log anything, and never measured anything.

    It didn't work very well.
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    *backs away slowly*

    A storms approaching
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight doing an extreme version of the atkins diet. This was before it got really popular. By the end of it, I was having blackout spells. I gained it all back very quickly when I went back to old habits.
  • rgbmore
    rgbmore Posts: 85 Member
    My room mates did this one where they took a pill that had pregnancy hormones in it or something. Then they only ate lettuce and cheese for a week.
    Try baking in an apartment where two girls are imitating pregnancy with artificial hormones and starving themselves. I thought I was going to be murdered.