Nerds Unite! Round 2!



  • 8Bee
    8Bee Posts: 11 Member
    Anyone play EQ2?
  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member
    Huge fantasy genre geek here.

    Big fan of epic fantasy and sword & sorcery authors and spend too much time daydreaming about my own worldbuilding and writing project.

    I've been part of a regular tabletop / pen & paper RPG group for several years now. Been mostly playing d20 based games ala D&D and Pathfinder, but I'm looking to take over the GM reigns later this fall and run a FATE Core game.

    Occasional video gamer - love Torchlight 2 and still casually log into Guild Wars 2 for short hops.

    But past all that, I think I've got the nerd trump card: I used to play in the SCA.

    Soooooo. Fellow geeks, send me a message and hit me up. Lets kick some *kitten* and become fit, healthy, non-sterotypically-fat nerds!
  • wickedmessenger
    wickedmessenger Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Nerds!

    I'm Shannon. Superman fangirl - in OH so yes, I did buy the Superman license plates. I have Serenity hanging from my rear view as well because lets face it, Firefly was the best. Which is why my dog is named Malcolm - AKA Captain Fuzzy Pants.

    I love Doctor Who as you can tell from my ticker. Which is also why I dressed my dog as 11 for Halloween last year (or I did my best in a short amount of time I had to put it together at least).

    I'm also a geek for Supernatural, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead...also many other shows and movies.
  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    Nerd pride! Love all things fantasy, horror, and scifi including WOT, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, LOTR, Harry Potter, Hellraiser, and Game of Thrones. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of the SW "prequels" and sorry not sorry if you love them. I do not like sparkling vampires.

    I play WOW, am querying my YA ghost novel to agents, and am working on a YA Sword and Sorcery novel while waiting for my big break LOL. I watch Ancient Aliens on my laptop while on the treadmill. And yeah...OMG Sherlock!

    Feel free to add me!!!
  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    I'm always being called NERD or DORK. I'm the go to for PC issues(people need to learn how to fix their *kitten* ;)). Used to play D&D and Paranoia tons. Now more of a comp RPG fan. I also play iRacing with a full racing seat setup which i may expand to help me immerse myself with Star Citizen/Oculus Rift come out. Anyhow, anyone is more than able to add me, Steam name is JodoMcfatty
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I made a graphic for geek related threads (cuz whovians)

  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    Nerd here. Been working with computers since my mom brought an Apple home when I was 4 or so. I used to play lots of games, PC, nintendo etc. Always enjoyed comics as well. Never was into the board card games or anything.

    Now that I am married I don't have a lot of time for gaming or any of that jazz, but I am a IT systems architect for virtualization, windows, linux. So, I pretty much do nerdy junk all day!

    I also watch a lot of the scyfy channel and "nerdy" type shows.

  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    This whole thread is pretty damn awesome. I am a nerd myself, been playing video games since I could figure out how to work my nintendo at 3 years old... I can't get enough video games. I just went through a split with my hubby and he took my ps3 and flat screen (which I was more upset about than the fact he was leaving in the first place). So now I have the chance to restart my favorite games on a different console (360..had to switch it up some!) My most current addiction is Fable III and Borderlands 2..can't forget Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Dead Island, and a couple of the Resident Evil games.. Oh or on PC WOW, Diablo III, or Guildwars...I have a slight problem haha Add me I need more nerdy friends!!! :bigsmile:

    Also into the typical nerdtastic movies... LOTR <3.. I kid you not I found the one ring to rule them all in a room I was moving into at my friends apartment and I now wear it on a necklace around my neck..and I may have lost it twice and flipped out when I couldn't find it :noway:
  • Jaeykub
    Jaeykub Posts: 5 Member
    Love me some video games. Been playing since the NES days. Now I mostly game on the PC, I'm Mr^2 on Steam. I'm a PC nerd. I love taking apart computers and messing with them, I even know how to program. I'm a math/science nerd, I buy math books for fun :P. Also, I'm an amateur astronomer just don't expect me to name all the constellations, because I come up with my own names. Favorite animes are Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Ghost in the Shell. Also, I looooooooooove Sherlock, Breaking Bad, and The Walking Dead. Feel free to add me on MFP
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    I lean toward geek, but am not one to discriminate. I shall return later to the awesomeness that is this thread. And welcome you to my warm embrace. I was going to say bosum, but that would be weird. I would also say welcome to my magical pants where you can find everything you wish but again that lacks context.

    So later...yes later. I needs me all nerd.
  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    My dog's name is Dobby Albus Dumbledore.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Same as last time, introduce yourself and tell us about your nerdy hobby's. Lets all unite for this quest to find a healthy lifestyle and get some epic loot!

    I am NH_1970
    Level 50
    Meatshield, Tanker or Paladin depending on the game :)

    My nerdy hobbies include: Collecting comic books since the 1970s - Love of all things super heroine/super heroes. Original Atari player on up through consoles but stopped at Wii and PS2 - Though I grab the kiddos DS's and see what those are about sometimes. Lover of pinball machines as long as they're challenging and not snoozy. MMORPG player - COH/COV (past) Fiesta, SWTOR, Champions online, DC Universe, Fiesta, LOTRO, Everquest and sporadic others. Favorite Genre of books include fiction/fantasy - Piers Anthony, Raymond Feist and the Dragonlance series, Mercedes Lackey, etc. with everything in between (I get little time to read lately though). Scrabble player extraordinaire and I dabble in other board games chess etc. Dr. Who fan from the 1970s-80s and sporadically now but I love me some Tom Baker at least back then.
    I am not a computer whiz/programmer etc., but I am the most technologically savy person in my work place and the co-creator/designer of our website. (Art nerd leaning) I also enjoy nature photography and drawing/sketching fantasy images or animals and sometimes people. I also create jewelry with items found in nature. Oh and going to comic cons if I have the time/$
  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    Just bought Sandman Omnibus.
  • Skout528
    Skout528 Posts: 17 Member
    Nerd <

    Played WoW since the beginning, even though Cataclysm sucked and I hated it, I also met my boyfriend there, and now we have been living together for 2 years. He raids hardcore. We love most Blizz games including Hearthstone and D3. I am mostly playing WoW and Hearthstone, but cutting down time to exercise since we have really busy jobs too!
    Past fan of RIFT, the Secret World
    awaiting release of Destiny
    Hated SWTOR
    Love nerd things like Harry Potter, Buffy, Smallville, Carnivale
    Getting our Blizzcon virtual tickets this week and taking days OFF work to actually attend. One of my goals is to be able to cosplay my main Rogue at Blizzcon in CA!!

    ADD ME I'd love to have more friends with like interests!!
  • Jesmoko
    Jesmoko Posts: 203 Member
    Just bought Sandman Omnibus.
    Best series of comics ever. I say that as someone who has read Sandman...and SOME Batman comics. So there.

    I play video games, and I read a lot. I like science as well but am too stupid to understand most of it. I just finished Bill Bryson's "A short history of nearly everything" and loved it, but **** if I can remember almost any of it.
  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    Just bought Sandman Omnibus.
    Best series of comics ever. I say that as someone who has read Sandman...and SOME Batman comics. So there.

    I play video games, and I read a lot. I like science as well but am too stupid to understand most of it. I just finished Bill Bryson's "A short history of nearly everything" and loved it, but **** if I can remember almost any of it.

    Well I just read game of thrones series, and made sure I had seen every superhero movie on the IMDB top 250 list. Hell Boy is surprisingly awesome. So there.

    Oh I can't remember that Bill Bryson book much either!
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    By day, a professional nerd (web developer, coder extraordinaire) - and by night, somewhat of a closet nerd. I play newer games occasionally but love the classics more than anything. I used to code mods for Morrowind back when I thought I wanted to design video games. Still love TES series and basically anything survival horror (Silent Hill, Dead Space, etc.). I've worked on a couple of browser based RPGs but those things don't ever quite pan out.....

    I need to read more.

    I watch a lot of super accurate fact based science related television.

  • Jesmoko
    Jesmoko Posts: 203 Member
    Just bought Sandman Omnibus.
    Best series of comics ever. I say that as someone who has read Sandman...and SOME Batman comics. So there.

    I play video games, and I read a lot. I like science as well but am too stupid to understand most of it. I just finished Bill Bryson's "A short history of nearly everything" and loved it, but **** if I can remember almost any of it.

    Well I just read game of thrones series, and made sure I had seen every superhero movie on the IMDB top 250 list. Hell Boy is surprisingly awesome. So there.

    Oh I can't remember that Bill Bryson book much either!
    I've read the A Song of Ice and Fire series of books and seen the show! I read the books before the show was a thing as well, so that means I'm a cool dude! I haven't seen too many superhero movies though. Probably because there's one good one. Or two, if Hell Boy is as good as you say.
  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    Just bought Sandman Omnibus.
    Best series of comics ever. I say that as someone who has read Sandman...and SOME Batman comics. So there.

    I play video games, and I read a lot. I like science as well but am too stupid to understand most of it. I just finished Bill Bryson's "A short history of nearly everything" and loved it, but **** if I can remember almost any of it.

    Well I just read game of thrones series, and made sure I had seen every superhero movie on the IMDB top 250 list. Hell Boy is surprisingly awesome. So there.

    Oh I can't remember that Bill Bryson book much either!
    I've read the A Song of Ice and Fire series of books and seen the show! I read the books before the show was a thing as well, so that means I'm a cool dude! I haven't seen too many superhero movies though. Probably because there's one good one. Or two, if Hell Boy is as good as you say.
    You clearly are much cooler than me. I've previously thought I probably shouldn't like superhero films. There not particularly high quality as far as filmmaking goes... but I can't help it. I even like the totally *kitten* ones.

    Also I love spreadsheets. And graphs. And rocks. And Mongolian Hip Hop.
  • OldSportOldsport
    OldSportOldsport Posts: 275 Member
    Well as you can see from my ticker, I really like Supernatural! I'm also a general nerd - I read a lot especially old sci-fi/fantasy books, and in general waste way more of my time than can be healthy on the net. The most nerdy thing I do (that I'm willing to admit) is write fic, but that's pretty damn nerdy!