Do you have cheat days?

Hi all,
I am new to this website and am looking to lose about 30 pounds.
I diligently calorie counted and exercised every day last week. As a treat, I decided that I would have one day (Saturday) set aside as a food cheat day. So when Saturday came around, I ate and I ate and I ate.
At the end of the day, I was so afraid and ashamed to log my calorie intake- that I didn't.
Anyway, so that brings me to my question(s).

Do any of you have a cheat day in a week when you eat whatever you want and how much ever you want? (And do you feel guilty about it?)
Also, does your cheat day coincide with your weekly rest day?

Thanks !


  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    No, I simply factor a treat into my daily allotted calories if I so desire one. There are many days that go by that I don't have treats, but that's ok. Im not really a fan of the terminology "cheat" because it implies doing something bad or wrong. There is nothing wrong with enjoying and relishing food that you really like, but you can fit it into your daily/weekly calorie allotment with a little planning. What might be more feasible is having a meal that you enjoy that fits into your daily/weekly calories (ie, pizza with ice cream). If you know that your'e at xxxx deficit for the week, and you can afford it, by all means have it--and make sure you log it.
    Having an entire DAY where you just go wild and eat everything (and don't log) can:
    1. Prevent you from seeing reason(s) why you are not losing weight
    2. Prevent you from losing weight AT ALL if an entire day of overindulgence wipes out any deficit for the week--esp with only thirty pounds to lose
    3. Prevent you from holding yourself accountable--esp if you are not logging.
    The choice is really yours. Instead of doing an entire day, again, I would keep it to a nice meal, and fit it into your weekly deficit--AND LOG IT. It counts.
    The only person who can sabotage you is you, and by not logging it--(thus pretending in a sense it never happened) you really are only kidding yourself, and blocking your own progress.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    Yes, but I can't take the guilt, so I limit it to a cheat meal two times per week. I do not feel guilty over it and just stay on track after that. It took me five years to learn how to do that. I make my cheat meals count though. I have deep dish pizza on one day and whatever else I want on the other day. Sometimes, I stay on course with my regular meals and factor in a great dessert for a cheat instead. (My fave is the lemon cream crumb cake from Olive Garden)!
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I do not plan on cheat days, but I don't always succeed in being under my calories. However, I attempt not to go totally overboard. Moving on! :laugh:
  • RachelInSpace
    RachelInSpace Posts: 23 Member
    My entire family has dinner together every Sunday night; we always have. I'm just starting this weight loss journey (again!!) but I plan to eat dinner with my family, watching my portions but enjoying the foods I like. It won't be a cheat day, but one meal of foods that I probably wouldn't indulge in, regularly. If that makes sense...
  • jabx1962
    jabx1962 Posts: 31 Member
  • curiousgemfit
    curiousgemfit Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I am beginning to see that an entire cheat day is a terrible idea.
  • Witchykaite
    Witchykaite Posts: 60 Member
    I didn't plan on having a cheat day. I just planned on allowing myself a little treat each day that still kept me under my goal for the day. Granted, today I blew that to hell, but all I can do is just hop back into the groove tomorrow.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Sunday's my day, but I usually have a cheat MEAL instead of a day and I'll definitely go over my calories. But whether it's a cheat day or meal, I still write everything down. I mean even if you don't, that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Write everything down no matter what. I swear it helps me to see exactly what I'm eating. Then i don't worry so much about my cheat meal, I'll just work harder the next day with my exercises. :smile:
  • curiousgemfit
    curiousgemfit Posts: 42 Member
    No, I simply factor a treat into my daily allotted calories if I so desire one. There are many days that go by that I don't have treats, but that's ok. Im not really a fan of the terminology "cheat" because it implies doing something bad or wrong. There is nothing wrong with enjoying and relishing food that you really like, but you can fit it into your daily/weekly calorie allotment with a little planning. What might be more feasible is having a meal that you enjoy that fits into your daily/weekly calories (ie, pizza with ice cream). If you know that your'e at xxxx deficit for the week, and you can afford it, by all means have it--and make sure you log it.
    Having an entire DAY where you just go wild and eat everything (and don't log) can:
    1. Prevent you from seeing reason(s) why you are not losing weight
    2. Prevent you from losing weight AT ALL if an entire day of overindulgence wipes out any deficit for the week--esp with only thirty pounds to lose
    3. Prevent you from holding yourself accountable--esp if you are not logging.
    The choice is really yours. Instead of doing an entire day, again, I would keep it to a nice meal, and fit it into your weekly deficit--AND LOG IT. It counts.
    The only person who can sabotage you is you, and by not logging it--(thus pretending in a sense it never happened) you really are only kidding yourself, and blocking your own progress.

    @caracrawford1: Thanks! I really needed to hear this.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    When I first heard about these I thought people were bonkers. Why undo all the hard work in one day it took 6 to achieve.

    Now changed my views. I wont have a cheat day per se, but if I wnat to eat something I will and hopefully just a smaller portion.

    Everytime im at the gym and every day Im going to try and do a little extra 10 mins to save up some calories for a reward meal. Reward meals to be used as a reward for hitting certain weight loss targets, wo like most people it will be factored in even in the long run.

    Think that will work for me. the differnce is its a reward and not just some free for all becayse of a day of the week.
  • No sorry I don't have a cheat day, I do have a cheat meal , and usually I will eat the whole 12 oz pizza
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Yes. I don't do any exercise on Sundays and Saturday mornings I pull my weekly reports and calculate. If I'm under and able to still lose at least a half a pound I have a relax day food wise (to an extent) I will still look at calorie counts and in my head calculate but i don't fuss over it.
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    I have lost 50 pounds since starting this back in February and I would've lost more if I hadn't skipped out on tracking my calories for like two months due to just being depressed and such. I have cheat days ALL the time but I RARELY go over 2,500 calories. 2,000+ calories is a cheat day for me. There are lots of ways you can have junk food also and still be under your calories. I still eat pizza, ice cream, chips, and I drink root beer from time to time. It is all about moderation, if you go over your calories don't sweat it; you have to get used to eating less and less anyhow. It's not an over night thing for most people, just keep at it, stay persistent and determined, and try to stay between 1,200 - 2,000 calories. If you go to 2,500 on some days don't sweat it! :)
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    Cheat day? No ... cheat treats? yes ... I am not going to deny myself. However, I will be sensible about it. For instance, this past weekend, I KNEW at a ceremony I attended pizza and cake with buttercream frosting was on the menu. So I made sure that I ate a hearty salad for breakfast (why not for breakfast) with homemade vinaigrette, drink lots of water and enjoyed 3 pieces of pizza and TWO pieces of small cake. I was able to keep within my calories because I also exercised that day.

    I try and choose one particular day for my treat and make sure I get some activity in so I don't feel so "guilty" about things. For those unplanned times where you go a little crazy overindulging, you just have to forgive yourself and start fresh the next day.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    no cheat days for me - and if i do a larger-than-normal meal, like i did today, i skip the meal after it and it balances out.

    i do eat treats, but i budget my calories so they fit into my daily calorie allotment.
  • bluehenjen
    bluehenjen Posts: 29 Member
    So long as I'm not trying to achieve a particular goal (e.g., eat low carb for 6 weeks, train for a 10K, etc.), I have what I guess are cheat days. I'm a lot more lenient on the weekends. I still log all of my food but I don't mind if I go over my calorie count or eat more sugar or refined flour than I normally would. But three things: (1) I'm doing heavy lifting and lots of cardio every day during the week, (2) although I'm trying to get leaner, I'd consider myself in a maintenance phase, not a weight loss phase, and (3) almost all of my meals, including desserts and snacks, are homemade, not super processed store bought stuff. When I was actively trying to lose weight, rather than maintain, I would occasionally have a cheat meal but found it better (mentally and physically) to stay on track with my nutrition plan.
  • By no means am I a pro at this to be giving advice as I'm at this for 4 weeks. However, what is working for me is to incorporate little "cheats" every day but try to stay under my calorie goal. What helps a bunch is being more active. I've been swimming more often which burns a lot of calories so on my swim days I might eat a bit more than I should but it doesn't seem to be reflecting as I'm still loosing weight. I also have found ways to eat things I loved but with lower calories. They are not healthy by any means but when I make them I feel like I'm not depriving myself and I can still be under my calories for the day. Example is I love hots dogs with sauerkraut weirdly if I want it every now and then I buy low fat turkey dogs which are only 50 calories each. I can have two of those with the bun and sauerkraut and mustard for under 400 calories (lets not mention sodium levels or the processed food aspect). I don't do it all the time because it's not a healthy choice but I'm able to enjoy it and stay under my calories. Same with pizza....I've learned to make my own at home and the calories aren't so terrible. That said....if I go on vacation and want to eat what I want I do it without going too crazy. I log the calories and when I'm over like 1200 calories I make and effort to be really good the next week. Definitely log though no matter what. I'm learning to just get right back on track. That way it's a lifestyle as opposed to just being on a diet.
  • brirandle1
    brirandle1 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a meal or time once a week that I dont count my calories. I have been active on MFP for about 4 mos now and have lost 32lbs so far. I feel treating myself for a meal once a week is great and hasn't hurt my weight loss. To each their own but it has worked for me. Also love working out because I get to eat more lol. I know sounds weird but that philosophy has worked for me and I feel great :)
  • No I do not. I tried that for a few weeks, and well I ended up not loosing but 4lbs in 6 weeks
    Now I don't do it, and in 2 weeks I am down 5 lbs.
    I know I will cheat sooner or later, but I am waiting for that day to be in a few weeks for my husbands birthday party. So I have special occasion cheat days, but I won't let my self go nuts.
  • timpatrick
    timpatrick Posts: 11 Member

    I do have a weekly cheat day, and I am still losing weight. The thing about a cheat day for me is that I don't "go crazy" even if I want to. I know that my weakness is sweets and also heavy carb foods. To be honest, I keep an idea of what I would normally eat, and go above it comfortably. Like, if I am going out on a Saturday night, I will let myself have the better heavier beers, knowing that I did eat healthy meals the whole day.

    Cheat days really need another name...maybe "go a little beyond day"...I don't know, that even sounds lame. haha!