new girl with big goal

I am on a mission to slim down to my former self . Having been a normal size 12 at school but chubbier than my size 6 friends I was a target for mean comments so I dropped to 7,8lbs and a size 6 ( looking back this was far too thin and I was a great size to start ) I gained weight slowly and from 10 stone onwards have not been happy with my weight . I just couldn't see that I was a healthy weight , looking back again I looked fine up to a size 16 but now I've gone right up to a size 22/24 . Looking to lose 10 stone and be a size 12.
Looking for help and support on my way all tips welcome and would love to hear some success stories, also terrified of sagging skin so any tips to combat this are welcome.

Sarah x


  • valley2mtn
    valley2mtn Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, Sarah :). Your story sounds a lot like mine. I struggled with weight from the time I was 10, but I've just gotten bigger until I peaked at 270 lbs and a size 24. Little by little I've been changing my attitudes about food and am down 43 lbs from what I weighed four years ago. In my 20s I was more worried about my appearance. Now that I'm in my mid 30s, I'm more concerned about health. I want to be more fit and active so that I can have a better quality if life as I age. I find that the only way I really succeed is when I don't lie to myself. Log every bite of food. Don't sabotage your success by telling yourself that one bite won't hurt. If it won't hurt, then you should be fine logging calories for it, right? But often I don't. I just lie to myself and pretend that bite never happened. Best of luck on your journey! Don't give up!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    good luck
    you'll find lots of lovely people here on MFP
    watch out for trolls ( unfortunately we have them too like everywehere on the internet) but hopefully you can just ignore or be amused by them.

    If you want to add me as a friend feel free,
    I've spent a long time as the bigger girl and was unhappy with my weight for a long time. I'm finally somewhere wher i am happy and it is such an amazing thing to look in the mirror and be happy

    so I hope you find the path to happines you want - it amy not take you wher you expect ... I am heavier now that i was at a size uk16 but and now a uk 10/12 ...

  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    Eh up Duck!

    Id be happy to help you as a fellow "Stokie" ha ha

    if you'd like to send me a friend request? ive still got quite a way to go but have learnt a lot along my way so far and would be happy to share with you.
  • Thank you for your support and I'm sure if I stay with it on here I'll finally be able to get somewhere with it xxx
  • lilmizlatina
    lilmizlatina Posts: 8 Member
    Hola :)
    My names Brielle and Ive been a member of MyFitnessPal for an eternity but have just joined the community..
    Ive used to be a large 103kg and managed to drop almost 40kg.. over the past few years ive slowly put on 9kg which I really want to lose again.
    Im on a mission and I am more then happy to support you and cheer you on through your journey!
    Have fun and you'll it right in!
  • steveyinasia
    steveyinasia Posts: 121 Member
    You are already over one of the hardest hurdles, going started, plenty of people in here to help out as well. Good luck with your journey.
  • Hi, you can do this! I was a size 20 - 22 and then got down to a size 10 for my wedding day. Then i had 2 boys and i've been up and down for the last 7 years. Have been on WEight watchers for most of my life and swear by that until i bought myself a fitbit tracker and then got introduced to MFP. Now i love to see how much calories i actually burn off. I don't know how to add people as friends but i would like some more to motivate me!