Triathlon !!!

Ive hit that mid life crisis thing and can't afford a Porsche. So, Triathlon it is ! I am biking and running but the swimming is the one I'm going to have to really work on. I just wondered if there is anyone out there who may have the same aspiration as me or a seasoned triathlete who could offer training tips and advice.

Not sure I'm going to be able to do this alone !



  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    I would love to get into sprint and Olympic triathlons, it's a lot of fun and a nice challenge. There are a lot of training plans out there. Good luck.
  • slartibaartfast
    I found this site through my Garmin bike computer which has training plans pre loaded. Training plans are great but sticking to them is a different ball game. ~ i shall do my best
  • tjbrinson
    Hey Slartibaartfa,

    Glad to hear you are interested in Triathlons. **Warning** They are addictive.

    Training tips -

    #1 Don't go too hard, too quickly. I was told this when I first started training. Unfortunately, I did heed the advice, ended up with a stress fracture and had to stop running for 8 wks.

    #2 Find a local triathlon group if there is one. Just about every YMCA where I live has a Tri group.

    #3 Log your training. Training plans are a great way to stay on track, but you need to keep track of your training. I use One of the main reasons for logging you training is so you don't overtrain. A common mistake for all triathletes. There is a bit of a learning curve to trainingpeaks, but basically you need to monitor you training stress score (TSS). The higher the TSS, the more at risk you are for getting injured.

    #4 Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition. You're body is a ferrari in the making, give it quality fuel to burn!

    #5 REST. Allow you body to get the rest it needs so that you next training session can have better results.

    #6 (Last one for now) Don't compare yourself to others. Hard I know. You will see athletes at many different levels, some better, some not. Your goal is be the best triathlete you can be.

    Hope that helps
  • jim_just_jim
    jim_just_jim Posts: 148 Member
    Awesome !

    Good luck !
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I never post in these forums but since Triathlon is a topic near and dear to my heart, I figured I would chime in.

    Check out the great community at They will help you out with everything you need to get started.

    I will warn you, it is seriously addictive. There is no greater feeling than that of crossing the finish line at a race. I have done everything from the shortest sprints to full Ironman races, and every time, no matter what, I love the feeling at the end.

    At first I only competed with myself. Can I go faster than last time? I was there only to beat my own times. After a few years though, and triathlon getting deep into my blood, I find myself competitive at sprints and Olympics, and putting down solid middle-of-the-pack times at half-iron and full-ironman races. Taking home a age-group 1st place at my last Olympic race was one of the best feelings ever. All that hard work, tracking nutrition, tracking training, getting out every day for a really good training session, all paid off big time.

    Good luck with your journey! Feel free to ping me if you have any questions, I am always happy to chat about it!
  • aceink64
    aceink64 Posts: 21 Member
    the best way to go at it is find a sprint level race you want to do 4 to 6 months out and start slow and easy, set you goal to just complete it. Have fun and enjoy once you do one you will want to do another one.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Agree - check out Beginner Triathlete forum. Its got lots of useful info and they are a very supportive group - never make you feel daft however random the question! I did my first sprint tri last year - loved it! Swimming is my weak spot, and I don't think i'd ever feel confident in open water, but i'll find others.
  • CTRose1160
    CTRose1160 Posts: 3 Member
    This was the exact topic I
    Have been looking for. I use to compete in a lot of triathlons, but took two yrs off. I am now back at it with a pretty good training schedule as I am preparing for an Ironman in november. Looking for additional like minded people to follow. If interested, add me as a friend and we can push each other towards our training goals. Look forward to seeing everyones progress!!
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    Is there a tri group here? If not, someone should start one...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited February 2015
    I would suggest getting background info on anyone recommending training plans.

    There's realistic with other life priorities like family and work and less for training, and there is dedicated where there may not be as much other priorities that require time to more towards training.

    With a great aerobic base I've been able to do good half-ironman results with training only 5 days weekly, 2 of those days with doubled workouts, and 2 with longer events.
    It is possible, and that's background of 4-6 yr old. It was a lot easier without kiddo prior obviously, but he's involved on my recovery days many times.

    ditto to keeping deficit reasonable during the training. If you burn more, you eat more. That should be obvious, and using MFP, you still have a deficit for weight loss, just make it reasonable.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    There is a triathlon group here. Go to: It's a great place to ask questions and get tips and could be more active, also!

    I also recommend Beginner Triathlete as a great source for lots of starter plans and forums and other information. I've mostly just lurked there (and logged workouts), but found it valuable.

    I got into triathlons about 12 years ago when I decided to get fit and had a lot of fun doing them for a while before I fell off the wagon and started my slide into weight gain and all that. One of my goals from the beginning this time was to spend last year losing and getting into shape and spend my first maintenance year getting back into tri training. Not quite to maintenance yet, but I'm really excited for a season of triathlons and love the training. Just need to get my pool access figured out, as it's been spotty.