Losing heart ..stuck in plateau

I was told to stop exercising by docs while they investigated my heart after collapsing with pounding chest and headaches while using the Insanity programme at the beginning of this year (i was only doing it to the best of my ability and not completing all of it ).

All my tests on my heart came back excellent apart from my hr goes from 60 to 120 when i stand and 169 when i walk. The problem being that it increases super fast then takes a long time to settle down when resting again.. cardiologist said it could be what makes me dizzy and collapse because its a little to low and goes a little too high really fast.. but I'm fine and healthy so I can resume exercise. He's discharged me and just ordering one more test on my adrenal glands just because i haven't had it done.. but Im still left with this problem with my heart rate, im struggling to get my fitness levels up, now scared to push it because i can feel my heart racing and stuck in a plateau when I have still over 3 stone at least to lose and I don't know what to do now :(


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Well, exercise can contribute to a deficit but you generally have to chase it so I would discount the calorie burn attributed to exercise and rely on calorie counting alone. Weigh your food and recording your intake religiously will generally shed light on any problems with plateaus. Also, you could try weight resistance with a pace that doesn't elevate your heart rate like an insanity program would.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    caloric deficit= weight loss. Try just walking for awhile.
  • Bageeeta
    Bageeeta Posts: 1,259 Member
    Over the years I have been in two (smaller versions) biggest loser competitions and the first one I came in 3rd out of 30 people and that was with no exercise just changed eating (calorie deficit). What your going through has to be frustrating, but please don't feel like if you don't exercise you can't lose weight. Your heart health and wellness is more important than losing weight right now! *HUGS*
  • moijo6
    moijo6 Posts: 121
    I lost over 3 and a half stone on 1200 calories and no exercise.. but im just stuck here.. it is so frustrating..
  • Cat_Theodosia
    Cat_Theodosia Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe you're eating to little, I don't know your stats...google IIFYM, it got me out of my plateau and I was eating more... I did the low carb plan since I feel more full on protein and fats over carbs... I plugged those numbers into MFP. Good Luck
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    caloric deficit= weight loss. Try just walking for awhile.

    That is pretty much it. Lift weights and focus on your DIET. That is the key.
  • Bageeeta
    Bageeeta Posts: 1,259 Member
    I do know the feeling I stayed at my same weight while following MFP for three months. I am not sure what your doc says is OK exercise but maybe low impact would help? Or maybe a few less calories, but stay on your path, even if you don't lose and as your health improves you can do more. Just "try" to not give up and know that you will work through this!
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    Bummer. It is hard for me to stick within a calorie deficit unless I exercise. Just had my gallbladder out which is a set back for exercising. I am most upset about the restrictions on my fitness class for tbe next few weeks.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    1200 calories is starvation level Dear. You need to eat more and focus on building muscle.
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    My plateaus can last two weeks. What I do is more water, more exercise, keep the calories the same. Eventually it happens.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Has your cardiologist given your a tilt table test?

    Also, do you use a food scale?
  • greenstar25
    greenstar25 Posts: 45 Member
    Whenever you're stuck in a plateau, you have to change things up. I did quite a bit of research on this topic because it happened to me too several times. You either have to change your diet (doesn't mean lower the calories, could be altering your macros, eating more calories for 1-2 weeks then go back to 1200 cal.. etc) and I would definitely do weight lifting,as it gives you a beautiful body, something that cardio can't do ;-) Just make sure you have long enough rest periods between sets so to not elevate your heart rate. You could also go to bodybuilding.com (motivation/transformation/female transformations) to help you with your motivation, they have so many examples of women who had to overcome obstacles, and I find that helps me when I need a kick in the butt ;-)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    caloric deficit= weight loss. Try just walking for awhile.

    That is pretty much it. Lift weights and focus on your DIET. That is the key.

    OP was told not to exercise while they figure out her if there is a medical condition.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    You can try walking or if you're at a gym that has some more advance cardio equipment such as a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical that tracks your heart rate, use that equipment, but make sure your heart rate isn't going too high. You won't burn as many calories, but it will at least be some level of consistent exercise. People who have actually recovered from heart attacks can walk or use this type of equipment as long as they keep their heart rate within a specified range. Regarding Insanity, I've done it, and it does have some exercises where you are going from standing to prone -- such as burpees or standing and going to push ups very fast. This causes high fluctuations in blood pressure as well as heart rate that can cause some people dizziness. (I have this problem my self and make modifications to these moves.) You might find steady, upright exercises, such as walking or doing an elliptical will be quite tolerable for you. I agree with others that 1200 is a pretty low calorie level for a young person who is active. I eat that little, but I am 55 and very short.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    I can't speak to your heart condition - I don't have anything like that (as far as I'm aware) nor do I know anything about it.

    However, the last 3 weeks I have been stuck in a plateau at 34lbs down. It only started moving again a few days ago. Here's the things I've already noticed:

    1. Not eating back workout calories helps.
    2. When I mapped out my weight lost over the last month, in the beginning of August I had a huge drop in weight followed by almost nothing for three weeks. I think part of this plateau might just be my body adjusting.

    Don't know if any of this information helps, but I hope it does. Best of luck!
  • moijo6
    moijo6 Posts: 121
    I've had pretty much every test going... xrays, scans, 7 day hr monitor, hr and bp monitored while on tread mill , incl. on incline. The adrenal gland test was just as a closure on discharge for my gp to do at some point. It actually makes sense to me if it does turn out to be my adrenaline control..

    I have been given the all clear to exercise, but I still have this problem to deal with while i build up my fitness levels.

    I have tried increasing my calories for a month by a few hundred, i just piled on a stone. I'm 39 (not that young anymore lol) and 5.9 in height. what would be considered a safe heart rate while exercising? Its like getting blood from a stone trying to get a straight answer from the cardiologist and gp when i ask them.

    Yes I use a food scale ;)

    I've been doing yoga (although ive always done it so my body is used to it so i dont add it on here), ive tried using my exercise bike.. took my hr hours to calm down...same thing happens when i walked for an hour or 2 or even dancing ..

    so bought a fitbit scale and flex a few weeks ago to help me maybe increase my steps and try to balance things out .. ive increased my steps ,but i've still no loss really just the same 6lb off and on:tongue:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I've had pretty much every test going... xrays, scans, 7 day hr monitor, hr and bp monitored while on tread mill , incl. on incline. The adrenal gland test was just as a closure on discharge for my gp to do at some point. It actually makes sense to me if it does turn out to be my adrenaline control..

    I have been given the all clear to exercise, but I still have this problem to deal with while i build up my fitness levels.

    I have tried increasing my calories for a month by a few hundred, i just piled on a stone. I'm 39 (not that young anymore lol) and 5.9 in height. what would be considered a safe heart rate while exercising? Its like getting blood from a stone trying to get a straight answer from the cardiologist and gp when i ask them.

    Yes I use a food scale ;)

    I've been doing yoga (although ive always done it so my body is used to it so i dont add it on here), ive tried using my exercise bike.. took my hr hours to calm down...same thing happens when i walked for an hour or 2 or even dancing ..

    so bought a fitbit scale and flex a few weeks ago to help me maybe increase my steps and try to balance things out .. ive increased my steps ,but i've still no loss really just the same 6lb off and on:tongue:

    The reason I asked about a tilt table test, because it was the only cardiology test that identified my wife's medical condition (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). You have similar symptoms as she experienced. Something to consider. I will note, that if you would have a similar condition, low carb and gluten free may be beneficial.

    Now with that said, if you are logging daily and using a food scale and not exercise, 1200 may be adequate. But I would to get nutrient dense foods to ensure you meet macro micronutrient goals. If you can exercise, maybe start with lifting instead of cardio.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If you want to do cardio - do things with lower intensity. Walking is great. Walking outside in an area with some natural slight hills adds variety/difficulty and you control your pace based on how you feel. Or on a treadmill, control your speed and do inclines for variety.
  • moijo6
    moijo6 Posts: 121
    I've had pretty much every test going... xrays, scans, 7 day hr monitor, hr and bp monitored while on tread mill , incl. on incline. The adrenal gland test was just as a closure on discharge for my gp to do at some point. It actually makes sense to me if it does turn out to be my adrenaline control..

    I have been given the all clear to exercise, but I still have this problem to deal with while i build up my fitness levels.

    I have tried increasing my calories for a month by a few hundred, i just piled on a stone. I'm 39 (not that young anymore lol) and 5.9 in height. what would be considered a safe heart rate while exercising? Its like getting blood from a stone trying to get a straight answer from the cardiologist and gp when i ask them.

    Yes I use a food scale ;)

    I've been doing yoga (although ive always done it so my body is used to it so i dont add it on here), ive tried using my exercise bike.. took my hr hours to calm down...same thing happens when i walked for an hour or 2 or even dancing ..

    so bought a fitbit scale and flex a few weeks ago to help me maybe increase my steps and try to balance things out .. ive increased my steps ,but i've still no loss really just the same 6lb off and on:tongue:

    The reason I asked about a tilt table test, because it was the only cardiology test that identified my wife's medical condition (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). You have similar symptoms as she experienced. Something to consider. I will note, that if you would have a similar condition, low carb and gluten free may be beneficial.

    Now with that said, if you are logging daily and using a food scale and not exercise, 1200 may be adequate. But I would to get nutrient dense foods to ensure you meet macro micronutrient goals. If you can exercise, maybe start with lifting instead of cardio.

    I'll look into that thanks .. im on low carb, glucose and sodium.. no harm in trying gluten free.. if it helps I'll give it a go :wink:

    macro micronutrient? thats a new one to me.. ill have to look it up too lol
  • moijo6
    moijo6 Posts: 121
    I do walk when possible and i live on the coast (like literally across the road ), so lots of cliffs and hills or flat areas .. i need to make a point of trying to make it regular.