Hello from Buffalo, NY

I am not brand new on this site, I had a profile before but it's been a while. I do, however, look at the community almost daily as I love the success stories.

I am hoping for a success story of my own.

I noticed there is a blog (never noticed that before) so I began blogging as of today which I think might help. I need a lot of help. I have seem to have lost control.

Depression/hormones definitely plays a part.

I am looking to find my way back to being happy again.



  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hello jc_0324 from another Buffalo girl.
    I hope we all, who use this site, have out success story to put on the boards.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello! I grew up in Buffalo/Cheektowaga! I'm a ways away from there now but I'd love to move back to the area sometime. The blog is a great way to help keep yourself accountable and keep a record. Good luck!
  • jim_just_jim
    jim_just_jim Posts: 148 Member
    Hello from Syracuse !

    Glad to see you're addressing your depression. I think it's a major factor in weight management.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Hi from IL and good luck to you. If you can get outdoors to walk, it will relieve some of the stress and depression. Laughing at myself because my best stress release is pulling weeds. When I am upset, I can clean the whole gravel driveway. :angry: Of course it will aid in weight loss and strengthen your muscles. If you are doing all these things and still suffer, I recommend visiting your MD and tell how you are feeling. :smile:
  • Some days I tell myself to put off a good workout but when I remember that my health and mood are in my power and control, I take responsibility and get my butt up. One foot behind the other. LOL I am 55 years old and getting ready for a 64 mile bike ride for supporting challenging cancer. If my loved ones have the courage to challenge cancer, the least I can do I challenge myself with my bike. We are all more capable of doing far more than we give ourselves credit for. Believe
  • Hi, from Crown Point IN. We were in Buffalo this summer when we went to Niagara Falls! I am in the same boat- everything, so feel free to add me! I havent logged in for a while and it shows- I'm ready to get serious
  • Hi...........................I'm not from Buffalo but I've visited there many times as my husband has relatives in Cheektowaga. My name is Carrie, I'll be 70 in December but I don't feel nearly that old.
    I've been a Weight Watcher member for many years and have only made it to my ideal weight a couple of times. Right now, I need to lose about 8 pounds to reach my(adjusted) goal, which is about 20 pounds above their ideal, thanks to a doctors note.
    I've also been terrible at tracking food but just this week I'm trying MFP and so far keeping it up and enjoying it.
    Depression has been a major factor in my life too but at this point it's well managed with medication. I am about 40 pounds less that my highest weight so I have had some success.
    Don't give up on the weigh or the depression.
    Hoping to hear from you soon.
  • Thank you everyone for the warm welcome :-)