What does your weekly workout schedule look like?



  • JorgeGonzales
    Monday- Cardio
    Tuesday - Legs & Shoulders Strength Training
    Wednesday- Squatting
    Thursday- Heavy Eating
    Saturday :- Muscle Building
    Sunday:- Weight Lifting and Chest Strength Training

    EAT, REST, WORKOUT and REPEAT it again and again
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    It depends on what my coach sends me. Right now, I am training for a half marathon on Oct 19 and then a half Ironman on June 21....AND I'm dealing with IT band issues to boot. This is my schedule for the past 3 weeks:

    Sun: 90 min bike (group ride)
    Mon: 60 min bike (group ride)
    Tues: 5 mile run (alt 1 mile easy, 1 mile hard)
    Wed: 45 min swim (open water)
    Thurs: 60 min run (easy), and 60 minutes yoga <--this was the day my IT band said "F you" to me on my run (started regimen of specific stretches, foam rolling, massage and icing)
    Fri: rest
    Sat: 2 hour bike

    Sun: 60 min bike (high cadence) <--was supposed to be a 90 min run, but my coach switched it due to my issues on Thurs
    Mon: 2 hour bike (group ride)
    Tues: 30 min swim (laps, high effort)
    Wed: brick - 30 min bike, 15 min run (high effort) <--IT band was okay here with the fast pace run
    Thurs: was supposed to be a 45 minute easy run to test the leg...turned into a 35 minute run/walk session due to my IT band...and 60 minutes yoga
    Fri: saw a physical therapist. did a very short (25 min), very easy bike ride to loosen up the leg after PT (Restricted from running for a week after my race on Sunday)
    Sat: 85 min bike and PT stretches at home

    Sun: 10K race (IT band did okay...PT taped it on Friday to get me through the race) and PT stretches at home
    Mon: PT session and 60 min ride (group ride)
    Tue: swim 4X500 TT with 2 min rest btw sets (took 52 mins) and PT stretches at home
    Wed: PT session and 45 min TT with 10 min w/u and c/d (65 min total)
    Thurs: swim 10x200 TT with 30 sec rest btw sets, and 60 minutes yoga and PT stretches at home
    Fri: rest day and PT stretches at home
    Sat: 62 mile benefit ride and PT stretches at home

    Don't have my schedule yet for next week...waiting to see if my PT releases me for running, otherwise will be swim or bike...and PT stretches at home
  • Halcyon3608
    Halcyon3608 Posts: 28 Member
    Monday = strength training (upper body)
    Tuesday = cardio
    Wednesday = strength training (core)
    Thursday = cardio
    Friday = strength training (leg day)
    Saturday = cardio
    Sunday = Pilates/rest day

    My cardio right now is Couch to 5K; once I finish that it'll be cold enough in the mornings that I won't want to run outside, so I'm planning on using my apartment's treadmills or ellipticals for ~30 mins instead. I'm trying to complete C25K outside because my apartment's treadmills take FOREVER to switch speeds.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 With Ice Cream Edition all with weight increases Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Walking when I can between
  • longshadows17
    longshadows17 Posts: 32 Member
    Horseback ride 5-6 times a week, and two horses on weekends.

    Weights/cardio 2-3 times a week
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    Tuesday/Thursday - Run 1 mile and weight lift
    Wednesday - Muscle Madness
    Friday - 30 minute Insanity Workout
    Saturday - Run 3 miles, weight lift and mat work
    Sunday - Elliptical Machine, time varies
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    Sunday: Back, Bi's, and shoulders, 60 minutes cardio
    Monday: 30-60 minutes cardio
    Tuesday: Legs and 20 minutes cardio
    Wednesday: 30-60 minutes cardio
    Thursday: Chest and Tri's 20 minute cardio
    Friday: 30-60 minutes cardio
    Saturday: Rest
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    Run five days, cross-train one day, rest one day. :)
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Day 1: Quads/Calves
    Day 2: Chest/Tris/Core
    Day 3: Cardio/Core (Optional)
    Day 4: Hams/Lats/Traps/
    Day 5: Biceps/Forearms/Delts/Calves (ie "Small Muscle Sunday.")

    Two full rest days.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Monday: Lifting session with my coach. 60 minutes. (usually legs)
    Tuesday: Usually an hour of yoga.
    Weds: Lifting session with my coach. 60 minutes. (usually upper body)
    Thursday: usually an hour of yoga.
    Friday or Saturday: Leg session, 90 minutes.
    Saturday or Sunday: Upper body session, 90 minutes.

    Thinking of replacing some of that yoga with swimming to get my lungs back.
  • Trez32
    Trez32 Posts: 84 Member
    Monday: Chest and Triceps
    Tuesday: Legs
    Wednesdays: Shoulders
    Thursdays: Ab/Core
    Friday: Back and Biceps
    Saturday: Rest Day
    Sunday: Rest Day/ Extra Cardio

    Everyday except Tuesday and Rest days I run anywhere between 1-2 miles. Sundays if I do cardio its just because I went over on calories for the week or am attending an event the next week that I know I'll need the extra calories to splurge.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    5 am: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 60 minutes cardio (Elliptical, rowing -new challenge, or Cybex Arc Trainer)
    Wednesday, Rest or Cardio (dependant on ability to sleep after Tuesday night exercise - mentioned further below)

    Also Monday thru Friday - 30 - 40 minutes of walking to/from train and work

    Tuesday Night: Water aerobics: 45 minutes (friend teaches class, so I feel guilty to skip it)

    and Sat/Sun - REST.

    Only way to squeeze exercise in with a 40 hour work-week for me is to start early. More often than not if I make an after work plan to exercise I will lose interest to do it by the time it hits 5 pm.
  • JulieAnn72
    JulieAnn72 Posts: 795 Member
    I try to do four Fitness Blender workouts each week. What day and what workout depends on what I feel like doing at the beginning of the week. I try to get in at least one upper body strength training workout, one lower body workout and one HIIT cardio each week. The fourth day depends on what order I did the others in. I also occasionally run as my cardio, but I'm waiting for the humidity to go away before getting back into that. That's more of a weekend thing.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'm cutting right now, so taking it light on weight lifting volume. Still making strength gains, so I figure I must be doing OK for now.

    I'm doing Wendler's 5/3/1 4-day split, Boring But Big variation, dropped the accessory work so I'm just hitting the major lifts heavy for the 5/3/1 sets, then light for 5x10.

    Also doing Hal Higdon's beginner half-marathon training - shifted the days some so rest days for running are leg days for lifting. Not anticipating signing up for any races - just using it to steadily progress without doing anything too dumb. I'm on the 3rd week and feeling good so far.

    M: squat workout
    T: bench workout + short run (3 miles)
    W: long run (>= 6 miles)
    R: deadlift workout
    F: ohp workout + medium run (3-5 miles)
    S: medium run (3-5 miles)
    S: medium run (3-5 miles)