Saying hello for the first time...

Hi everyone. I saw this site mentioned on another forum by a friend of mine and decided to give it a go. The kick off point for me was seeing myself in photos taken over the past couple of months and feeling so upset at how I looked. I've always been chunky but curvy and I liked that, however now I am losing my features, my double chin is massive, my arms are enormous and the least said about the rest of me the better!

I am currently a size 16/18 and I used to be a happy 12 on the bottom and 14 on the top - that would be fab to get back to that.

I own two horses, one of whom is nearing the grand age of 20, and my main motivation (aside from wanting to look slimmer for a holiday in March) is to drop the weight so that he is happy to have me on his back. He's not struggling yet, but I don't want to wait until he is.

My method of choice is the Atkins Diet, but I intend to stick to this Monday to Friday only, and eat a few (limited) carbs such as potatoes and bread at weekends - otherwise I just know I will get cravings and that'll be that!

Anyway, I'm off to have a nose about. Really hope to say hi and hear some motivating stories from you guys!


  • lisa_lotte
    Hello and welcome to MFP :-)

    I only joined this site about a week ago and i am addicted already, so I hope you enjoy. Sooo much support on here and lots of advice. Where you from?

  • Henry1997
    Thanks for the welcome! I live in The Cotswolds, England.
  • Jasdramaqueen
    Jasdramaqueen Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome! I've been on here for 2 weeks, have falled off a few times but it's amazingf what tracking your food can do! Good luck!
  • woody2784
    Hey im Lisa i live in Oxfordshire, England , i joined this last week and lost 3lb already , im on about 1200 cals a day , but finding it difficult to eat 1200 cals so im consuming about 1000 , looking for motivation and friendship from other users , as losing weight is 1 of the hardest things to do , and to keep the weight off is even harder , i dont know about other people but i have 1 cheat day usually a Saturday when i have a cheeky takeaway :tongue:
  • lisa_lotte
    Ahhh I normally have a cheat day at weekends too. You should try to eat at least 1200 calories/day though as less then this may stop you losing weight as your body will go in to starvation mode...

    I live in Reading, England :-)

  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello-Welcome! I joined this site recently as well. I have tried different diets and what not. One thing I have found and love about this site is that I am not on a diet...I am now aware of how many calories, grams of fat, etc.. that I should be taking in a day. This site has allowed me to eat a variety of foods and just be contious of what I eat. I plan now. For example, my husband and I went on a date night this past weekend with another couple - I knew we were going to the Olive Garden so I planned ahead. I even looked at their menu so I had a good idea of what I wanted to eat without feeling like I deprived myself.

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other!