new to my fitness pal

ahuddleston Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
In October of 2009 I committed to exercising daily. Since then I've missed only about a couple dozen days due to sickness or vacation. I've also TRIED watching my calorie intake but sometimes it seems like I'm so hungry after working out so hard that it's counter-productive. When I started exercising I was 226 lbs. and I'm down to 185 (I've been down to 180 but just got back from 8 days in Cancun so I have some extra vacation weight to contend with)! Someone mentioned this site to me yesterday and WOW, it seems like just what I've been looking for to help get me the rest of the way. I'm actually very happy with my appearance but there are some trouble areas I'd like to work on with exercise............namely post-pregnancy belly, former fat leg jiggle and just overall muscle development! My goal weight is 165 and I'd LOVE to be there by summer!!!! I think with this tool I can get there!:happy:


  • peaches32684
    peaches32684 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! :) Im sure you will find this site not only helpful but full of people that want to help you meet your goals! If you need anything please feel free to friend me or message me anytime! :) Good Luck to you! I hope MFP has all that you were looking for :)
  • sandy4720
    sandy4720 Posts: 21 Member
    You will, keep at it! I'm only on day two and I'm very excited to reach my goal. With the support of everyone here I'm sure you'll reach your goal! Just record your food and excercise, stay within your limits and you'll get there in no time!
  • That's awesome! Congrats on your successes. What is your secret to staying so committed to exercise. It is my downfall for sure!
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