Looking For PCOS Cysters

Hello, My name is jennifer, and in May 2010 I was diagnosed with PCOS. Now mine is mild so so. I have a TOM each month, my levels in sugar and everything else is fine, but I have the crazy characters of PCOS....Weight, moody monster, and little extra. I am looking for other pcos cysters, who are TTC, taking the metoformin meds, the pill, and any natural meds, I use the pcos sites for help, but I thought with cysters trying to lose weight, I can keep it all in one place....so please add me, I am looking for more support


  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Welcome! Glad to see another cyster on here. :)
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    me too :)
  • erincraig
    I don't but I have a friend who does and controlled it by many natural things. She writes this blog.

  • adrienne4791
    Mine is pretty severe and I take the meds metiforim and have to have a biopsy done every year and only have a TOM every 3 months. But I have hope that this weight will come off! I'm here to support you! Welcome!

    P.S. I also visit the PCOS sites and found some to be helpful but no help with weight loss like I get from thsi site :):smile:
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    Well you know you can always depend on me fellow PCOS Cyster!
  • Summerluvin
    Hello from a pcos cyster. I was dx with pcos in 2007 when I was unable to get pregnant on my own. I am now struggling to loose the weight that pcos keeps stacking on me plus the infertility drug weight and baby weight.
  • suprjewels
    I was diagnosed in late 04. I got prego with high doses of Met after 3 years of trying. Now I've had bad reactions to Met and am trying to get this weight off. All support is welcome. :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS, diabetes and Hypo-thyroid in March 2003.

    I can not tolerate metformin so my main and only goal is to live medication free.

    I have too much scar tissue from the cysts that my tubes are blocked so I am not able to conceive any longer. I have had at least 7 miscarriages since 1998 also.

    The only thing that is and does work for me is a very low carb, higher fat and moderate protein eating plan and exercise.
  • fancyladymeek
    I'm not TTC and I don't take metformin, but I do have PCOS!! I have stable normal blood sugar, but I am 313 lbs and so I am still at high risk of developing diabetes....which terrifies me!!

    Everything I've read and been told by my doctor drives me to try and lose the weight. My doc said that the best way to manage PCOS is to manage your weight.

    RIght now, I'm doing Atkins. Since PCOS involves a lot of insulin resistence and blood sugar issues, for me it makes sense to do low carb and moderate cal/fat diet. I just started Atkins so I'll see how it goes, but before I wasn't losing real fast and I was busting my *kitten*.
  • kyoules
    kyoules Posts: 37 Member
    I'm somewhat new here (signed up last year and didn't log for very long, came back this week). I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2004 and have been on Yasmin since then. I just started Metformin a month ago, 500 mg once a day. I also have hypothyroidism and take Synthroid for that. I am 27, 5'3", 181 lbs (yikes!), married, no kids, and not currently TTC. I would like to have a baby by the time I'm 30, but would like to get my weight under control before then.

    I've had success losing weight by keeping a food diary in the past, also lost weight with Weight Watchers, but gained it all back and then some. I'm at my highest weight ever now, and need a group to keep me accountable! I'm a vegetarian and am trying to eat more protein and less carbs, as well as exercise more. What percentages of protein/fat/carbs do you usually eat?
  • CNSmith2006
    Hello. I'm a cyster, too. I've had irregular periods since I was 16, but started when I was 11. Around 20 years old, I gained about 80 pounds and have done so continuously since. At my max, I weighed 265.6 pounds. I also have hirsutism, elevated testosterone levels, and am insulin resistant. I was diagnosed with PCOS in July 2010. My Hubby and I are TTC our first. I am currently on 1500mg of metformin (has helped me get down to 251.5 pounds so far), progesterone (to induce a period), and 3x clomid (to induce ovulation). This is my last round of clomid if it doesn't work.

    I live in Durham, NC and started a face-to-face, social, support group for ladies with PCOS. If you are near us, look us up:

    Facebook page is by invitation only. If you want an invite, message me at Facebook.com/cnsmith2006

    If you aren't, look up a group near you or, do what I did, start one!!!

    Good luck. Fight that PCOS, girl!!!!
