Having a hard time

I am having a really hard time dieting. I've never been good at sticking to a diet. My Dr. had me taking a diet pill along with diet and exercise which really helped to motivate me, thinking the helpful push I needed would be in that pill. Well as it turns out, my body can't handle the pill and I was having major headaches (the kind where your head feels like it will explode and the base of my skull had a constant throbbing pain that wouldn't go away, yeah not good!) so she had to take me off of it after 3 days. The fact that my body couldn't handle just made me feel defeated right there because I've tried diet and exercise alone before and made no progress. I'm really having a hard time staying motivated to keep trying. Any ideas as to how I can boost my morale to keep going at this even though I feel like i'm starving all the time and want to eat everything in sight?


  • EmilyJo1981
    I am having a really hard time dieting. I've never been good at sticking to a diet. My Dr. had me taking a diet pill along with diet and exercise which really helped to motivate me, thinking the helpful push I needed would be in that pill. Well as it turns out, my body can't handle the pill and I was having major headaches (the kind where your head feels like it will explode and the base of my skull had a constant throbbing pain that wouldn't go away, yeah not good!) so she had to take me off of it after 3 days. The fact that my body couldn't handle just made me feel defeated right there because I've tried diet and exercise alone before and made no progress. I'm really having a hard time staying motivated to keep trying. Any ideas as to how I can boost my morale to keep going at this even though I feel like i'm starving all the time and want to eat everything in sight?
  • alifelessevident
    make small goals to start, drink lots of water- it helps make you feel full.... exercise, it will help decrease that hungry feeling.. and if you falter, don't bash yourself for it, just pick yourself back up and move forward... there is a lot of supportive people on here, and we all have trouble with it at times, but if you can start meeting small goals with the diet and exercise, soon you'll be able to hit bigger goals, it takes time, no way around that, at least not in a healthy manner. so chin up start again and know we are all here to help and support the best we can :smile:
  • jamdblake4
    jamdblake4 Posts: 179
    sorry to say there's no pill thats going to cure your ill. It's a long road you have to push, keep exercising eating right the weight will come off, it's not going to happen overnight.
  • JenniferMann24
    Change one bad habbit at a time. I started with drinking mostly water. I then moved to wheat bread and wheat pasta. Remember your serving sizes and don't think you have to starve yourself. I met with a nutritionist and before was eating 1500 calories and she said my body thought it was starving and put me on 1800 calories.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time...
    How do you change your health? One bite a time...

    Take baby steps...

    Week one...log your foods down...
    Week two...log your foods down and drink more water...
    Week three...log your foods down, drink more water, workout at least twice a week...
    Week four...log your foods down, drink more water, workout twice a week, and only 1 snack per day...
    Week five...

    Are you with me? I started doing this wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in October, but lucky for you that you found logging earlier than I did! Just take small steps and whatever works for you to make this a healthy change of lifestyle not a culture shock to you and your family. They won't even notice if you take small steps to make big improvements. You can do it! :drinker:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member

    Every time I say I'm going on a diet, I gain weight. The minute I say it my body goes into deprivation mode and I begin craving all things bad for me. First I have to eat anything in the house that might be fattening and I don't want it to tempt me when I start my "diet". Then I have to go out for one last weekend binge to get it out of my system so I can concentrate on doing the right thing, Following that I go to the grocery store and spend an obscene amount of money buying all the right foods with every intention of cooking and leading an exemplary life from now on. After about a week or two of starving and obsessing about my diet, someone invites me out and I say "what the heck" and the diet is over. Net result, I've gained a couple pounds. It's just NOT WORTH IT.

    Do not diet......instead concentrate on making small, healthy lifestyle changes that you can sustain forever. I agree with Princess....take it one step at a time starting with logging your foods. And be brutally honest with yourself about what you are eating and how much you exercise. That will be enough of a shock to help you stay on track. Concentrate on drinking lots of water.....make the changes one week at a time and make sure that it's become second nature before you add the next step. If you find yourself struggling with your changes for the week, add another week to allow the changes to become a habit before you add another change. Don't beat yourself up when you slip and fall, just get up, brush yourself off and get back on track.

    Exercise: you gotta. More is better but ANY kind in any amount is good.

    Oh, last thing. You have to program your mind to be successful. Do not say "I can't". Instead say "I am" or "I will". Assume from day one that you will be successful. Negativity is worse for you than a 10 pound chocolate bar.

    Good luck, we're all with you!.
  • ginnie
    ginnie Posts: 44
    live day by day. If you think how much you have to loss it will never go as fast as you like, and seem like a wish and not a goal. so you have to be slow . that’s the only way I have lost anything. make small goals for weight loss and I’ve learned it took years for me to get like this and it's going to take the same to get it off. keep going, your worth it.
    and don't call it a
    that’s The" evil" word
    your getting healthy