no more weight loss past 5-6 weeks

While I am tackling a health issue, the one side effect I have embraced is losing weight.
However, I am really frustrated as I am on a calorie deficit and not losing weight (gained the 2 lbs I lost from last week this week but hope it is water weight).

Only 4'11" height
CW 129 lbs
GW 115 lbs

My current BMR is 1263 so using the formula with no exercise maintaining would be 1515 calories.

I do exercise almost every day, step aerobic and use my elliptical, sometimes both. I do strength training 3 times a week as being in shape and healthy is important to me. However, I do want to get rid of the rest of the fat too!

Since I don't have much energy due to health reasons I cut back on my exercise in August to mostly doing my 40 minute step aerobic only instead of both cardio workouts, but last week tried to boost the weight loss by adding elliptical again.
Seems as if that put my in maintenance which it should have done considering the low calorie intake.

I use a food scale and weigh and measure everything.

I do not eat back my exercise calories.

If I eat out, and there is no nutritional guide (happens rarely) I overestimate calories (can't each much in one sitting anyway).

Considering eating about 1000 calories a day on average (not net), and also doing exercise (even if it is only the 40 minutes), how is it that I have not lost weight these past weeks?

Any suggestions other than the eating more? Right now I simply would have a hard time eating more, but in any case, over that period of time, how can it be I am not losing anything? I would be concerned eating more as I do not want to gain weight again and really think eating too much is what the problem was which lead me here to this site.

Thyroid is normal.

I have been thinking of different ways to change things up but since I am not feeling well, is considering to not change anything until after surgery in about 10 days, and then look at this again to see how I can get things moving.
Not sure I can push more cardio or exercise at this time but wish I could.

I do have another 15 lbs to lose, really want to be in shape as well as getting to my goal weight.

Would love any suggestions on how to deal with this. Thank you!:smile:

EDIT: I do drink tons of water every day but do not log that.


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    1000 calorie is not enough at all! you at very close to bottoming out your metabolism so do not cut anymore. First thing to do is try to raise your protein intake to as close to 50% as you can which will take some time to do. also try raising your calorie by just 100 a day. That should fire up your metabolism some and trigger more weight loss. I know it sounds alittle crazy but it works I promise.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I appreciate you have been told your thyroid is normal. Were you told your actual numbers and the part of the thyroid function that was actually tested. Many of us have spent years being told, there is noting wrong and its your age or have never been considered for thyroid function tests. If you have time and would like some interesting reading try looking at the "Stop the thyroid madness" web site, I learned so very much.

    I looked at your page, you seem to have lost a considerable amount of weight over time. I wonder if you might have got close to where your body wants to be and if you are within may be a stone or so it becomes more difficult to loose. It is often suggested one reduces ones target to 1 or may be only half a lb.

    I am concerned you are having difficulty with your meals. Is it actually swallowing or some other aspect of eating. I hope you are having this looked into, I remember something called a stricture or something, then the thyroid can do something similar. Please take some more medical advice.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    You have a lower BMR than most, and a lesser than 1200 intake range may be appropriate for you. Hard for anyone here to say for sure but there are exceptions.

    It might be that you need to just be patient, focus on getting beyond your medical issues for now and maintaining.
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    Just trying to figure out what I can do after surgery to lose the rest, as weight has stalled for so many weeks, but perhaps I am ahead of myself.
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    I appreciate you have been told your thyroid is normal. Were you told your actual numbers and the part of the thyroid function that was actually tested. Many of us have spent years being told, there is noting wrong and its your age or have never been considered for thyroid function tests. If you have time and would like some interesting reading try looking at the "Stop the thyroid madness" web site, I learned so very much.

    I looked at your page, you seem to have lost a considerable amount of weight over time. I wonder if you might have got close to where your body wants to be and if you are within may be a stone or so it becomes more difficult to loose. It is often suggested one reduces ones target to 1 or may be only half a lb.

    I am concerned you are having difficulty with your meals. Is it actually swallowing or some other aspect of eating. I hope you are having this looked into, I remember something called a stricture or something, then the thyroid can do something similar. Please take some more medical advice.

    I have hyper calcemia, have a tumor (they are usually benign) on my para thyroid, it shouldn't slow metabolism, just have many symptoms from it, loss of appetite is one. So assuming I will feel normal in a few weeks after they remove it :smile:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    You have a lower BMR than most, and a lesser than 1200 intake range may be appropriate for you. Hard for anyone here to say for sure but there are exceptions.

    It might be that you need to just be patient, focus on getting beyond your medical issues for now and maintaining.

    Wrong. Her BMI is 1257, her TDEE is 1728 (with 1-3 hours of exercise; more if she works out more than that), and her TDEE - 20% is 1382. She, along with most women, should be eating AT LEAST 1200 calories per day.
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member

    Wrong. Her BMI is 1257, her TDEE is 1728 (with 1-3 hours of exercise; more if she works out more than that), and her TDEE - 20% is 1382. She, along with most women, should be eating AT LEAST 1200 calories per day.

    Then why would I not lose weight, obviously I am at a deficit, and while metabolism can slow down, it should still move downward.

    I am looking for help in what I can do in a couple weeks when I am able to get started on losing the last 15 lbs.

    Eating too much is why I got overweight in the first place.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Worry about getting through your surgery and healing. Losing weight should be the last thing on your mind right now.
  • DunnFit
    I'd be curious to know what your actual macronutrient intake is like throughout the day. I.e. how much protein/carbs/fat at each meal, and when you exercise in regard to when you eat which foods. You can eat low calories, but the wrong macro's at the wrong time, and not make the progress you'd expect.

    You may also need to consider that you could have a mild food sensitivity. You may want to try dropping either/or dairy, or wheat, entirely for maybe 2 weeks and see if you *feel* any different. Some people have a mild reaction and don't know it and it can affect your digestion and weight loss.
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    I'd be curious to know what your actual macronutrient intake is like throughout the day. I.e. how much protein/carbs/fat at each meal, and when you exercise in regard to when you eat which foods. You can eat low calories, but the wrong macro's at the wrong time, and not make the progress you'd expect.

    You may also need to consider that you could have a mild food sensitivity. You may want to try dropping either/or dairy, or wheat, entirely for maybe 2 weeks and see if you *feel* any different. Some people have a mild reaction and don't know it and it can affect your digestion and weight loss.

    I opened my diary ( I think).

    Usually exercise first thing in the morning most days on empty stomach as that feels best for me. Then have my protein drink right after.
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    Worry about getting through your surgery and healing. Losing weight should be the last thing on your mind right now.

    Yes...but I so want to get rid of these last lbs!!:smile:
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    Ignore the guy above. He's never once given any good advice.

    OP, the best advice I can give you at this time is to get your priorities straight. You are not at an unhealthy weight so losing weight right now isn't a huge deal. I would say just get yourself mentally prepared for your surgery. Eat close to maintenance post surgery until you fully recover then evaluate the situation you are in. If you say your thyroid and other test come back clean and you have no medical barriers then it will be time to find your deficit through actual trail and error and not online calculators.

    Yes, I know, just being impatient, that is good advice :smile: