What should I do? never done anything but cario in the past

Excuse the typo - * cardio

I've lost 50 lbs..
40 of those pounds were lost solely with diet and no exercise. Bad I know but I am 8 pounds away from my goal weight and dislike the way my body looks.

I have been jogging/walking for a few months now but I know cardio doesn't do much.
I would like to change my butt and thighs, And I do have some saggy skin on my lower stomach.
I am 24 and have had one kid so I'm not sure if the saggy skin will go away even with working out.

Any advice on starting non cardio lifestyle?


  • danielmbuckley
    danielmbuckley Posts: 13 Member
    First of all, congratulations on losing 50lbs! That's a true accomplishment.

    A lot of people get wrapped up into the cardio game for losing weight and avoid lifting so you're not alone. However, body composition is much more than just the # on the scale as you're starting to see.

    You should look up some beginner workouts online (bodybuilding.com just released this awesome 30 day program for beginners actually). Hit the gym or do some exercises at home to start building that muscle. There are a ton of bodyweight exercises you can start with:

    Squats, Lunges, Push-Ups, Abdominal Work, Pull-Ups, Tricep Dips, etc. etc. I could go on but I believe that visuals are going to help you.

    Go to youtube and type in at home strength workout. I'm sure some good things will pop up!

    All the best,
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    To get some strength going, I'd suggest starting with bodyweight workouts. Nerdfitness is my favourite.


    Then try out either Stronglifts or Starting Strength, both of which are great beginner weight lifting programmes.
  • truly_blessed90
    First of all, congratulations on losing 50lbs! That's a true accomplishment.

    A lot of people get wrapped up into the cardio game for losing weight and avoid lifting so you're not alone. However, body composition is much more than just the # on the scale as you're starting to see.

    You should look up some beginner workouts online (bodybuilding.com just released this awesome 30 day program for beginners actually). Hit the gym or do some exercises at home to start building that muscle. There are a ton of bodyweight exercises you can start with:

    Squats, Lunges, Push-Ups, Abdominal Work, Pull-Ups, Tricep Dips, etc. etc. I could go on but I believe that visuals are going to help you.

    Go to youtube and type in at home strength workout. I'm sure some good things will pop up!

    All the best,

    Thank you :) appreciate it, I will look into all of that
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    If you belong to a gym I'd suggest going to some bodyweight/hand weight fitness classes a couple of times a week. After you get over the initial few weeks of DOMS purgatory transition to the weight room. If a gym isn't an option for you as previous posters have said Youtube is full of good workouts to get you started.
  • lizzybathory
    Last year I did Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and had amazing results. It's cheap, you barely need any equipment, and it's a really great first step into beyond-cardio land. I thought it was super nice being able to just do it at home.

    It was a really nice introduction to all kinds of really effective body weight exercises, too.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    First of all, congratulations on losing 50lbs! That's a true accomplishment.

    A lot of people get wrapped up into the cardio game for losing weight and avoid lifting so you're not alone. However, body composition is much more than just the # on the scale as you're starting to see.

    You should look up some beginner workouts online (bodybuilding.com just released this awesome 30 day program for beginners actually). Hit the gym or do some exercises at home to start building that muscle. There are a ton of bodyweight exercises you can start with:

    Squats, Lunges, Push-Ups, Abdominal Work, Pull-Ups, Tricep Dips, etc. etc. I could go on but I believe that visuals are going to help you.

    Go to youtube and type in at home strength workout. I'm sure some good things will pop up!

    All the best,

    Thank you :) appreciate it, I will look into all of that

    I'll just second what he said and add this: don't be afraid to lift heavier weights. You won't get bulky and look like a guy. You can't, you don't have the testosterone for it. Be the girl who uses the 5lbs weights (after you get used to things) to warm up, not to work out!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I have been jogging/walking for a few months now but I know cardio doesn't do much.
    I would like to change my butt and thighs, And I do have some saggy skin on my lower stomach.
    I am 24 and have had one kid so I'm not sure if the saggy skin will go away even with working out.

    Any advice on starting non cardio lifestyle?

    Sounds like what you need is both more intensity in your CV work, and adding resistance work. CV work builds your base capacity, resistance work helps with the composition aspect.

    Subject to the resources available you can make some gains just with bodyweight resistance training, and then as you start to see results you can make some more decisions around direction. Nerdfitness is mentioned upthread, equally You Are Your Own Gym/ Body By You or Convict Conditioning are credible programmes that'll take you some way before you may want to start thinking about accessories.

    AS far as the CV is concerned, if you're pootling along at slow speed, then it's inevitable that you're not doing much for either your CV fitness or your body composition. With that I'd suggest some structure to cranking up your pace and distance. That'll help with leg strength and core, in a way that's complementary to the resistance training. Essentiallyif you feel that your CV work isn't doing very much, then you're not putting enough effort in to get results.

    It's not an either/ or situation, you'll get best general results from a combination of both.
  • renee6515
    renee6515 Posts: 42 Member
    in to review later
  • truly_blessed90
    Thanks for all the suggestions and input. It's greatly appreciated.