Ladies trying to get back into it post-miscarriage

Hey everyone,

I had a miscarriage back in July and it changed my lives in more ways than I thought it could. Some days I feel good about myself, I'll have a positive outlook, and I'll have it in me to work out - Great! It's what I need. The next day, I'll have a complete opposite day because I'll be down, I'll want nothing to do with it, I put it off and don't exercise.

It's been hard to try to get into a consistent routine when some days I just don't have it in me or when I put it off for "later".

What helped you get back into it?


  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    I'm sorry about your loss. I have not been in your situation, but feel free to add me if you want a friend. If your feelings are interfering with your daily life, you should really consider seeing a counselor/therapist.
  • jess1jess1jess1
    Hi there,

    Sorry to hear that you miscarried, you might have a tough few months ahead emotionally.
    When I miscarried it was a bit different as I wasn't even sure I wanted a baby. I didn't really feel anything but relief.
    It may be different for you though so make sure that you look after yourself, talk it out with someone.
    Physically I would speak to your GP to make sure you're well enough for exercise.
    I took about two months off just to heal and to let myself relax and recuperate. Start slowly and work your way up.

    These ideas have been shared about a million times before but here are the motivation tips that work best for me-

    Pack your gym bag the night before, in fact, get everything for the new day ready the night before.
    I have all of my things laid out in a semi- order so I can get up, get dressed and pick up my bags to go.

    Get Spotify or download a bunch of music and prepare a kick *kitten* playlist. I love listening to things I generally wouldn't, maybe pop rubbish that gives me a sense of nostalgia (for example today it was Destiny's Child, Survivor album. Yesterday I went back through the life and times of Britney Spears. Make it fun!)

    Give yourself lots of time before and after your work out if you are going to the gym. You don't want to feel rushed and stressed every time. I actually feel pretty relaxed at the gym because I get there early enough to get changed and get to my class /PT in time. Afterwards if you have time you can take a nice long shower and have time to fix your hair into something other than 'messy post workout bun'. It makes a difference.

    Stay motivated through fitness communities like this one! I love coming to places like this when I am craving chocolate or when 'the voices' are trying to talk me out of going to the gym, because it is distracting and because its a reminder that everyone here is on the same path as you. Pinterest is good for idle motivation too, as well as some great eating tips.

    These are a few of the motivational tools I use every day to get my butt to the gym. I'm not a pro or at a particularly high level of fitness (yet) but am an expert at being lazy and learning how to trick myself into doing things. If you find a trick that works for you, use it. Then find another and another until you realise that exercise has become a habit.

    Go you!!!!!!
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    First, I want to say I am so very sorry for your loss. It's not been *that* long since the loss, and it's natural that you're still going to have some bad days. It's ok. It's ok to grieve. It' ok to still be upset, and feel down. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that you need to feel, BUT don't get caught up in them. Everyone needs and deserves to grieve a loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and there's no *time* limit on grieving. With that said, it's not something you want to take over your life, that's what I mean by *don't get caught up in it*. You've been doing well by getting up and out, starting to exercise and take charge of your health. This is a VERY positive thing, not only for your physical health, but mental and emotional as well.

    On days that you're feeling sad, or down, allow yourself to feel that. Realize that it's ok to be sad. You've suffered a loss, and it's ok to hurt, this was painful, and life-changing. We don't understand why things like this happen, BUT despite the horrible hurt and pain, we have to keep going. After you've acknowledged that you're feeling sad, and hurting, go for a walk. Depending upon where you live, if you're able, walk around your block (or if you need to, drive to a park, or somewhere that you're able to walk in a nice, safe, peaceful setting). Notice a few things while you're walking. Maybe look up at the trees, and notice their beauty, or hear the singing of the birds, there might be a nice breeze blowing that cools you when you need it, or it might be a nice sunny day. These are just small things to take notice of, and while you're walking, make a mental note of some things you're thankful for,

    I've never experienced a miscarriage, but I am a trauma survivor, and spent several years in therapy. That was one of the things that was suggested to me by my therapist when I was triggered- to go out for a walk if I was able (weather permitting), and to think about things around me that brought me happiness that I saw, or to think of things/people that I was thankful for. It really did make a big difference. Having coping skills has made a huge difference in my life. If you do find that you're struggling, and it's more than just a motivation situation with exercise, there's no shame in reaching out for help. Regardless, best wishes. Please keep us posted!
  • florallove92
    I'm sorry about your loss. I have not been in your situation, but feel free to add me if you want a friend. If your feelings are interfering with your daily life, you should really consider seeing a counselor/therapist.

    Thank you very much for the kind words! I was actually talking to my fiance last night about possibly talking to my doctor about seeking a therapist :) Hoping it will help!
  • florallove92
    Hi there,

    Sorry to hear that you miscarried, you might have a tough few months ahead emotionally.
    When I miscarried it was a bit different as I wasn't even sure I wanted a baby. I didn't really feel anything but relief.
    It may be different for you though so make sure that you look after yourself, talk it out with someone.
    Physically I would speak to your GP to make sure you're well enough for exercise.
    I took about two months off just to heal and to let myself relax and recuperate. Start slowly and work your way up.

    These ideas have been shared about a million times before but here are the motivation tips that work best for me-

    Pack your gym bag the night before, in fact, get everything for the new day ready the night before.
    I have all of my things laid out in a semi- order so I can get up, get dressed and pick up my bags to go.

    Get Spotify or download a bunch of music and prepare a kick *kitten* playlist. I love listening to things I generally wouldn't, maybe pop rubbish that gives me a sense of nostalgia (for example today it was Destiny's Child, Survivor album. Yesterday I went back through the life and times of Britney Spears. Make it fun!)

    Give yourself lots of time before and after your work out if you are going to the gym. You don't want to feel rushed and stressed every time. I actually feel pretty relaxed at the gym because I get there early enough to get changed and get to my class /PT in time. Afterwards if you have time you can take a nice long shower and have time to fix your hair into something other than 'messy post workout bun'. It makes a difference.

    Stay motivated through fitness communities like this one! I love coming to places like this when I am craving chocolate or when 'the voices' are trying to talk me out of going to the gym, because it is distracting and because its a reminder that everyone here is on the same path as you. Pinterest is good for idle motivation too, as well as some great eating tips.

    These are a few of the motivational tools I use every day to get my butt to the gym. I'm not a pro or at a particularly high level of fitness (yet) but am an expert at being lazy and learning how to trick myself into doing things. If you find a trick that works for you, use it. Then find another and another until you realise that exercise has become a habit.

    Go you!!!!!!

    Thank you for all of the amazing advice! We had been trying to conceive for about two years when I found out I was pregnant so it was just complete shock. It took over my life completely the first week or so, I didn't even want to leave my bed. So far, I think I have made some good progression, but not enough as I'd like, know what I mean? I never really thought of it in a fun aspect :) Making it more fun opposed to a chore will definitely help. I actually have a Pinterest board of health/fitness inspiration and tips, there are some great things on that site! And so many great eating tips as well! Right now I have some equipment at home to work out here, but my fiance and I have been discussing getting a gym membership - if I am paying for something I think it will give me the motivation to want to get up and go! I am hoping for the best :) Thank you again! It is so appreciated!

    ETA: Regardless of the circumstances at the time, I just wanted to also let you know I am sorry for your loss!
  • strassenkoenigin
    Sorry for your loss. Be aware of the fact that you may have a post partum depression. That is what happened to me. I never had been depressed before and did not understand what was happening to me. Your body and your hormones are reacting like after a full term pregnancy.
  • florallove92
    First, I want to say I am so very sorry for your loss. It's not been *that* long since the loss, and it's natural that you're still going to have some bad days. It's ok. It's ok to grieve. It' ok to still be upset, and feel down. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that you need to feel, BUT don't get caught up in them. Everyone needs and deserves to grieve a loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and there's no *time* limit on grieving. With that said, it's not something you want to take over your life, that's what I mean by *don't get caught up in it*. You've been doing well by getting up and out, starting to exercise and take charge of your health. This is a VERY positive thing, not only for your physical health, but mental and emotional as well.

    On days that you're feeling sad, or down, allow yourself to feel that. Realize that it's ok to be sad. You've suffered a loss, and it's ok to hurt, this was painful, and life-changing. We don't understand why things like this happen, BUT despite the horrible hurt and pain, we have to keep going. After you've acknowledged that you're feeling sad, and hurting, go for a walk. Depending upon where you live, if you're able, walk around your block (or if you need to, drive to a park, or somewhere that you're able to walk in a nice, safe, peaceful setting). Notice a few things while you're walking. Maybe look up at the trees, and notice their beauty, or hear the singing of the birds, there might be a nice breeze blowing that cools you when you need it, or it might be a nice sunny day. These are just small things to take notice of, and while you're walking, make a mental note of some things you're thankful for,

    I've never experienced a miscarriage, but I am a trauma survivor, and spent several years in therapy. That was one of the things that was suggested to me by my therapist when I was triggered- to go out for a walk if I was able (weather permitting), and to think about things around me that brought me happiness that I saw, or to think of things/people that I was thankful for. It really did make a big difference. Having coping skills has made a huge difference in my life. If you do find that you're struggling, and it's more than just a motivation situation with exercise, there's no shame in reaching out for help. Regardless, best wishes. Please keep us posted!

    Thank you for all of your great advice!! I was saying to someone else above this post that I was talking to my fiance about going to a therapist so I can get fully back on track and I also was mentioning that we have been talking about gym memberships as I feel this will also help me get out, keep me determined to head to the gym, and also keep me exercising!

    That's a really good idea, I have never really thought of something like that. Appreciating the little things in life always is a great thing to do. I also like the idea of basically taking it one day at a time, but at the same time, I wouldn't be because I will still be productive in the ways I'd like to be. :-)

    I'm very sorry for what you may have went through. Aside from the miscarriage, I have anxiety so I can definitely understand triggers (in general). As most people, staying completely busy always helps me. Some days I have to push to do it and it feels impossible at first, but once I'm out, it feels so much better. Like a weight has been lifted. I also find it is easier to deal with any triggers when I am out, rather than if I am sitting at home doing nothing like watching TV or being on my laptop/phone. My mind can only race so far when I have things in public also occupying it.

    I wish all of the best to you.. Thank you again!
  • florallove92
    Sorry for your loss. Be aware of the fact that you may have a post partum depression. That is what happened to me. I never had been depressed before and did not understand what was happening to me. Your body and your hormones are reacting like after a full term pregnancy.

    Thank you! I am sorry for your loss as well. I actually never even thought of postpartum depression for some reason, I'm not sure why I haven't. Thank you for mentioning that. I am going to speak with my family doctor, my ob/gyn is a great dr. but never really seemed to be too concerned with anything post miscarriage.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Sorry for your loss. Be aware of the fact that you may have a post partum depression. That is what happened to me. I never had been depressed before and did not understand what was happening to me. Your body and your hormones are reacting like after a full term pregnancy.

    I am sorry for your loss. I can relate to what you have gone through. Be patient with yourself. Your hormones are still trying to catch up with you. Breathe. Take care of yourself. Your body and soul need to heal. I remember, when I had mine at 14 weeks, my doctor told me that it would take at least 3 months to feel back to normal. I was still sad for a long time afterward and even now, 16 years later, I remember it so vividly. Hugs to you.
  • jess1jess1jess1
    No problem at all, it made my day to hear that it might be useful for you.
    I know what you mean about the slow progress. Going from not wanting to even get out of bed to planning to make a change is a really big thing though. If you keep at it and keep doing the next thing and then the next thing, before you know it you’ll have been at it for months and progressing (whether that’s mentally or emotionally). You and your partner are lucky to have each other to give support.
    It’s been really cool to notice that just by virtue doing a particular exercise, you get better at it. I just had my fourth Pilates class and I started as the most uncoordinated person in the room, today the instructor complimented my form and told the class to aim to do what I was doing!
    Working out at home is great too. You don’t have to deal with the whole getting to the gym part, which is the worst. It makes sense that working out at home is at least as good as working out in a gym. The only real difference I can see is that maybe we work harder when there are other people around rather than alone at home with nobody to see. If you have the equipment already it will probably be much easier though.
    I added you as a friend (the first person I’ve added so far!), let’s stay in touch and keep each other going!
  • spottycow
    Hi, I am so so sorry for your loss. I can't put myself in your shoes but I think I have an idea of how you might feel. I lost my baby at 4.5 months in July this year. I've found life very difficult and overwhelming since then, but last Saturday I went to a counselor. I went because my husband and my mother insisted that I needed to. I hadn't gone yet because I had never been to one and was afraid of talking about it, like it was just too huge for me to even talk about, particularly with a stranger. I'm so glad I went though, it's opened up my mind a bit, just enough to start picking myself up again and feel like I can begin to cope with life and my grief. She helped me to understand it was okay to grieve and feel sad, and to take the time that I need to for myself. I'm not better, but I feel like there's some light at the end of the tunnel, and for me counselling will help me get there.
    This week, I'm putting focus on myself. I've carved out some time to exercise, whether it's at home or going for a walk. I did half hour of an exercise dvd today, and I know it's not much but I'll keep doing that regularly and make them longer. I liked it, I focused on just exercising, and I think it cleared my head, but also made me feel like I was doing something for myself.
    I've got my mother to babysit, just so I can sit down and think about how I feel. I've spent some of that time crying, but I know that's ok, I need to do that. I don't think it's a case of moving on, it's just building your life back up again and getting there slowly.
    I don't know if any of this helps, but I hope that you find your way and you feel better soon:flowerforyou:
  • strassenkoenigin
    Sorry for your loss. Be aware of the fact that you may have a post partum depression. That is what happened to me. I never had been depressed before and did not understand what was happening to me. Your body and your hormones are reacting like after a full term pregnancy.

    Thank you! I am sorry for your loss as well. I actually never even thought of postpartum depression for some reason, I'm not sure why I haven't. Thank you for mentioning that. I am going to speak with my family doctor, my ob/gyn is a great dr. but never really seemed to be too concerned with anything post miscarriage.

    Unfortunately I have not met GPs and Gyns who are very knowledgeable about depression, so be careful. And be very careful about any medication they may prescribe, the side effects maybe worse than the original problem.

    My miscarriages were many years ago and I had several. They were due to the fact that I am Rhesus negative and nobody considered that fact. When finally the light bulb went on, I was so worn out by the many miscarriages that I did not want to try anymore.
  • florallove92
    Sorry for your loss. Be aware of the fact that you may have a post partum depression. That is what happened to me. I never had been depressed before and did not understand what was happening to me. Your body and your hormones are reacting like after a full term pregnancy.

    Thank you! I am sorry for your loss as well. I actually never even thought of postpartum depression for some reason, I'm not sure why I haven't. Thank you for mentioning that. I am going to speak with my family doctor, my ob/gyn is a great dr. but never really seemed to be too concerned with anything post miscarriage.

    Unfortunately I have not met GPs and Gyns who are very knowledgeable about depression, so be careful. And be very careful about any medication they may prescribe, the side effects maybe worse than the original problem.

    My miscarriages were many years ago and I had several. They were due to the fact that I am Rhesus negative and nobody considered that fact. When finally the light bulb went on, I was so worn out by the many miscarriages that I did not want to try anymore.

    I see my family doctor for anxiety already and he has been great, so I don't think I will have any worries, which I am thankful for!

    A long story short, blood work told us that I am O negative and since we are not sure which blood type my fiance has, the hospital was going to give me the rhogam shot but didn't. I'm still not sure why they didn't, I was sort of in shock because the same trip there is when I found out about my miscarriage, I didn't think to ask why. I completely forgot. Though, my ob said she doesn't start worrying about it until the 25 week mark. I will definitely bring it up again when I am pregnant.

    I am very sorry for your losses! What a terrible thing to go through for something that should of been caught much quicker by medical staff. Do you have any children now?

    Thank you for your info and advice!
  • florallove92
    Sorry for your loss. Be aware of the fact that you may have a post partum depression. That is what happened to me. I never had been depressed before and did not understand what was happening to me. Your body and your hormones are reacting like after a full term pregnancy.

    I am sorry for your loss. I can relate to what you have gone through. Be patient with yourself. Your hormones are still trying to catch up with you. Breathe. Take care of yourself. Your body and soul need to heal. I remember, when I had mine at 14 weeks, my doctor told me that it would take at least 3 months to feel back to normal. I was still sad for a long time afterward and even now, 16 years later, I remember it so vividly. Hugs to you.

    I am so sorry for your loss! Thank you for the kind words. I think it is something that will stick with us forever in one way or another. It has made me appreciate the small things, life can change at any moment.

    My ob also said 2-3 months. We can't put a watch on grieving, but I guess we also can't let it take over our lives.

    I think the exercising is also going to help ease and clear the mind. Or so I am hoping!
  • florallove92
    Hi, I am so so sorry for your loss. I can't put myself in your shoes but I think I have an idea of how you might feel. I lost my baby at 4.5 months in July this year. I've found life very difficult and overwhelming since then, but last Saturday I went to a counselor. I went because my husband and my mother insisted that I needed to. I hadn't gone yet because I had never been to one and was afraid of talking about it, like it was just too huge for me to even talk about, particularly with a stranger. I'm so glad I went though, it's opened up my mind a bit, just enough to start picking myself up again and feel like I can begin to cope with life and my grief. She helped me to understand it was okay to grieve and feel sad, and to take the time that I need to for myself. I'm not better, but I feel like there's some light at the end of the tunnel, and for me counselling will help me get there.
    This week, I'm putting focus on myself. I've carved out some time to exercise, whether it's at home or going for a walk. I did half hour of an exercise dvd today, and I know it's not much but I'll keep doing that regularly and make them longer. I liked it, I focused on just exercising, and I think it cleared my head, but also made me feel like I was doing something for myself.
    I've got my mother to babysit, just so I can sit down and think about how I feel. I've spent some of that time crying, but I know that's ok, I need to do that. I don't think it's a case of moving on, it's just building your life back up again and getting there slowly.
    I don't know if any of this helps, but I hope that you find your way and you feel better soon:flowerforyou:

    Wow! I am so, so sorry to hear about that. May I ask what happened? If you're not comfortable talking about it - I do understand. My condolences to you, that takes a lot of strength and courage to be able to pick yourself up from something like that and get the help you feel you need! I wish you nothing but the best. Hugs!

    Yesterday we went for a nice walk and I think we are going to go again tonight. One step at a time. I couldn't agree more when you say it's not about moving on! That is so true. I have told my fiance that it has changed me forever. We need to not only build our lives back up, but ourselves in general. With the support and the tools, I think we will be able to do it. Slowly, but surely. :flowerforyou:
  • florallove92
    No problem at all, it made my day to hear that it might be useful for you.
    I know what you mean about the slow progress. Going from not wanting to even get out of bed to planning to make a change is a really big thing though. If you keep at it and keep doing the next thing and then the next thing, before you know it you’ll have been at it for months and progressing (whether that’s mentally or emotionally). You and your partner are lucky to have each other to give support.
    It’s been really cool to notice that just by virtue doing a particular exercise, you get better at it. I just had my fourth Pilates class and I started as the most uncoordinated person in the room, today the instructor complimented my form and told the class to aim to do what I was doing!
    Working out at home is great too. You don’t have to deal with the whole getting to the gym part, which is the worst. It makes sense that working out at home is at least as good as working out in a gym. The only real difference I can see is that maybe we work harder when there are other people around rather than alone at home with nobody to see. If you have the equipment already it will probably be much easier though.
    I added you as a friend (the first person I’ve added so far!), let’s stay in touch and keep each other going!

    I always think to myself that I couldn't have asked for anyone better than him!

    It gives you that extra boost of confidence and energy too!! It lets you know, Hey!! Hard work is paying off :) I've never tried pilates before, but I've been wanting to try zumba. Even if I didn't go to an actual class (which I think would be a lot more fun than online, lol) there is tons of videos I can find for at home.

    I totally agree! It gives you the kick in the butt to not slack off when others are around, lol. Working out at home makes it too tempting to go, ah, I'll just do 10 minutes for now and come back to it later.

    Sounds good!! I don't have much on my profile in terms of my food/exercise diary, but I'm going to try to start.
  • Lbagl
    I am so sorry for your loss. I've lost 2 babies, one at 20 weeks (my first little girl angel) and one at 11 weeks. They were both hard and grief is totally a roller coaster. Hang on for the ride and try to let yourself feel, otherwise you bottle it up and it comes out in other ways.

    I love the way you are attacking the weight loss, though. Gym/diet/etc will help you feel in control while dealing with something that was so out of your control. And, just to give you hope, I now have 4 children, my first boy I got pregnant with after my first period after my 20 week loss. It was an emotional pregnancy and I was anxious, but everything worked out just fine and he's a happy, healthy 12 year old now.

  • AmeliasHotMom
    I lost my little boy Finley in January 2013 and I just wanted to reach out and say, it gets better. I talk to Finn a lot and think about him a lot, but I am no longer sad. 20 days ago I gave birth to an amazing little girl, and no I know she will have an angel brother always watching her
  • bimmerjt9
    My wife and I went through this 3 years ago. I will say it hurt and it seemed at times like life could never be the same. It took a while for us to get to the point where we could even start trying again but things get better over time. Hang in there.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    It is perfectly okay to be hurting and struggling. I had a miscarriage in Mar 2013, and then I got pregnant again right away with a girl, Penelope Rose, but she was stillborn at 38 weeks in Jan 2014. I recently had another miscarriage in July 2014. I honestly wanted to give up so many times. On life. On everything. And I am still suffering - I find it hard to sleep, can't bring myself to go back to work, and sometimes feel really down about myself and my body. Losing babies & pregnancies is one of the worst things that happens to healthy young women though no one ever seems to talk about it. But you are not alone.

    I started out with gentle walking after my 6 week pp checkup - it gave me a chance to think and reflect, and I would often cry a lot during my walks, but getting out there was better than nothing. Now I am up to running for 20 minutes straight, and the tears aren't as frequent. I want to be a healthy weight before I try again (~160lbs, so at least 45 more lbs). I am also trying to trust and love my body again, because I don't want to blame myself for my losses, and exercise definitely helps with that. So even when you're down in the dumps, I always recommend doing something to get moving.

    Hope that you are feeling okay, and above all, be kind to yourself.