binging :(

Hey everybody so I haven't bin much here in a while.. anyways this all about binging and why it happens I personally am going through it again, im usually very healthy but yes something snaps and its say food!!! I was doing very well and all no binging working out routinely like always keeping it simple would have my cheat meals correctly but yes would enjoy them very much. well I have bin going through some issues, a while back I was taking birth control this will all lead to the binging of course well I was taking birth control and it did not agree with my body first it was the pill.. bad so me and my now husband were looking in to iuds well needless to say I got it everything was good at first but then going in to the 4th month I started having horrible stabbings painful intercourse so I had to get he iud removed well the same day I got it removed I got the depo shot horrible idea from that they forward I felt sick to my stomach and yes no more working out no more nothing.... so pain everyday and that's where the lack of exercise kicked in feeling stressed and pain nd anger I turned to food my ultimate comfort..well it was practically whole homemade carrot cakes with pints after pints of ice cream coconut and pineapple ice cream my fave not much of a fan of chocolate cause one time I almost died from eating so much :/ but yes huge binge that wasen with thee pain I would eat anyways its a load of food I would injest in one sit in whole pizzas loafs of bread peanut butter yummmm pnuts whole almonds ill make a list well the pain continued and yes eating like crazy at times I hid while I would eat :( but well turned out I had cysts in my ovaries and first on the right pain horrible didi I stop binging nope I di not.. no exercise at all then after pain continued my diet was not good so ruptured cysts right ovarie pain medication after a few weeks second ruptured cyst on left ovarie my life was getting better all the the stress frustration depression was making me go crazy well more medication emergency visits.. well a while later decided to go to a natural approach getting acupuncture now seeing Chinese doctors its expensive as hell tho ;/ but it worked im better from my ovaries now no more ruptured its healed with the herbs im taking. now im waiting for my period to come back but with that ahh yes hormones have to get them balanced...that's where im bingin like crazy now well heres the list

in one sit in and during the day
gallons of ice cream
1 whole carrot cake with the ice cream
Dried fruit and nuts tons and tons
jar of peanut butter and almond butter
Bag of dorritos
Ham sandwiches cookies oatmeal and raisin
lots and lots of druit watermelon
bananas apples oranges
bowls of creal
Frosted mini wheats with peanut butter new obsession
honey bunches of oats
special k cereal
lucky charms more cake more ice cream
banana ice cream to if I cant find any ice cream
umm granola bars ohh man its a lot
soda gingerale
milks lots and lots of milk with the cereal
my own concoctions that I make that I say no more and then I do them again
ummm ill put some more later.

anyways now im havin small binges but since yes im so hormonal no period cramping like crazy
im deprived of exercise so I cant really burn much of what I eat so I have mini binges little of this little of that when sometimes I want to eat the whole damn pantry it makes me go nuts anyways anybody who knows what im going through please I really appreciate any support you can give me any advice the constant nausea feeling sick to my stmach cause of the hormonal changes in my body are driving me nuts to where I binge anybody out there I would really appreciate it thank you.


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    1st: I would address the binging with a professional. Especially since you've eaten to the point where you've said you've nearly died, that is a very huge indicator that this is something a professional should be handling.
    In the meantime, I would recommend keeping anything you know you can't control yourself around out of the house, especially after seeing the list of what you ate today.

    2nd: in regards to your birth control, I would recommend going to a new NP or gyno and finding one that works for you. I went to Planned Parenthood when I was shopping around for different birth control methods. I was on an estrogen based pill that made me feel awful, and the NP there realized I shouldn't be on it, given my heart condition. She was able to work with me to find an awesome alternative that made me feel much better, and wasn't putting me at risk with my heart problems. If a method isn't working for you, keep trying new methods until one works.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    my pharmacist switched me to the generic for my birth control, and then a generic for that generic. there was something in the inactive ingredients that made me just mad and angry about everything. my doctor put me back on the name-brand, and... the rage is gone. my coworkers no longer cautiously approach me with chocolate treats in hopes of appeasing me. ;)

    you have to figure out which brand works for you. there are so many out there, you're worth finding the one that doesn't upset you or your skin. :flowerforyou:
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I am sorry for your pain - I have not had cysts but it is in my family and a relative has been through a lot from it.

    Having said that, the eating is purely, 100% emotional. It may be triggered by the physical pain but just because you stopped binging during 'happy times', doesn't mean the problem is solved. I suggest therapy if you are not at the point of being able to control yourself. Bad times happen as part of life, and there are healthier ways to deal with them that professionals can teach you. I am a big emotional eater but I have discovered I can stop myself - and have never consumed the sheer volume of food you listed.

    I hope you find a good Dr. for your cyst/birth control issues, and a good Dr. for your eating issues. Remember, they are entirely unrelated.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Gave up trying to slog through the wall of oddly punctuated text.

    Best of luck on your journey. Aim to build your diet around nutrient dense vegetables and good proteins.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    Holy hell! I need a Ridilin after reading that! :laugh: Beside the fact that your binging is out of control, you should seek some counseling about managing your stress. It seems like it is causing you to be erratic with your eating and just from your post I can tell you are all over the place emotionally (which could have a lot to do with the hormones). You need to see someone because eating that many calories in one sitting is BAD. It is not healthy and it is no wonder you feel ill! That has nothing to do with your hormones, but everything to do with eating thousands and thousands of calories. I wish you luck in finding help and getting healthy.
  • LoveHealth7
    Please tell your doctor about the bingeing. It sounds like it could be Binge Eating Disorder, which is way more common than anorexia or bulimia. There are support groups (even one on here!) and help if you reach out.

    I struggle with this too. The best advice someone gave me actually was a few days ago. First, you need to be strong and focus on moving forward. You are going to have doubts but you can do this! You might feel like so many things are rushing through your head, just find your centre. Remember, faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

    What's hard for me is when it's time to eat. If I log everything on here, then I do ok. But I still get these cravings, these urges to eat and eat and eat. The best advice I received? It was: Me telling someone the other day that it's hard and every 10 minutes my thoughts turn to food. They said "Well if you know that's going to happen every 10 minutes, then you need to be prepared and ready every 10 minutes". So I was. Yesterday was challenging, but every 10 minutes I fought the urge, which I don't know if you smoke or not (I quit) is like a cigarette craving to me, like a craving. And as with a cigarette craving, it went away. Today was easier. Tomorrow might be hard. I have no way of knowing this, but I know if I give myself some time everyday, as much as I need to focus on whatever I need to focus on in order to move on- MFP, articles, videos, quotes, etc - I have a better chance of success that day.

    "Always remember you are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem, Smarter than you think, and Twice as beautiful as you'd ever imagined."

    "Recovery is the way forward to start living your life again and to be the person you were called to be".

    "An eating disorder is like a weed: if you cut it off at the top, given the right circumstances, it can grow back. But if you go down and clear it's roots it can be eradicated".

    "When I Recover: I will have the courage to admit that I did indeed struggle, that there was a real problem, that I fought for my life and conquered the mountain".
  • Belmont666
    Belmont666 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanx everyone I know my typing is all over the place sorry about that . I was getting therapy for a while actually and with exercise and yoga also it helped, but after all this I've just bin so stressed out I haven't gain that much weight as crazy as that sounds but before my binges were way worst, like yesterday was half a donut coconut glaze, one fig Newton bar one blueberry bar a could couple of almonds and after maybe and hour or 2 a big bowl of frosted mini wheats with a tablespoon of unsalted peanut butter oh and also couple of honey roasted peanuts since my husband can't have any salt I kinda wait till he leaves, but yes those bin mini binges when I get a chance if there's carrot cake I'll eat the whole thing but hopefully soon tI'll get my tom back in order cause what really makes me feel worst any way thank you all and all the food I put down I've ated during the week pretty much but one day carrot cake and ice cream and cereal and cookies other days cereal pizza and yes but I would die if i ate All that in one sit in but it does help that I right it all down and let people read it it does help