Best diets for Apple Shape?



  • da_bears1008
    Welcome new user with an "Apple Shape"!
  • Coolbeans_0100
    Haha, thanks for the all comments guys. Loved the pics. They are hilarious. Alrighty, I suspected I could not spot reduce but I wasn't sure if there were any specific exercises that were more helpful than not.

    Also, I decided on a low carb diet not because it's the new fad diet, although this article doesn't hurt

    but rather because I am prediabetic and I thought that this was the best plan for me.

    But thanks for all the comments!! They are much appreciated!!!!
  • charliebartlam
    charliebartlam Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Coolbeans,

    I am/was an apple shape as well, and was recently diagnosed as insulin resistence which i was told was causing the bloating/ fat gain around my stomach. Coupled with a lower(not low low) carb diet and metformin, i've found that my stomach has flattened out ALOT! and ive only lost 1kg so far.

    Are you taking anything for your pre diabetes?