New Member.. Just want to lose this baby fat!!

Hello all.. I am excited about this new adventure! I am ready for change!! :smooched:
My son is 11 months old now and I really want to lose this weight.. Any suggestions. My co-worker Dana (irongate) and I am motivating each other!!! I started this weight management on 1-25-11.. I have a Wii Fit that I plan on using EVERYDAY!! I am cutting back on fatty foods :sick: and drinking more water!! I am EXCITED about this new CHANGE!!


  • rache12581
    Hi my name is Rachel. I just started yesterday & I'm looking for new friends to help keep me motivated.
    I have a 5 month old son. Beore I got pregnant I wanted to lose 30 lbs before my wedding. The way I was successful at doing that was by keeping track of my calorie intake everyday & doing 40 minutes of cardio combined w/strength training at the gym.
    Now that I have a baby I don't have time or $ for the gym so I bought the Jillian Michael's dvd for $10 at Target. My goal is to lose 20lbs total. So far in 3 weeks I have lost 9 lbs & it's only a 20 minute dvd! I think it's perfect for busy Mommies. I have her other dvd's as well & plan to move to the next one in 2 weeks so that my body doesn't get used to the same thing & also so I don't get bored.
    I highly recomend tracking your calorie intake, this website has an excellent tool for that. Good luck to you!
  • rache12581
    Hi my name is Rachel. I just started yesterday & I'm looking for new friends to help keep me motivated.
    I have a 5 month old son. Beore I got pregnant I wanted to lose 30 lbs before my wedding. The way I was successful at doing that was by keeping track of my calorie intake everyday & doing 40 minutes of cardio combined w/strength training at the gym.
    Now that I have a baby I don't have time or $ for the gym so I bought the Jillian Michael's dvd for $10 at Target. My goal is to lose 20lbs total. So far in 3 weeks I have lost 9 lbs & it's only a 20 minute dvd! I think it's perfect for busy Mommies. I have her other dvd's as well & plan to move to the next one in 2 weeks so that my body doesn't get used to the same thing & also so I don't get bored.
    I highly recomend tracking your calorie intake, this website has an excellent tool for that. Good luck to you!
  • 20changeisgood11
    Thanks a lot Rachel!! I will def look into getting that dvd.. I agree the gym is very time consuming and costly!! I love using my wii fit and zumba on wii! Good luck with your weight loss.. I hope to loss at least 10 lbs by the end of Feb.