

  • RachelaT90
    RachelaT90 Posts: 15 Member
    wine i miss you!

    I have switched to vodka when i'm out now.

  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member
    well I mainly I think its because I think I have a problem with alcohol. the calories thing is just because I have been logging my wine on here and it shocked the crap out of me so I just don't eat.

    I hate the feeling the day after drinking and always promise myself I wont again. two days later I find myself with a glass of wine.

    this time I am going to have to be strong. its doing me more harm than good

    Have you tried looking up AA meetings in your area???
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I will go through phases where I drink about that much too (~4 bottles per week). I have found that logging all those calories really helped me... when you're cutting out meals so that you can have some drinks and stay under your calorie goal, you realize that's kind of pathetic. I agree with previous posters that not having it in the house is the most effective way to cut down. And if you live with a significant other, see if you can get them on board too - my motivation is shot if my husband brings home something to drink! We've cut out alcohol for two weeks (on day #3 now, lol) and having a partner in the effort really helps. Good luck :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I didn't give it up, but I did cut down. I generally drink once a week now, as opposed to a few glasses a night AND going all out on the weekends.
  • GhostriderMav
    GhostriderMav Posts: 308 Member
    I made a section in my diary for my drink or drinks at night. I log them all and that is included in my daily calorie intake
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I had a problem "giving up" wine while losing weight too. In fact, it was the only thing I missed.

    What I've done is stopped drinking during the week, and allow myself a glass of wine with dinner on Sunday nights, which is my long run day when I burn around 1,200 calories. Then I know I have room in my day for a big fat juicy steak and a glass or two of wine, with no guilt. :drinker:
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Started MFP 183 days ago.......have not had a drink since that time. I felt it would be easier to lose the 30 lbs. I wanted to and I would rather eat than drink. Has not been easy. During the summer on hot days, miss having a beer or two after golf. Also I was doing wine before dinner and with dinner. I must say I dont really miss it. I am not quite at my goal, but I am seriously thinking of quitting completly. Not for everyone.....good luck whatever you do.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    I have my wine and enjoy it every night...but here is what I do: I fill a very tall glass with watermelon balls and then pour my measured wine over the watermelon... let it sit for a few minutes so the wine soaks into the watermelon.... then fill the glass with diet sierra mist... absolute heaven.... have done this with other fruits (namely berries) as well, but the watermelon is by far the best...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Really need some support to give up the bottle. I binge drink a few times a week and it is becoming a problem. I use to have abs but now I have this floppy sloppy tummy.

    I thought I could have the best of both worlds but clearly I have no self control. If you were me some time ago, how did you give up alcohol?

    I eventually became convinced that I could never drink normally (I actually knew it long before I became officially convinced of it), but I just stopped drinking. At first just for Lent (years ago, not this Lent--it was just a good excuse/explanation, as dieting also can be), as I wasn't convinced it would be a lifetime thing (and I'm not assuming it has to be for you unless that's how you feel). For a while it was really tough because I was used to drinking it every night before bed, and because pretty much everything I did in the evening was something I associated with drinking--weird to surf on the internet or cook dinner or eat dinner or watch TV or socialize or talk on the phone or read or listen to music, etc., without also drinking. So I just made iced tea and didn't and learned that I could be happy in the evening without it, could unwind without it.

    I think this is the first thing to try--just see how it is not to drink for a while.

    You may find that it's really tough and you need support, and if so you might want to consider the obvious support groups (I have mixed feelings about them, but more positive than not).

    You may find that for you getting out of the habit for a while you can drink socially with no ill effects (such as the desire to do so to excess or more often coming back or binging). You may be able to go back to a glass or two with dinner a few nights a week. Or, like me, you may decide that you can't or it's not worth it to you. One experiment I've heard of is just imagine drinking one glass every night and see if that would be satisfying or pleasant. For me, I wish it was, but no way.
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member
    I think a lot of you missed what the OP said.

    She's not looking for ways to cut calories, she's looking for help, from alcohol addiction
  • dMonster01
    dMonster01 Posts: 214 Member
    I think a lot of you missed what the OP said.

    She's not looking for ways to cut calories, she's looking for help, from alcohol addiction

    Exactly! lol at the people giving advice on how to fit it into her calories.

    OP you could turn to a family member or research some support groups in your area.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    First off I'm sorry that you have a problem controlling your alcohol intake, if it is really an issue for you then please seek professional help.

    I'm reading the replies to your plight with some level of discomfort. People's attitude to alcohol is so blase and drinking too much and misusing alcohol is seen as a funny thing. It isn't. It can have serious consequences for your health and family life. I'm speaking as someone who has had two alcoholic partners.

    If there is any drug you can't possibly give up then you are addicted to it and you have an addiction. Seek help.

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    The OP has stated that she has a problem with binge drinking. Most of the responses seem to be from people who have problems with reading comprehension.

    OP, as has been suggested, you can check out 12 step programs or other recovery groups in your area for support. Speaking with a therapist might also be beneficial as you work on this.
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    I miss wine so much. I have been back counting calories for 2 weeks and have had to give up beer wine and my favorite whiskey. I tried to drink vodka soda's a few times and it tasted so nasty I think I would rather not drink at all.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I used to drink somewhere between 0.5 and 1 bottle of wine every night.

    When I started counting calories, I said no to wine on Mondays, and then only one glass Sunday, Tuesday-Thursday, and then what I wanted on Friday, Saturday. It wasn't too bad, because I was changing a lot of things to get healthier, and having to log the calories was instant negative feedback. I found that it was a lot easier to put off having some then to tell myself no, so I would procrastinate on pouring my one glass of wine. This way, I ended up finishing my glass right before bed rather than at 6pm, when I would be wanting more for the next 4-5 hours.

    Later on, I said no to drinking on weeknights at all, except 1 glass on Sunday. I was VERY strict on this which could be hard in social situations, but otherwise actually made it a bit easier, because it broke the habit.

    Now I don't feel the urge very strongly, so I have relaxed and will occasionally have 1 drink on a weeknight if I'm out with friends. There is nothing wrong with wine in moderation, in fact there are lots of health benefits. I'm not sure that I was actually out of control, but I was definitely going in the wrong direction. I'm glad that I took the steps that I did.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    To the people scolding those who have offered advice on quitting/cutting back on alcohol to cut calories:The OP asked how we quit alcohol. Maybe the calorie counting WAS how they quit alcohol. To each their own - if the high calorie content of wine is what helps someone quit it, then so be it.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Definitely consult your Dr. or maybe even try AA. If there isn't close friends or family you can go to with this concern.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Really need some support to give up the bottle. I binge drink a few times a week and it is becoming a problem. I use to have abs but now I have this floppy sloppy tummy.

    I thought I could have the best of both worlds but clearly I have no self control. If you were me some time ago, how did you give up alcohol?

    I eventually became convinced that I could never drink normally (I actually knew it long before I became officially convinced of it), but I just stopped drinking. At first just for Lent (years ago, not this Lent--it was just a good excuse/explanation, as dieting also can be), as I wasn't convinced it would be a lifetime thing (and I'm not assuming it has to be for you unless that's how you feel). For a while it was really tough because I was used to drinking it every night before bed, and because pretty much everything I did in the evening was something I associated with drinking--weird to surf on the internet or cook dinner or eat dinner or watch TV or socialize or talk on the phone or read or listen to music, etc., without also drinking. So I just made iced tea and didn't and learned that I could be happy in the evening without it, could unwind without it.

    I think this is the first thing to try--just see how it is not to drink for a while.

    You may find that it's really tough and you need support, and if so you might want to consider the obvious support groups (I have mixed feelings about them, but more positive than not).

    You may find that for you getting out of the habit for a while you can drink socially with no ill effects (such as the desire to do so to excess or more often coming back or binging). You may be able to go back to a glass or two with dinner a few nights a week. Or, like me, you may decide that you can't or it's not worth it to you. One experiment I've heard of is just imagine drinking one glass every night and see if that would be satisfying or pleasant. For me, I wish it was, but no way.

    This is a great answer.
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    my addiction was BEER...and LOTS of it! I was not in denial as far as how many calories I was consuming..I knew!! I figure, for 1 light beer (bud Light) its 110 calories a 12 can. You multiply that by about 15...and Voila!! You have a whopping 1650 calories in barley pop that went right to my *kitten* and thighs! That doesn't even account for the calories from food I would eat! I don't have to guess how I gained so much weight O.o

    I have to look at Beer like pop... would I sit down and drink 15 Pepsi's by myself??? HELL NO! Beer is the same same! Its my nemesis, my weak link... I no longer really crave it that much, and I will have one from time to time, but only a glass...not half a 30 pack!
  • 0torque0
    0torque0 Posts: 362 Member
    well I mainly I think its because I think I have a problem with alcohol. the calories thing is just because I have been logging my wine on here and it shocked the crap out of me so I just don't eat.

    I hate the feeling the day after drinking and always promise myself I wont again. two days later I find myself with a glass of wine.

    this time I am going to have to be strong. its doing me more harm than good

    Glad you are seeking advice here, sometimes you need help and there is no shame in asking. When you have a flu, you can usually handle it yourself at home, but sometimes you have to go to the hospital because you need someone to help you. It's up to you to gauge where you are. I'd recommend an accountability partner/mentor in real life who has gone through the same thing and can speak the truth into you. Some people can give it up easily and for others it is more of a struggle. It's tough for people online to hold you accountable when we don't see everything. For me personally, I made too many bad choices when i was drunk and that was enough motivation to stop.