Miserable about pregnancy weight gain...any advice?

So, I had my third baby on May 1st, 11 days overdue and weighing 9lbs 1. I started off the pregnancy at 154lbs(i'm 5'6) and was eating 1500 calories a day. I felt nauseous until 14 weeks so was just eating what I could, which ended up being a lot of carbs, but after that I was able to get back to my usual eating habits. I still exercised 4 times a week, and continued to do so until 38 weeks pregnant. I was also busy working as a teacher and looking after my then 2 and 4 year olds, so I did a lot of walking. I gradually increased my calories up to 2000 at the end of pregnancy, which put me at maintenance.

So, just over 4 months on and I dared to weigh myself today. I knew I'd gained, obviously, although I'm sad about it as I did everything right, yet I was still shocked to find I weigh 202lbs today. How the hell did that happen? I'm so miserable about it. I lost 66lbs after my 2nd child (I weighed 220lbs when she was 8 weeks old) and I honestly didn't think that had happened again. For a start, my measurements are a lot smaller.

I'd guessed I weighed a bit less, so MFP had given me 1660 calories a day to eat, so I've been aiming for that since my baby was 3 weeks old. I don't eat back exercise calories, and I go to the gym/do classes 5 times a week, and I do lots of waking too, around 2 miles most days.

So, I've decided to drop my calories a bit and cut out bread and potatoes (I don't usually eat rice or pasta). I figure cutting them out will help a bit.

Any other advice, or anyone know how this can have happened?

Here is what I looked like at 154lbs:

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And this is from just over a week ago:

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  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    P.S I meant to add that I do use a food scale so I am pretty accurate at my food diary recording.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    If your measurements are less could you maybe have more muscle now and therefore weigh more.

    BTW you don't look 202lbs
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    If your measurements are less could you maybe have more muscle now and therefore weigh more.

    BTW you don't look 202lbs

    Thank you! People always think I weigh less than I do. Can I really have gained that much muscle?
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means but if you weigh the same but your measurements are less I can only think of one thing that it can be.
  • MarilynTC
    MarilynTC Posts: 98 Member
    Can you judge by the fit of your clothing, or measurements maybe, going forward? I doubt that you could have that much more muscle unless you are strength training.

    I have read that eating more lean proteins and moderate fats aids in weight loss, especially as people reach middle-age. Do you eat much processed or prepared foods? I find that when I make a concerted effort to eat a lot of my carb calories as fruit or veggies, I tend to do better (probably because I am able to eat more produce, volume-wise, than bread/potatoes for the same calories and thus feel fuller and am less apt to over eat).

    I am finding that losing weight after the second baby is much harder than losing after the first one, but my fitness level bounced back much more quickly.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. You lost 66lbs already and you can do it again. No sense in lamenting what happened in the past. Just get back into the swing of things if you're feeling up to it and the weight will come off eventually. The slower you do it, the more likely it will stay off.

    From your picture, you look reasonable for someone who just had a baby…never mind your 3rd one. I think you look good. :)
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Can you judge by the fit of your clothing, or measurements maybe, going forward? I doubt that you could have that much more muscle unless you are strength training.

    The OP has said her measurements are less!!!

    I have read that eating more lean proteins and moderate fats aids in weight loss, especially as people reach middle-age. Do you eat much processed or prepared foods? I find that when I make a concerted effort to eat a lot of my carb calories as fruit or veggies, I tend to do better (probably because I am able to eat more produce, volume-wise, than bread/potatoes for the same calories and thus feel fuller and am less apt to over eat).

    The OP isn't middle-aged

    I am finding that losing weight after the second baby is much harder than losing after the first one, but my fitness level bounced back much more quickly.
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    I had my third child in September 2013 and losing the weight is much harder this time.

    I gained to 200 lbs with all three (from about 150-160). I lost the weight in about a year with the first two, now my third will be a year old on the 21st and I am still sitting at about 180.

    It would've been really hard to gain 50 lbs on 1500 a day while pregnant. Unless you were meticulously weighing everything with a food scale I'm guessing you were eating a lot more. I am not judging you AT ALL, it's just really easy to underestimate calories. Unless most of that was water weight, your calculations were off. And it wasn't water weight or you most likely would've lost it by now unless you have an underlying medical problem.

    Please go easy on yourself. 1600 calories a day is fine for a new mom. I think it's amazing you are counting at all (I'm still not! Love me some MFP forums though ;)). Make sure you have a good food scale and that your calculations are accurate this time.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I don't know if I have much advice here but I do want to offer my experience, if it helps. I found myself in the same shoes as you after my second child. I was totally shocked as to how much I had gained and was in a constant state of uncomfortable disbelief for the first while after birth .I literally took the batteries in and out of the scale and re-weighed myself over and over, in tears the whole time.

    I will reassure you that your body did what its designed for. Our bodies are naturally going to nurture the baby, first and foremost.

    Congratulations on your 3rd little blessing :heart:

    I'll bet if you keep doing what youre doing - being accountable, active and honest about what you're eating, your pre-baby body will start showing itself sooner than you think :smile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Can you judge by the fit of your clothing, or measurements maybe, going forward? I doubt that you could have that much more muscle unless you are strength training.

    I have read that eating more lean proteins and moderate fats aids in weight loss, especially as people reach middle-age. Do you eat much processed or prepared foods? I find that when I make a concerted effort to eat a lot of my carb calories as fruit or veggies, I tend to do better (probably because I am able to eat more produce, volume-wise, than bread/potatoes for the same calories and thus feel fuller and am less apt to over eat).

    I am finding that losing weight after the second baby is much harder than losing after the first one, but my fitness level bounced back much more quickly.

    I do strength training. I have one or two personal training sessions a week, which is mainly strength training, and in most classes I do there's a strength training bit.

    This week, for instance, I didn't do a workout Mon as I'd been to see my family for the weekend and was travelling back by train, but I did walk to collect my son from school, then back home, then we went to collect my older daughter from nursery, which is about a mile. Tues I did a gym session, and the walking. Today I did a PT session, and will walk later. Tomorrow I'm doing step. Fri I'm doing a PT session. Sat I'm doing a gym session for the biggest loser competition I'm taking part in. Sunday I'm doing Fitball, which is using the gym balls, lots of squats, lunges, abs etc. Each week is slightly different as my husband does shift work, so I fit it round that. I'm on maternity leave still.

    I don't eat a lot of processed food (my diary is open if you want to check). A typical day is eggs or porridge for breakfast, fruit as snacks, salad with tuna or ham or cottage cheese for lunch, and dinner is something like fish or chicken and veg, or jacket potato, or stir fry. My biggest treat is a skinny cappuccino from Costa (an English version of Starbucks, but with better coffee!)

    All I can think is that maybe my BMR is lower than MFP thinks it is.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You just had a baby, relax, it will come. You've got a great handle on this and you know you CAN do it, now just be patient!
    Congrats on your little one.
  • MarilynTC
    MarilynTC Posts: 98 Member
    Sorry, I thought the OP was mid to late 30s, which is close enough to middle aged, frankly.

    Even if her measurements are different, I don't think she has that much more muscle without strength training. And it is hard to say how "good" she looks for 200 lbs because the baby covers most of her body in the current picture. :flowerforyou:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    P.S lol at middle aged. I'm 36! I might not be in my 20s anymore, but I don't think 36 is middle aged!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Sorry, I thought the OP was mid to late 30s, which is close enough to middle aged, frankly.

    Even if her measurements are different, I don't think she has that much more muscle without strength training. And it is hard to say how "good" she looks for 200 lbs because the baby covers most of her body in the current picture. :flowerforyou:

    I do strength training!!
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    omg, that little face is adorable! look at that expression!!
    ...and you look good, and you will lose the extra weight. Just take it one day at a time.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Sorry, I thought the OP was mid to late 30s, which is close enough to middle aged, frankly.

    Even if her measurements are different, I don't think she has that much more muscle without strength training. And it is hard to say how "good" she looks for 200 lbs because the baby covers most of her body in the current picture. :flowerforyou:

    Women live to mid 80s now how does that make the OP middle aged and she does do strength training.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    This photo is from about 8 weeks ago. No baby covering me! I am smaller now:

    image upload no limit
  • earmuff111
    earmuff111 Posts: 36 Member
    First of all, you look great. Second, while I do not have children, I am the oldest of three and my mother (who is petite and generally has a good metabolism) said that weight loss after baby number 3 was 100x more difficult (and took significantly longer) than pregnancies 1 and 2. She also had 3 kids in less than 5 years so I'm sure her body was like, enough LOL. You look healthy and strong and you will get where you need to be soon :)
  • I just had my 3rd baby in February, and I was fluster as well. You have to accept it before you start losing it. It took me around the 4-6 month for me to lose all of my baby weight and I put on 40 lbs. during pregnancy. That's the most I ever put on during a pregnancy.The only differences I made post-pregnancy that made me start losing faster were,

    1. Eating when the stomach grumbles. I typically eat about every 2-3 hours no less that 350 calories per meal and 150 calories per snack.

    2. Be mindful. Eating what the body wants to. It was usually healthy food. It wants that apple or those carrots. It wants the whole grains. Listen to it. It will tell you what it want.

    3. I scaled back on the exercise. I still do yoga and pick up the weight when I get a few minutes, but I homeschool, I maintain a house, I do yard work, I am chasing after 3 kids and a puppy. That's plenty of exercise.

    LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. You're stressing it out doing too much and depriving it from what it wants, because you are too focused on dropping those pounds. Lighten up and you will find it's much easier to do so.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I don't know if I have much advice here but I do want to offer my experience, if it helps. I found myself in the same shoes as you after my second child. I was totally shocked as to how much I had gained and was in a constant state of uncomfortable disbelief for the first while after birth .I literally took the batteries in and out of the scale and re-weighed myself over and over, in tears the whole time.

    I will reassure you that your body did what its designed for. Our bodies are naturally going to nurture the baby, first and foremost.

    Congratulations on your 3rd little blessing :heart:

    I'll bet if you keep doing what youre doing - being accountable, active and honest about what you're eating, your pre-baby body will start showing itself sooner than you think :smile:

    Thank you! I sure hope so...
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    ". I knew I'd gained, obviously, although I'm sad about it as I did everything right, yet I was still shocked to find I weigh 202lbs today. How the hell did that happen?"

    You ate too much. So did I, all three times!

    Just looking at yesterday, maybe your exercise calorie burns are off.

    Are you using a food scale?
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    My starting before pregnacy about 155, after 235. I can tell you I did not have an 80lb baby. It took a year but I lost 90lbs. Some months I lost 12lbs and some months I only lost 5lbs. I started with walking everyday, then after about 6months running every other day. I work so I would spend sunday preparing my lunch as well as my daughters for the week and dinners. Having healthy preportioned foods was key. When we played together it would incorporate excercise for me, lunges, planks or general moving. My daughter would think I was hysterical but it would get my heart rate up.

    Be patient. Lets not forget your a Mom and the reality is 99% of the time you are busy!!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    ". I knew I'd gained, obviously, although I'm sad about it as I did everything right, yet I was still shocked to find I weigh 202lbs today. How the hell did that happen?"

    You ate too much. So did I, all three times!

    Just looking at yesterday, maybe your exercise calorie burns are off.

    Are you using a food scale?

    Yes I do use a food scale. And no, I didn't eat too much. Even if I ate over what I'd logged, I was still eating under what the pregnancy calculator suggested I eat.

    I don't eat back exercise calories anyway, so does it matter if my burns are off? However, I did used to use a HRM (until it broke) so I know that the burns from the machines are pretty accurate.

    Yesterday I did nearly an hour at the gym. I came home and did housework (which I did not log). I walked to the shops with my baby (which I also did not log). Then I walked to my son's school, about 10 mins, which is up a steep slope with lots of steps. We then walked home (another 10 mins). Then he went on his scooter and we walked to my other daughter's nursery, about 20 mins. I walked fast as my son was on his scooter. Then we walked back. So I think my burn was pretty accurate. With 3 kids, I don't often sit still for long!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    P.S lol at middle aged. I'm 36! I might not be in my 20s anymore, but I don't think 36 is middle aged!

    No Dawn, you are not middle aged at all at 36.
    For goodness sake I'm 45 and I still think I'm a wee young thing lol

    some good advice on here and no way do you look 202lbs - I would have guessed 11 1/2 stone.
    Did you have shoes/clothes all on to get weighed in by any chance?
    rocks in your pockets etc? ;)
  • decblessings
    decblessings Posts: 113 Member
    Are you breastfeeding? I won't give you the whole rundown of my dieting history, but I lost weight really easily after my second child when I was breastfeeding. I tried to maintain that lifestyle during the pregnancy of my third and when I was breastfeeding her. I thought the weight would just drop right off of me, but instead I had an AWFUL time trying to lose. Basically, I think I'd really damaged my metabolism by eating very low calories for far too long.

    I ended up increasing my calories to maintenance for quite a long time, which wasn't ACTUALLY my maintenance given my slow metabolism, so I ended up gaining weight. I lifted weights while doing that, and now I'm cutting again and finally seeing some changes.

    I don't know what it is about that third baby, but they're a game changer for sure!

    Edited to fix a spelling error.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    P.S lol at middle aged. I'm 36! I might not be in my 20s anymore, but I don't think 36 is middle aged!

    No Dawn, you are not middle aged at all at 36.
    For goodness sake I'm 45 and I still think I'm a wee young thing lol

    some good advice on here and no way do you look 202lbs - I would have guessed 11 1/2 stone.
    Did you have shoes/clothes all on to get weighed in by any chance?
    rocks in your pockets etc? ;)

    Lol Ruth I did consider free weights in my pockets for the biggest loser initial weigh in :laugh:

    I was 11 stone in my pre pregnancy photo! I think I look smaller. Maybe I have a really heavy brain!!
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    Then you need to see your doctor ASAP.

    To gain weight you are eating at a calorie surplus (i.e., "too much"). Unless there is something medically going on. I know that it is possible to have thyroid issues after pregnancy.

    I am not trying to be snarky. I am not saying you are some glutton or lazy or not working out or anything like that. But you are not 202 lbs from eating 1500 calories a day during pregnancy UNLESS THERE IS SOMETHING MEDICALLY WRONG WITH YOU.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Did they test your tyroid? It sometime get messed up by pregnancy.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Then you need to see your doctor ASAP.

    To gain weight you are eating at a calorie surplus (i.e., "too much"). Unless there is something medically going on. I know that it is possible to have thyroid issues after pregnancy.

    I am not trying to be snarky. I am not saying you are some glutton or lazy or not working out or anything like that. But you are not 202 lbs from eating 1500 calories a day during pregnancy UNLESS THERE IS SOMETHING MEDICALLY WRONG WITH YOU.

    I said I ate 1500 calories at the beginning of pregnancy then increased it gradually to 2000 by the end. I already spoke to my GP about weight gain. She told me not to worry, that it would come off, and some women do gain more in pregnancy.
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    I apologize I thought you wanted advice.

    Disregard what I said.