Beginner - Question about exercise

johaleesi Posts: 55 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been at this for 2 weeks and have lost 18 lbs so far. Now that my first 2 weeks are up, my weight loss is starting to slow down, which I know is normal and I expected would happen.

My question is, I've been sticking mainly to the elliptical machine because I find that I burn more calories on it than on the treadmill, but I'm starting to get bored of doing the same routine everyday. What other exercises would you recommend for someone who is not in good shape (although I'm definitely in better shape now than I was 2 weeks ago) and that is very heavy? preferably something that is not very high impact.

Is it better to switch it up with different exercises and machines instead of sticking to one that has yielded good results so far? Note that I don't have a gym membership, just a small gym in my apartment complex with 2 treadmills, 2 bikes and 1 Elliptical machine.


  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    Sounds like my apt complex! lol.
    And I have been starting off by walking 2 mins then running 1. Walking 2 running 1... walking 2 runnning 1 and so on. I read this in a fitness magazine. Then slowly you work you way up to more running until you do the whole time. I have always been told switching up exercises is best or your body gets "use to it" or something...I am not very scientific with these answers...just going with what I have been told.
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    Sounds like my apt complex! lol.
    And I have been starting off by walking 2 mins then running 1. Walking 2 running 1... walking 2 runnning 1 and so on. I read this in a fitness magazine. Then slowly you work you way up to more running until you do the whole time. I have always been told switching up exercises is best or your body gets "use to it" or something...I am not very scientific with these answers...just going with what I have been told.
  • Do what you're doing for four weeks then change it up. Read up on HIIT and see if that gives you any additional ideas. Don't let your workout become stale. Congrats on the 18 pounds.
  • I would split up the 3, do 5 min on each. Also u can go backward onthe elliptical that wrks other part of your body. I also do dancing in my house. It burns fat fast. But mtv on or another station.
  • Mixing it up is definitely a good idea! You may find that you won't burn as many calories on, say, the treadmill, but because it challenges your body you'll lose weight anyway. Depending on availability and weather, here's a few ideas:

    - If your apt gym has free weights, start lifting! Building muscle burns calories in the long run and will tone your body. There are tons of great resources for women who are starting out with ST, just google search or message me if you need ideas.

    - Circuit train. Depending on how busy your gym is, try 5 min intervals on all 3 cardio machines with maximum effort. So elliptical with as much incline as you can stand, then bike with high resistance, then treadmill at a fast walk or low jog. Repeat as long as possible.

    - Walk or run outdoors. Take a nice long walk outside, or mix in some jogging. "Couch to 5k" is a terrific resource if you want to start running. Of course, if it's too cold or dark, do this on the treadmill.

    - Vary your elliptical routine. Do one day at high resistance, one day high incline, etc. Don't let your body get bored with it!

    Best of luck!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Also get some workout DVD'S Zumba is nice and there are tons of others.
  • SpazyK
    SpazyK Posts: 17
    Is there a YMCA or another business in your area where you could take classes? I burn at LEAST 600 calories doing a 60 minute class of Jazzercise and it never gets boring :)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Definitely mix it up. I know how you feel in that I thought I was too out of shape to do any kidn of workout, but I was brave and am trying all kinds of things. Get some DVDs, may I suggest anything by That is all I use.

    You definitely want to start lifting weights--go heavy or go home! do 12 reps of each heavy weight, make it heavy so you can almost not finish the 12th. work one muscle group at a time, another the next day, etc.


    I've started this with a DVD by ChaLEAN Extreme, and in 2 weeks i've lost 6-1/4 inches!!!! Can't wait to see what happens in week 3.
  • johaleesi
    johaleesi Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'll mix it up with Elliptical + treadmill + aerobics. I have borrowed the Zumba DVD's from my mom so that should help.
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