new and need support

Hi all! I just signed on today and really need a great support team. Ive had a lot of trouble sticking to healthy eating and exercising. I feel very low and Im extremely hard on myself about how I feel and look due to my not sticking with exercising and healthy eating. Maybe with encouragement and those with similar feelings I can stick to it and reach my goal! Thanks to those willing to help and show support! I will do the same:smile:


  • Christine3152130
    My best suggestion is to log everything you eat and any exercise you take in this tracker. It will make you think twice before you eat anything and it will encourage you to walk, do chores, gardening etc. because you see it all adding up. Once you start to see some charts it will help to motivate you or you will be able to identify where you have a problem.

    I've only been doing this for a couple of weeks but I LOVE it.
  • kaylie81390
    Thank you!! I will definitely log all that I eat and do! I just have to find a good routine and stick to it! hopefully seeing the numbers all laid out for me will help to keep me motivated! thanks for the advice:)
  • justbornlucky
    justbornlucky Posts: 3 Member
    Yes log everything and be honest. On the days I cheat and have something I shouldn't, I log it. Seeing the numbers really helps me when I am having those cravings. Sometimes I will log something bad I havent eaten yet just to see what it does to my daily numbers, then delete it once the craving is gone. Trust me, over time, the body craves less and less. Just have to stick with it.
  • kaylie81390
    OOO I like that idea of logging even when I don't eat it just to see the difference of if I had eaten it! Honesty is policy! I have to be truthful with myself as well otherwise I will never reach my goal! they say never deprive yourself otherwise any craving will just get worse and youll tend to binge. I don't plan to deprive myself but luckily im not a big snacker. My biggest issues are soda, salty foods, not having(or giving myself) enough time to prep meals, and the fact that I sit at a desk all day with easy access to food and eating. Hopefully my energy level will increase as I make these changes to my diet and ill feel better and itll be easier and easier to stick to an exercise routine as well. Thank you!
  • Fayeworth
    Fayeworth Posts: 60 Member
    Hi there and welcome one of the best diet sites around. I have been using myfitnesspal for about 3 years and I am one of these people who loses a stone and puts about half back on and then loses some more. I find that to lose weight you need three things 1) a good support network, 2) willpower and 3) a good gym or place to exercise. If you really want to lose weight but struggle to do so then this site is for you. You have to completely 100% honest with yourself and log absolutely EVERYTHING you eat and drink, that includes tea/coffee/diet drinks and any sugar you put in. You will notice the difference much quicker if you enter every little calorie that crosses your mouth but not only that, you should weigh all foods so you're not accidentially eating more than you think you are. The next thing is to geting moving. Exercise is the key to any diet, yes losing weight is great but losing weight and being fit/healthy is even better :-) hope this helps and welcome xx
  • Christine3152130
    I've just discovered something that really helps when I'm sat at my desk, vanilla fragranced reeds. Somehow they stop the craving to eat all the time. I originally bought them to make the office smell nicer but have noticed that I'm not constantly looking for something to eat so maybe they quell cravings. I'll be interested to know if anyone else has found this to be the case.