Losing weight after eating alot, what's really happening?

Some people have posted that they didn't lose weight after doing all the right things for weeks, and then all of a sudden they screw up on their diet and they are 3 to 5 pounds lighter the next day, and they can't figure out what's going on, and they start assuming that their metabolism just got faster overnight. But maybe it's something else.

Some say weight loss is not linear, but perhaps losing fat cells is more or less. I read that when you are losing fat cells, your body has a certain body mass set point and holds on to water. Once the water becomes too saturated after you've lost even more fat, then it starts to flush it out and you now have a new body mass set point.

I don't know if that's what's going on, but I would like to know why some days you are going up and down even though your fluid intake is the same, your exercise, sodium level and calories are similar.

But if this is true, it would explain why people lose weight and go on a roll all of a sudden on the scale even though they messed up with their diet and then they end up thinking that the extra calories they consumed caused it, which was perhaps not the case.


  • deepakanabar06
    deepakanabar06 Posts: 7 Member
    Can't answer this but it happened to me too! I was following my healthy eating and was stuck on the same weight for 2 weeks and went out to eat(way over my calorie limit) and the next day i lost weight! Would love to see what responses there are
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You don't lose fat cells, they shrink but they are always there....Unless of course you have liposuction or have a limb amputated, them of course the fat cells in there are gone forever!
  • chelseamc2013
    chelseamc2013 Posts: 3 Member
    this is just a mildly-educated, this-is-what-i-read-on-the-internet guess, but I've heard of "not eating enough to lose weight" ? So maybe on the healthy diet, they were restricting calorie intake so much that the body thought it was starving and didnt want to let anything go, but when they splurged and ate enough, the body is like "okay you can go now byeeee"


    But I don't know...