How many calories do I really need?

Hello all!

I've been on my eating right and exercise kick now for about 2 months and things are going really well. I am down about 23 lbs, but still have plenty more to go. I currently weigh 288lbs. I've found that eating around 1600 calories a day is giving me that 2 lbs a week weight loss that I want.

What I am now running into is that I feel hungry, which I didn't feel at first.

I workout, with a PT, 3 times a week. I jog to the gym and back, on these days, for a total trip of about 1.5 miles. So, my total excercise time is about 50 minutes on these days.

On the off days, I go to the park and jog/walk 2.45 miles in 30 minutes.

I average about 5 to 6 days of exercise a week.

I bumped up my calories up, based on my PTs recommendations, to 2000 a day. She says that my body is in starvation mode and needs more than 1600.

What I noticed is, that with this many calories, I am putting on weight!

My PTs response is that my body is not used to it and, because of the starvation mode, is storing those extra calories. She says that, after some time, my body will adjust and start using the extra calories to build muscle and therefore increase my metabolism and I will see better results.

What are your thoughts? Should I stick to the 1600 or increase to 2000 and see where it goes? I am deathly afraid of putting on weight, I know how much effort it takes to take it off;)


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Your PT is an idiot. Starvation mode is a myth, and made up by the "Bro-science" community who eat chicken, broccoli, and rice all day long and get off to Arnold VHS tapes.

    If you were on 1600 calories, go to 1700 for 1-2 weeks and see how your weight fluctuates.

    If you feel hungry on 1700, try eating lower calorie snacks (celery, carrots, salads, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)

    If you're still losing on 1700, and you you want to try 1800, go for it. The WHOLE GOAL..... is to lose weight (1-2lbs. a week), while eating as many calories as possible. Now this will take some playing with so you get a good feel for how many calories you can take in... but remember.... to gain a TRUE LB. OF FAT.... it takes 3,500 calories.
  • psjoholm
    psjoholm Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the prompt reply and your answer does make sense. Will try out in small increments and keep an eye on the results.