4 weeks till I'm in a wedding.....

I am looking for ways to drop as many pounds as possible by October 11. I recently had my second baby girl and gained over 50lbs while pregnant. I'm ready to get back in shape and drop as much as I can by the wedding. Any tips, suggestions or recipes? I'm already drinking 72+ ounces of water a day, trying to stay around 1200 calories, having a protein shake for breakfast, no alcohol and low sodium.I also jog pushing one of my daughters 3-4 times a week about 2 miles.
Looking for positive encouragement and support. Thanks MFP friends!


  • It sounds like you're doing all the right things! Unfortunately that's not a very long timeline, so you won't be able to lose all the weight you want, obviously... but I'd say, keep on doing what you're doing.

    Maybe, for maximum impact, make a plan for how you'll eat the week before the wedding? I know that for myself, personally, bloating can make all the difference, so planning on eating a ton of vegetables and lean protein, drinking even more water than usual, and avoiding salt, extra sugar, and alcohol for a few days before a big event can really help a lot. (Sounds like you're already doing yourself favors on the alcohol & salt front!) If you have a sense for how different foods affect you personally in the short term, you can avoid things that will make you bloat or otherwise feel icky, and feel the best you possibly can for the big day.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Congratulations on your baby girl!

    I'd say do only things that are sustainable and practical, which I think you are. Just make sure you don't go too low on the calories.

    I like the protein, exercising, no alcohol and low sodium...all nice, reasonable changes that can jump start your efforts.

    I'd say set a goal for yourself between now and then of 10-12 pounds, which I think is really doable. Adjust your calories up a wee bit if you find that your loss stalls.

    Try to include lean protein, moderate fat and fresh vegetables in every meal.

    And remember, no matter what, these are healthy changes that you're making for YOU and for good and not just for this event. You'll be beautiful and supportive in the wedding even if you lost zero pounds...you were invited to be in it because you're loved just the way you are.

    Good luck!
  • Katyrosedid
    Katyrosedid Posts: 4 Member
    Don't be afraid of weights! Too many women focus on cardio alone and in reality adding strength training to your regimen can really make a huge difference. Not only is adding muscle GREAT for your overall health, but it tones you up in a way simple cardio won't, giving you better shape in your clothes. Also, adding muscle burns more calories than cardio. Don't be afraid of bulking-- seriously, no matter HOW HEAVY you go you won't "bulk" up like a body builder unless you're eating a HUGE amount of calories, which you arent. Continue to feed those muscles with good protein, but remember the good fats help your body absorb nutrients so don't cut it out completely.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    http://www.dailyhiit.com/ or www.bodyrock.com are the same people but have 2 sites.

    I use these sites as my daily workouts. They are short yet effective. If you feel the one you choose was too short, just play it through again. They have many challenges (30 day, 21 day, 5 day etc) that you can work through. They also have squat challenges you can print out and do.

    The most kick butt one I did was their real time challenge listed below. Check it out and give it a try!

    These workouts were around an hour each but really were amazing. They are great for beginner up to advanced exercisers. I noticed changes and felt great. The first few days were hard to get used to but I hung with it and it ruled!

    They also have nutrition booklets you can buy or daily food tips.

    Good luck with your health progress! How exciting!
  • Greenkiwis
    Greenkiwis Posts: 13 Member
    I have to agree, doing weights would be a really good idea for you! It helped push my weight loss ahead a bit, plus it can result in more noticeable changes in your body than just losing pounds would. Doing weights means you're building muscle, and muscle burns calories even when you're sitting down doing nothing. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn! Starting now would be a great way to get you on the path of weight loss.
  • Agree! Thanks for reminding me of that, my husband was a body builder for years and I forget about weights. I know that resting muscle burns fat so I will try to add some strength training in. Thanks!
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Congrats ! ^_^ also this is an extremely good post nine times out of ten whenever I see someone say need to lose weight in (insert very short time here) they start by doing over the top and super unhealthy things to drop weight ASAP. Glad this isn't one of those posts. Everything you've said so far seems healthy and is going in the right direction just keep up the good work ^_^.
  • Congrats ! ^_^ also this is an extremely good post nine times out of ten whenever I see someone say need to lose weight in (insert very short time here) they start by doing over the top and super unhealthy things to drop weight ASAP. Glad this isn't one of those posts. Everything you've said so far seems healthy and is going in the right direction just keep up the good work ^_^.

    I've been there done that with my first daughter and trying to drop weight crazy fast and ended up putting it all right back on. Don't get me wrong I'd love to find the fastest way to drop pounds right now for this wedding but I have come to terms with the facts that it is what it is and weight loss doesn't happen over night.

    Love everyones strong support and comments. THANK YOU!
  • http://www.dailyhiit.com/ or www.bodyrock.com are the same people but have 2 sites.

    I use these sites as my daily workouts. They are short yet effective. If you feel the one you choose was too short, just play it through again. They have many challenges (30 day, 21 day, 5 day etc) that you can work through. They also have squat challenges you can print out and do.

    The most kick butt one I did was their real time challenge listed below. Check it out and give it a try!

    These workouts were around an hour each but really were amazing. They are great for beginner up to advanced exercisers. I noticed changes and felt great. The first few days were hard to get used to but I hung with it and it ruled!

    They also have nutrition booklets you can buy or daily food tips.

    Good luck with your health progress! How exciting!

    WOW thanks! Do they charge or are the workouts free?