Finally introducing myself, hope to find motivated friends

Hello! I am closer than ever to my ultimate goal weight/fitness and I am hoping to be able to find some more like-minded folks on here. A lot of my friends/family in person do not care about their health, so I figure MFP was the place to go to for support :)! It's hard when you're surrounded by people who do not have similar goals:/. Anyways, I am going to just go ahead and throw myself on out here:
*Bettering myself in all aspects of my life constantly is very important to me
*I love to read :D from romance, thrillers, manga, mystery, fantasy... anything!
*I have an odd love for cats (I am probably going to be that old lady that dies alone with 7 cats >_>)
*80% of my meals are vegan because I do eat the occasional dairy product. (was vegan for a year, I fell off the wagon >.<)
*I am agnostic and I have recently starting meditating/learning more about Buddhism
*I like to play pretty much any game, especially old ones like FF9 :D! Also I am a retired RS player.
*I LOVE to cook, so much to the point that I don't enjoy eating out as much because I think I could make it better haha.
*I am 21 and am going to college, sadly my major is still undecided T_T

Well that's a little about me :D!

Tell me some things about you ^_^!

Feel free to shoot a friend request.


  • gdreeves71
    hi there! I'm a newbie two. From NY but living in KY. I also love cats. But I've learned I can only handle one at a time LOL.
    Love a good murder mystery and anything forensics. Also love cooking more now because of all the crap they put in fast and restaurant food now.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Welcome to the wild world of MFP. The forums are extremely
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    welcome...congrats on being so close to your goal..........please feel free to add me as a friend. A few things about myself.......last year on my 55th bday I really started getting serious about my health and fitness.........I love to read as well....romance my fav is James Patterson.....anyways, I too love to cook but have 2 teenage kids...17 yr old son and 15 yr old daughter.....who keep me busy so I don't cook as much as I would like too....but when I do.....I have been trying new recipes. I look forward to talking with you is always great from any age.....hope you have a great day :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Choboman
    Choboman Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome MissHalez! I'm new (or at least newly back after a long time relapse) also, but determined to make some better choices this time around. Sounds like you've got some great goals, and also that you're a really interesting person.
    *I'm also an avid reader, but spend more time than I should with *brain-candy* (sci-fi and fantasy) - would appreciate a recommendation for some good non-fiction books to expand my knowledge.
    *Love all animals, but especially dogs and cats (currently have one of each).
    *Am impressed that you can stay 'mostly-vegan'. I don't have nearly enough willpower for that!
    *I'm also agnostic, but think that Buddism sounds really interesting. I like talking about religion, but it's hard to find people who can discuss it objectively without becoming emotionally invested in 'winning' the talk...
    *I'm more into RTS and TBS games - will challenge you to a round of Civ when the new Beyond Earth expansion comes out next month.
    *Don''t care much for cooking, which may be why keeping my fitness goals is so challenging.
  • MissHalez0716
    MissHalez0716 Posts: 15 Member
    hi there! I'm a newbie two. From NY but living in KY. I also love cats. But I've learned I can only handle one at a time LOL.
    Love a good murder mystery and anything forensics. Also love cooking more now because of all the crap they put in fast and restaurant food now.

    Hello :)! Haha yea, I only have one cat =^_^= she is more than enough for me for now! Cooking is a lot of fun, especially when you get better at it. I am from Texas (howdy doo! lol) Have you seen the show Dexter? I figure you would based off your interest in murder mystery/forensics
  • MissHalez0716
    MissHalez0716 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to the wild world of MFP. The forums are extremely

    Thank you! Haha.
  • MissHalez0716
    MissHalez0716 Posts: 15 Member
    welcome...congrats on being so close to your goal..........please feel free to add me as a friend. A few things about myself.......last year on my 55th bday I really started getting serious about my health and fitness.........I love to read as well....romance my fav is James Patterson.....anyways, I too love to cook but have 2 teenage kids...17 yr old son and 15 yr old daughter.....who keep me busy so I don't cook as much as I would like too....but when I do.....I have been trying new recipes. I look forward to talking with you is always great from any age.....hope you have a great day :smile: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :)! It has been a very long drawn out process, but hey it's better later than never:)! I will definitely add you. That's really great, I hope that I am still working out when I get older as well. It sure does sound like you have your hands full! Cooking is so relaxing :D and new recipes are always fun to try! Support is GREAT! Thank you so much :)!
  • MissHalez0716
    MissHalez0716 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome MissHalez! I'm new (or at least newly back after a long time relapse) also, but determined to make some better choices this time around. Sounds like you've got some great goals, and also that you're a really interesting person.
    *I'm also an avid reader, but spend more time than I should with *brain-candy* (sci-fi and fantasy) - would appreciate a recommendation for some good non-fiction books to expand my knowledge.
    *Love all animals, but especially dogs and cats (currently have one of each).
    *Am impressed that you can stay 'mostly-vegan'. I don't have nearly enough willpower for that!
    *I'm also agnostic, but think that Buddism sounds really interesting. I like talking about religion, but it's hard to find people who can discuss it objectively without becoming emotionally invested in 'winning' the talk...
    *I'm more into RTS and TBS games - will challenge you to a round of Civ when the new Beyond Earth expansion comes out next month.
    *Don''t care much for cooking, which may be why keeping my fitness goals is so challenging.

    Thanks :D! Well welcome back to you! Hopefully we can both motivate each other to make the best choices possible for our own personal goals, with more support I am sure that it will fly by in no time! I will add you and message you about what all you said ^^