New mother, losing weight & quitting smoking

vickid24 Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I am new to this and going to give it my best shot at keeping up with this! I am a new mother (4 month old), trying to lose this weight that I gained before getting prego and during my pregnancy and trying to quit smoking all at the same time. I was in good shape and in good health and worked out all the time, but just gave it up. I know what I need to do, but the road ahead seems so long and the goal that I want to reach seems so far away. I just hope and pray that I can stick with it and hopefully this will be a life changing, wonderful journey!


  • I am in the same boat as you are but I have 2 children :) It is hard after you have children, we just need the extra support and motivation to move forward. We have to do this for our children and let them be a role model to us and let them be your motivation :) I'm also trying to quit smoking and we just bought the electric smokes and so far it's working :) When you smoke that then smoke a normal cig you don't like the taste and it give a horrorible taste in your mouth. I'm here to support you all the way and in hopes to inspired and pay it forward along my journey :)
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    good luck on your kids are no longer young babies, but i think i was in better shape when they were babies :laugh: i did recently quit smoking...been smoke free (mostly) since can do it...just stick with it and youll be fine
  • ashleyplus3
    ashleyplus3 Posts: 284 Member
    Hi there! Congrats on your new baby. I have a newish baby myself (she's 15 months now!). I also have a 14 and a 9 year old! :-o Anyway, I know what it's like to quit smoking (HARD) and I know what it's like to be out of shape! That's why I'm here. I used to be in shape. It seems I will work out and get in great shape and then I just get lax and quit and get all soft and mushy again! I SO want to make working out and eating right a lifestyle, rather than something I do now and then. SO, I'll be your fitnesspal friend and will try to encourage you in your quitting smoking as well. I have quit and restarted numerous times, but this last time (when I got pregnant with Zoe) I feel confident will be the time that sticks. I'm getting too old to smoke!! GROSS! ;-)

    Here is a great site I found with all kinds of encouragement for quiting,......

    Good luck!
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