day 1/forever

we all have to start out somewhere, right? today was the first day of my training program and i have never been more excited to get going. i'm really looking forward to getting into shape and happy with myself again - this time, the right way! about a year ago, i went on a weight loss program through a clinic. the diet was basically a keto diet, very very low carb, high protein, and restricted to 650-750 protein calories a day. i was constantly grouchy and hungry but i didn't want to do anything about it because i was looking so good. i lost 30 pounds in less than 3 months but after a few weeks on vacation - i eventually gained it all back!! it was SUCH a waste and such an unlivable lifestyle that i did not want to put myself through any more.

here was me last year at my "healthiest" - although achieved through very very unsafe means:

right now, at 21 years old and 5'3 i weigh 197.5 pounds with 40% body fat (yikes!) and i just overall have been feeling really really sad and unhealthy. i will say that i am so proud of myself for taking this first step towards bettering my life and securing a healthy future. here is the photo that was the "final straw" and REALLY made me decide to lose the weight:


really looking forward to sharing my progress with you all! :heart: :smile:


  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    Congrats on your decision! It may seem daunting at first, but it's worth it to have something practical and sustainable. Feel free to add me, if you like.
  • kathrynmelnick
    kathrynmelnick Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome to the family! Having a group of friends around helps. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • nzchikky
    nzchikky Posts: 304 Member
    I did the same thing but was doing the hcg diet about a year ago. Got down to my goal weight but with no exercise and was in the worst moods ever and only having 500cal a day. Gained it all back in no time at all. Im glad I am doing it the proper way now eating better and exercising. Feel free to add me, will help keep each other motivated :)
  • kerrygirl1985
    Hey, I'm taking the step too, know it's a daunting thing to start but sounds like you're in the right place to go for it :)
  • stephaniegrace14
    Thanks y'all for the warm welcome! :)
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Friend request sent to you and any others that need a new friend.
  • tinekeanne
    Hi there,

    Im new here as well... been dabbling with myfitnesspal for a few days, but today is my first day of many!

    looking to get fit and healthy!

    Good luck!!!
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    welcome....feel free to add me as well.....a new friend is always welcome....good luck and congratulations on your decision. looking forward to working with you on both our journeys..:smile::flowerforyou: