Sharp, Stabbing pain along hip

Hey guys,

Has anyone had experience with hip pain during and after running? I run 5 days a week and average about 3-4 miles a day but lately the top part of my left hip has been slowing me down when I run. Normally I run trails with a group of people but the runs we've been doing since last week were on pavement.

I'm not sure how to describe the exact location of the pain but it first started from the lower left back, slightly above the buttock but the pain has moved to the side and top of my left hip and sometimes the pain travels a bit into the groin area. It's pretty sharp, it's not achy but the side of my hip is a bit tender to the touch. I'm not really sure why my left hip has been hurting me, I bought new shoes a month ago but I wasn't getting hip pain then.

Does anyone know of any good strengthening excises or tips that could help me out? I'm going to the chiropractor to see if it needs to be readjusted or something on saturday just in case

edit: my core is decently strong, I do ab workouts every other day to keep it strengthened


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Sharp, stabbing pain = see a medical professional. It could be anything - stress fracture, bursitis, labral tear, etc. If the chiro adjustments don't help in 2-3 sessions, i'd see an M.D.
    Keep us posted...
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    I got pain like that after a fall, turned out my tailbone had gotten a pretty nasty bump. I saw an osteopath about it, it took a few weeks to get back to normal.

    Other than that, I agree with the above poster: If it doesn't go away, see a doctor.
  • bama6977
    bama6977 Posts: 71 Member
    Got it going on now!!

    Right side hip and been there for about 1 week. Deep throbing sharp pain that hurts when I walk or lay on my right side. Wakes me up at night if I roll or try to sleep on that side. Does not hurt when I climb stairs, squat or ride bike. Have been taking advil during the day and heat on it several times during the day. Laying of exercise and resting as much as possible. Have been taking hydrocodone last two nights to sleep through the night. Some improvement but ready for this to be over with. If not better by next week will see MD.

    Only thing I can think caused it was last Sunday went for Run/Walk and upped my pace on the run part with sprint at the end. No pain then but later in the day this started. On Friday before did squats, shoulder press, dead lifts and pull ups (5x5 normal progression) and easy 35 minute walk.

    OK, so I am "OLDER" at 67, but I refuse to be "OLD"!!!

    Comments to get me well??
  • isthisolivia
    isthisolivia Posts: 37 Member
    I had a similar pain last year and started really focusing on using my foam roller post-run to work around my IT band to release it and along the hip abductor. Worked amazingly well. I wouldn't lay directly on the pain but rather indirectly on the muscles connecting to the area around it (like the glutes). And go slooooooooow with it. Lots of youtube videos abound. Good luck!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    OP, do you stretch before and after a run? dynamic stretching before static stretching afterwards? what you have sounds like it could be a hip flexor/piriformis issue. there are tons of stretches you can do for that as well as foam rolling and massage

    Got it going on now!!

    Right side hip and been there for about 1 week. Deep throbing sharp pain that hurts when I walk or lay on my right side. Wakes me up at night if I roll or try to sleep on that side. Does not hurt when I climb stairs, squat or ride bike. Have been taking advil during the day and heat on it several times during the day. Laying of exercise and resting as much as possible. Have been taking hydrocodone last two nights to sleep through the night. Some improvement but ready for this to be over with. If not better by next week will see MD.

    Only thing I can think caused it was last Sunday went for Run/Walk and upped my pace on the run part with sprint at the end. No pain then but later in the day this started. On Friday before did squats, shoulder press, dead lifts and pull ups (5x5 normal progression) and easy 35 minute walk.

    OK, so I am "OLDER" at 67, but I refuse to be "OLD"!!!

    Comments to get me well??

    you should probably start a new thread :wink:
  • negrorotary
    negrorotary Posts: 4 Member
    I'm about to get a Hip Labral Tear surgery Sept 30th, I will tell you how it goes
  • bigsistruck
    bigsistruck Posts: 125 Member
    I had a similar pain last year and started really focusing on using my foam roller post-run to work around my IT band to release it and along the hip abductor. Worked amazingly well. I wouldn't lay directly on the pain but rather indirectly on the muscles connecting to the area around it (like the glutes). And go slooooooooow with it. Lots of youtube videos abound. Good luck!!

    ^This. I had that problem and it was definitely my IT band. The foam roller hurts like crazy but it works. There are also other exercises online for it. I also started doing a lot of hip stretches immediately after my run and that helped as well.