Hello! New here :)

Brittany_Nguyen Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I had a friend recommend this site, and I'm really excited to try it! I don't have a specific weight I am aiming for, I simply want to feel good about my body. I figured I would start with 15 lbs. and go from there. I was really excited about this website because I believe help and encouragement from others would help me meet my goal.


  • Hi, I'm glad to see that you are excited about this website. I myself am also excited. The new year = A New Me. Just wanted to say welcome and good luck.
  • Thanks! That's nice! Hoping for the same results. I have a HUGE problem with binge eating though. I do well for a few days, and then I just go crazy! I hope posting everything I eat will help me to realize how much food I am actually putting in my body (and stop doing that).
    I work at a hospital, and there is a health counselor that tells me I need to lose 50 lbs. I hear this every week... and I'm tired of it... I felt motivated this morning. So I guess, today is the day to create a new me!
  • I'm so glad you started!! I LOVE this site more and more :) I am so much mroe aware of what I eat and cannot believe what I used to put into my body!! Hopefully we both get the results that we want :) I'm looking forward to fitting into the stockpile of jeans in my closet (and not just 2 pair)
  • Welcome!! It's a great site that provides sooo much help. And a lot of motivation too. Great people you'll find on here :)
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome to the site :)

    Sounds like your off to a good start, joining and tracking is helping me. Keep it up.
  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    welcome ,doing exercise will help you feel better about yourself definatley .
  • Welcome to the site and good luck! You will reach your goals in no time as long as you stick with it:)
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