How many showers a day?

I hope everyone is getting at least one shower a day, but what about those who work out more than once a day? Do you shower after every workout? What about washing hair? Just wondering what is the status quo for showers a day? lol. Sometimes I want to workout in the morning and again in the evening, and then think about all the time it will take getting cleaned up, and it discourages me. Maybe that is a lazy attitude, but none the less, it is reality. What have you all got to say about this?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Showers take all of ten minutes. . . .but why would you need to work out more than once? Or are you a fitness instructor?
    CVALGAL Posts: 108 Member
    Showers take all of ten minutes. . . .but why would you need to work out more than once? Or are you a fitness instructor?

    No, I'm not a fitness instructor. Just wanted to add a little variety to my workouts. Needing a little boost to get through a plateau.
  • aSunflower
    aSunflower Posts: 73 Member
    I try to work out in the AM before my shower, but if my family and I work out again in the evening I will usually just wash my body and not the hair. Family workouts usually are not that intense.

    I have pretty short hair but it still takes longer than 10 minutes to complete the whole "get clean process." Maybe I am slow.

    How is your skin?- in winter, mines gets terrible dry and no matter the soap/ moisturizer- showering really dries it out. Sticking with cool showers helps.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I definitely shower after I work out every day, BUT I only wash my hair every other day. Before I hear a "that's so gross!" ask ANY stylist and they will tell you not to wash your hair every day. On the days that I don't wash my hair I make sure to wet it a little and let it air dry, then once it's completely dry I sprinkle a little baby powder in my hands and massage it into my hair, or use some dry shampoo just so it doesn't look dirty.

    And I can't take a 10 minute shower to save my life (if I'm washing my hair). My hair is long and really thick and takes FOREVER to wash and get all the conditioner out.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Personally, I'm rather oily so I need to wash my hair every time I workout and/or every morning.

    Currently I am doing P90X in the mornings, shower, and when I can (weather contingent) I go for a run in the afternoon, shower again.

    I tend to get very sweaty so I need it. And as one of the other posters said, it's easy enough to have a quick shower, even with washing hair (ok, drying long hair would take a while) but otherwise, I wouldn't let that stop you.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I shower before work. If I work out at lunch I shower after... takes all of 10-15 mins to shower and change back for work (I do not wash my hair there.

    Sometimes I then workout again in the evening by going for a run or gym with my husband and then yes, I shower again, full shower at home. My lunch is an hour and sometimes I feel like I didn't get in a full workout hence doing something after. Sometimes I'm just bored too so if my husband wants to go to the gym I'll go even if I already did something earlier. More enjoyable for me than sitting around on the couch watching TV... I can watch it at the gym too.

    Time constraints I think make it so people break up their activities... somtimes my husband: morning shower, works out at work - showers, plays hockey at night - showers. 3 showers for him too. No big deal.
  • Simona38
    Simona38 Posts: 66 Member
    My skin is incredibly dry and if I shower more than 1x a day my skin is cracking. If I workout more than 1x a day during the day then I'll do a sponge-bath type clean up after the 2nd workout [I do a full shower after my morning workout - sponge down after a 2nd workout]. I dont generally wash my hair after the 2nd workout either - it gets washed 1x a day in the mornings.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    I shower and wash my hair every other morning (agree with previous poster about hair washing). I take quick showers in the evening, generally after working out.

    I avoid the dryness by applying coconut oil or vegetable glycerin after the shower. I prefer it to chemical filled lotions that make me dryer in the long run.
    CVALGAL Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. I appreciate your honesty. I guess i just gotta do what i gotta do. :smile:
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I generally workout in the AM and will shower after. If I happen to have to wait on the workout in the evening I will shower twice. I wash my hair every other day.
  • worej
    worej Posts: 108
    I'm generally someone who only needs to shower every other day or so, when I'm not working out regularly. Since I've started working out every day, I just shower after my workouts, and no other time. My skin and hair get way too dry!

    Maybe like every other day, I'll really scrub myself with soap and everything. If I do it every day, I get way too dry. A good rinse after workouts is generally enough, and I use a lot of body lotion, too.

    As for my hair - it gets pretty sweaty during a workout. Without working out, my hair generally only gets washed twice a week; but ignoring it post-workout is not an option. Shampooing every day makes my hair just awful and dry and static-y and terrible. I've started just rubbing conditioner into the roots and rinsing really well most days, and saving the shampoo for once or twice a week otherwise.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    Twice a day, every day - once in the morning and once at night. I don't shampoo my hair every day, but I do condition it every time I shower. My skin is very dry so I follow with a moisturizer each time. I am somewhat of a germaphobe and I won't even sit on my furniture after work until I have showered and have clean clothes on. Weird, I know.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I get a shower after a hard workout, but if I end up doing another workout later in the day, I often take a "rinse-off" shower that involves a quick wash off, but I don't wash my hair again. It's thick and takes forever to get dry. And I only condition every other day.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I've had to completely change my "shower" routine since starting to work out. I work out in the evening after work. I just couldn't stand the thought of going to bed with dried sweat on me, so I've started showering before bed. Bonus - I get to sleep a little later in the morning. However, one day a week, I work out at lunchtime with a workout buddy. On those days, I take a quick rinse off in the showers before heading back to work.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    shower in the morning. shower after workout, but i don't normally wash my's too dry.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I work out in the evenings after work. I end up taking three showers each day because I have one in the morning before work, one after work before heading to the gym, and one after the gym. Basically I need a shower and new outfit for each event of the day :happy:
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I take a good shower in the a.m.(20-30 min. )and a quick go over after work out.(5 or 10 min.) I've got way to much hair to wash every day.( well past by butt) Work out or not.
  • Katie3784
    I do pilates in the morning, which I do not need to shower after, and I do strength and cardio in the afternoon, then take a shower. I am a stay at home mom, though, so I don't have to worry about always looking(and smelling) wonderful. I wash my hair everyday because it is naturally very oily.
  • aishleyj
    Use dry shampoo for oily hair. That way you don't have to wash your hair every time you take a shower.

    I'm having issues with the dryness of my skin when showering every day too and lookino for a way to correct that? Lotions don't work for the long term and i would like something more effective. Thanks