I need some friends to help me be on track

Hi, My name is Stefanie and I have been on and off this for years, and about 5 weeks ago, I decided it was time to get serious! I gave up my favorite cherry coke (3-44 oz/day) and started doing 2-3 44oz waters every day. I have not eaten over 1200 calories in the 5 weeks, and finally, the last 3 days have started tracking my food intake to verify. i am under 1200! I have not lost a single pound! I am so amazing flustered, I still eat, just smaller portions. I don't work out, I have MS and it is difficult. I have been at the same weight for 2 years, so dropping the soda should have some benefit, and then to eat less than 1200 calories, that should have also resulted in calorie loss! Can anyone give me any advise? I need someone to direct me! Keep me accountable! I do exercise, but don't record it, I don't want to take in more calories to even it out.

Thank you so much


  • amber11nf
    Check to see if this is maybe the calorie intake you are suppose to be having. They may want you to intake more. What they wanted me to intake was more than i though it would be.
  • shoufek2
    Thank you, it tells me 1000 - 1200 calories, and i am just discouraged and really want to loose at least a pound to have a little incentive!! lol!
  • Simonepeco
    Are you exercising? This can make a big difference!! And be patient
  • shoufek2
    I exercise about a half hour a day, T25, but don't offset my calories with it!
  • Dungan1031
    Dungan1031 Posts: 1 Member
    Keep plugging away!! It's BRUTAL to get back and even more so when you're not seeing results. Hang in there, look at some other markers as well (especially sodium). Also, make sure you are weighing in uniformly (i.e. same clothing and same time) Potentially invest in a more sensitive scale? Sometimes that makes a big difference. KEEP ON PLUGGING! EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY NOT BE SEEING WEIGHT LOSS, I'M SURE YOU ARE HEALTHIER ON THE INSIDE!!