New to here. Lets start with a hi =)

Hi everyone
Little bit about me erm... Once upon a time my heaviest weight was just shy of 22 stone. I was always a chunky child but once I hit a certain age 17-21ish my weight esculated. I was out with friends every weekend, finishing a night on the town with a huge pizza and cheesy chips just to name a few. My Health was obv not high up on my priority list. But hey I had fun. Until one day I ran for the bus and near collapsed. This was my wake up call. So I cut everything I knew was bad and started focusing on changing my behaviour. I was completely clueless at first, didn't know where to start. Bit over the years and weight coming off and going on I'm living the life style that's completely opposite to how I lived. I'd say for the past year and half I have threw everything I have and learnt along the way in to reaching my goal weight of 11 stone (got 10lb to go =) ) im finally starting my first training programme and tone up and bring my fitness to a higher level and tone along the way..hopefully.

So enuf about me =) I have no idea how to add friends here so I will be up for accepting anyone who has same goals as myself and offer some virtual support along the way.

Keep going peeps it's worth it in the end.


  • Jameade
    Jameade Posts: 14 Member
    Hi There! I'm so glad to hear that things have been going so well for you and you are so close to reaching your lifestyle goals. I actually lost about 40 pounds 2 years ago and MFP played a large part in that. Then I let the troubles of life take me over and gained it all back and now I'm returning to try and do it again and then some!