my name is...

amberharrison Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there my name is Amber. I Joined this site becauase recently i have decided to make some life changing decisions.
I have a very low self esttem and my confidence is horrible. I am 22 years old and have been fighting this battle for on and off since i was 14. at that age.. i came out to my parents as a lesbian. they took it hard and basically disowned me.. they began treating me differennt from my other siblings which i then turned to food. I couldnt deal with them anymore.. so i moved to the US to meet a girl i met off the internet. Life there wasnt very good.. and yet again food became my best friend. I gained alot of weight. As odd as it sounds, i lived in Michigan, i couldnt work as im canadian i couldnt really do anything so i had to come home. I felt that i had starved while living in the states and that became a fear of mine. so i began eating all the time.. because i could never starve again! but then.. i started doing hard drugs to lose weight. it worked.. at age 17 i was 72 lbs. then struggled with coming off of drugs. in turn turned to food yet again. and developed anxiety about being hungry again. so.. i began eating alot again.. high calorie stuff thats not good for you.. carbs galore!! august 14,2010 i lost my girlfriend of 3 years. which depressed me and i began NOT EATING.. but not losing much weight either as i was just laying in bed all day... swallowed by my own self pity. but here i am... now january 2011 i am a strong girl.. with strong goals. i need to get some confidence and love my physical body now.. the last 3 months i have been working on my spiritual self.. i just wanna be healthy... in mind body and spirit!! can you guess where my next goals are leading?
thank you for taking the time to read this .. and i hope that you will be there for me as id be there for you :) all of you :)


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll find lots of support and motivation here. Good luck with shedding the lbs :flowerforyou:
  • I am so sorry about everything you've been through. This is a positive place!! Best of luck with everything. :)
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    oh i am so sorry for your loss. :flowerforyou: i cant relate to the first part, but starving myself and getting down to a ridiculous amount of weight, i was 98 pounds, this site is so great. the people are even better. i have talked to some encouraging people, and when i need to be talked down to stop eating a dozen peanut butter cookies, theres always somebody here. i am so glad to hear you are doing better. fee free to add me, and we will encourage each other. here you are amongst friends.
  • foxter
    foxter Posts: 1
    good for you girl... hope you are doing well :)
  • SarahCMcLean
    SarahCMcLean Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Amber,
    I havn't posted anything to this site yet, but your post inspired me to respond. I'm new to this site too and while I've only lost a couple of pounds it has really helped me. This site is great because there is no judgement, I associate so much of my food obsession with feeling judged starting with my parents, now with my husband and myself I'm learning that overeating has nothing to do with hunger. I really liked what you said about being healthy in your mind as well as your body, those are my goals too. Best of luck, Sarah
  • judy02
    judy02 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello my name is Judith, i just turned 21yrs and decided to make some changes. When i got my android i started searching for apps on my phone and i found it to be very helpful..Now I'm more self conscious of what I'm eat and the amount of portions as well.
  • thank you so much, everyone here seems so amazing im am soo stoked!!!
  • <333 thank
  • Hello, my name is Dana and like many of you, I have been on diet after diet. Been sick and lost weight, got better and gained it all back. I am only a few pounds from my heaviest weight ever and I just dont' want to revisit that again. I am in this challenge with my sister, daughter and sister-friend. We each have a goal of 20 pounds or more and hopefully this site and everyone on it will inspire us to get healthy. We've all decided it's not about wearing size 6 clothes, probably never going to happen but if we can drop some weight, be healthier, have more energy then our lives would be happier and we'd be happy with ourselves. We've all done weight watchers so we know what we should be eating. we started yesterday by taking pictures of ourselves in bra and shorts (YIKES) hoping to the almighty that no one ever sees them! We're looking forward to your help in helping us reach our goals. We all have a differnt lifestyle so it should be interesting. so it goes and as they say, see ya later - lighter!
  • hparke
    hparke Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Amber, welcome to the's been very helpful for me so far...6 days to date. Especially I'm more self aware now of what I'm eating...still struggling to get the exercise in but you'll find lots of support and motivation here. Sorry to hear about all that you've been through but you've taken steps in the right direction and I wish you well. :smile:
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Hi Amber, Wow, just 22 and you have been through so much! I am really proud of you for pulling yourself out of it:smile: You have come to the right place, This is an incredibly supportive group! We will be here for you. Hugs, Pam
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