What scale to believe?

I weighed myself this morning on the WII Fit and it says i gained .8kg, so im around 244.. I weighted myself Saturday at the gym and I was 241.6

What scale should I believe? If I go off of the WII I lost back in July and am now gaining steadily... :( It's getting kinda frustrating!


  • mgorodetzer
    I know how you feel, my scale at home says I'm 198 but the scale at the gym says I'm 196.
    I would probably believe the Gym scale over the WiiFit. Scale. I've always found WiiFit balancebaord to be iffy.
  • Uselessly_Irrelevant
    Just be consistent with the scale you use. The scale in my doctors office is different than mine, which is different than the gyms, which is different than my friends. I don't care *too* much what my weight is, only that it's going down on my scale. So just pick a scale and use that one to compare your weigh ins :) And be consistent with when you measure too - you will generally weigh more at night than in the morning, and probably weigh more around your time of the month. Keep all that in mind and don't be too discouraged by the number of the scale, there will be ups and downs but the overall trend should be downward.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    It doesn't matter which one you "believe", just weigh yourself on one scale. Unless you have some reason to believe that one of the scales isn't consistent, then if you lose weight, it will be reflected on the scale no matter what your "true" weight might be.

    My scale shows me as weighing at 154. My mother's scales shows me weighing 4 lbs heavier. The isolated numbers don't matter, it's only the downward or upward trend over time that matters. Go by the trends not the random numbers of random scales.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Same scale, place and circumstance (i.e. naked).
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Believe whichever one you like.

    But with the exception of the doctor's office, just use one scale. I weigh daily, upon awakening, wearing exactly the same thing every day.